fully immersed in faith..
We actually know quite a bit about the staircase. We don't know which staircase exactly but we have a pretty solid idea.
Why? Because we understand the chemistry really well.
Let's take the question of chirality (again): we know that most biologically active chemicals that have stereoisomers prefer ONE enantiomer over the other. Why is that? It's a genuine mystery. But it makes very good sense when you realize that many of these compounds preferentially adsorb onto phyllosilicates (clay minerals) naturally biasing the selection of one enantiomer over another. That's a HUGE indicator for how life may have started. It indicates a role of the "non-living" inorganic world and what ultimately becomes biochemicals.
I think the difficulty is NOT one of "where to even start" but rather finding the exact conditions that spontaneously create life. That's a bit tougher, but certainly not in the realm of the impossible to even imagine.
In other words: we know quite a bit about the staircase, we know quite a bit about every single stair. We just may not have found that EXACT staircase yet. But we haven't really been looking that long or with that huge of an effort.
I'm sorry......but the fact you understand bricks and mortar does not bring you closer to knowing that staircases build themselves.....