The evil 1%ers

How many times would the newest top 1% have to be stripped of their wealth and their wealth distributed into equal pie slices for all before you would not resent the top 1%?

The haters want it redistributed to where there is no top 1% and everyone gets the same thing. The problem is, in 10 years, the same haters would be whining again because they think it's the amount someone has not the desires, goals, and drive people have that others don't that makes the difference.
Vincent van Gogh paintings sell in the $80M range. If the family released all his works they hold to the market, you could afford to have one to hang in your bathroom because he repainted the same paintings so many times experimenting with the colors and such. The market cannot absorb a massive quantity of a single stock over a short period of time like that ergo last trade price X #of shares held=true wealth just isn't realistic when it comes to these billionaires, and as you yourself pointed out, losing the people who hold them at the helm could very well damage the values further. A lot of these tech stocks like facebook are extraordinarily vulnerable long term simply over the privacy issue.
I really have no idea where your trying to take this.
I really have no idea where your trying to take this.

Truth doesn't have to be taken anywhere. JC Penny's and Sears are foundering. Lowe's is drawing down. Toyr R Us is a goner. These have all been big names. The "wealth" lost by their troubles have largely been illusionary just as their gains were illusions. Their current stock prices at any given time reflect the last share sold, not the wealth of the corporation in any meaningful sense.
You should turn off Fox type news. that is not true. You can apologize anytime.

You shouldn't accept Politifact's opinions as your own. What she said: "You should certainly be aided by all the constitution writing that has gone on since the end of World War II. I would not look to the U.S. Constitution if I were drafting a constitution in the year 2012. I might look at the constitution of South Africa."
Truth doesn't have to be taken anywhere. JC Penny's and Sears are foundering. Lowe's is drawing down. Toyr R Us is a goner. These have all been big names. The "wealth" lost by their troubles have largely been illusionary just as their gains were illusions. Their current stock prices at any given time reflect the last share sold, not the wealth of the corporation in any meaningful sense.
The company is worth any amount that the investor will buy the stock at. That's it's worth and it changes at the same rate as the demand for the stock increases it's value or vice versa. I think you may be gliding to deep into the universe, it might be better to look at things from a earth level. Instead of a cosmic level.
The company is worth any amount that the investor will buy the stock at. That's it's worth and it changes at the same rate as the demand for the stock increases it's value or vice versa. I think you may be gliding to deep into the universe, it might be better to look at things from a earth level. Instead of a cosmic level.

You seem to ignore what the investor who bought the last share of stock at might not be the price they are willing to buy the next share at, which is why Musk can "lose billions" because of a smart-ass comment to a reporter without ever actually losing a single thing---part of the smoke of the illusion. What I am willing to sell you my stock for and what you are willing to buy it for has nothing to do with what someone would be willing to pay Musk for his, but that seems to be ignored in the world of the "rich are getting richer".