Let's go Brandon!
What's retarded is the bill of mindfuck goods the ruling industrial class has been able to get the masses to swallow.
Yeah, they put a gun to my head to buy all this stuff.
What's retarded is the bill of mindfuck goods the ruling industrial class has been able to get the masses to swallow.
If all wealth were stripped from the top 1% and distributed into equal slices of pie for everybody, there would simply be a new top 1%. Would lefties still hate the new top 1%? How many times would the newest top 1% have to be stripped of their wealth and their wealth distributed into equal pie slices for all before you would not resent the top 1%?
Yeah, they put a gun to my head to buy all this stuff.
Socialists believe that if you take the incentive to produce, that will have no effect on production, or not enough effect the economy overall. It's really retarded to think that.
Does the Supreme Court agree, old man?
If all wealth were stripped from the top 1% and distributed into equal slices of pie for everybody, there would simply be a new top 1%. Would lefties still hate the new top 1%? How many times would the newest top 1% have to be stripped of their wealth and their wealth distributed into equal pie slices for all before you would not resent the top 1%?
Isn't it true that right now the three wealthiest people in America all support DEMOCRATS?
Why don't they just sell all they own and give the government all their money?
First off, your premise is based on a lie. No one has spoken of stripping the 1% of their wealth unlike people like yourself that would gladly strip the bottom 80% of their wealth to give to the 1%. Nor has anyone declared that wealth is to be "evenly distributed".
Your next error revolves around the lack of knowledge as to the ideology of the Founding Fathers. It was they who wrote the liberal concept of the country opposing monopolies, corporations, inherited wealth, etc. Profit sharing was their idea, not hourly wages.
Knowing that, why would you oppose the ideology of the Founders, and also that of Christ, and virtually every other religious leader in the history of mankind save for the current crop of greedy bastards?
then we would start over again.
Life doesn't occur at warp speed.
It takes a while for the greed seed to sprout.
I'd like an order of lobsters while the seed is still in the ground.
what's the capitalist incentive to create more production? Fear mongering.
Presenting a recreational and hypothetical situation is far from being a lie. Do you understand the definition of "lie"?
Presenting a recreational and hypothetical situation is not an error. The only error we see here is how you were unable to respond to a hypothetical and recreational opening post.
I cannot seem to connect this to the opening post, sorry. What is stopping you from responding appropriately to the opening post?
That wasn't the link the racist used in her desperate deflection attempt, Mature Masturbator.
It doesn't say the practice is illegal, does it?
Before flapping your fat little wings, try reading the artiv]cle:
"Despite laws banning foreign money in American elections [1], loopholes in our campaign finance system have left our electoral process vulnerable to spending by foreign governments, corporations and foreign nationals. Foreign entities can and have spent unchecked and undisclosed money to influence U.S. elections. One of the largest vulnerabilities was created by the Supreme Court’s 2010 Citizens United decision [2], which gave corporations the same rights as people to spend unlimited amounts of money on elections."
Notice how many lefties here refuse to answer the opening post? There is a conflict in my opening post that they cannot reconcile.
Ha, so you admit it.
If all wealth were stripped from the top 1% and distributed into equal slices of pie for everybody, there would simply be a new top 1%. Would lefties still hate the new top 1%? How many times would the newest top 1% have to be stripped of their wealth and their wealth distributed into equal pie slices for all before you would not resent the top 1%?
The stupid threads you find on these pages. This is in effect what this guy is promoting , a tax System that makes it all but impossible to gain the American dream, the promise of the possibility to get ahead. 45 years of the massive new wealth in this country going to no one, other then pennies, to the top few. That is simply a fact and that is what these people want for this country. If you take the incentive to get ahead out of capitalism , it will die and in this country it will take my country with it. They want it all and there willing to sell out this country to achieve that.If all wealth were stripped from the top 1% and distributed into equal slices of pie for everybody, there would simply be a new top 1%. Would lefties still hate the new top 1%? How many times would the newest top 1% have to be stripped of their wealth and their wealth distributed into equal pie slices for all before you would not resent the top 1%?
This is what the hate party supports, Amazon the first trillion dollar company pays no taxes. Scum bag their leader pays no taxes.If all wealth were stripped from the top 1% and distributed into equal slices of pie for everybody, there would simply be a new top 1%. Would lefties still hate the new top 1%? How many times would the newest top 1% have to be stripped of their wealth and their wealth distributed into equal pie slices for all before you would not resent the top 1%?