The evolution of complex life

Very interesting insight into a prick's mind. Thanks!

You're welcome.

If you understand the reasoning, then you'll understand why you either won't be a manager/team leader or are an incompetent one.

Are you an example of the Peter Principle, Perry PhD? Do your coworkers and subordinates label you "The Perry Principle"? LOL
Part I: The disagreement.

Part II: The inevitable diagnosis.

Part III: Insults feigning "care".

This is how it's done, folks.
Thanks for more evidence of your true personality, Perry PhD.

While your anger at and jealousy of me has been well documented, your eagerness to both impress and mansplain to Ms BP is a new wrinkle.
Thanks for more evidence of your true personality, Perry PhD.

Why thanks! I like it when my insights are validated. I saw your schtick for what it was and you just handed me a great example to confirm it!

While your anger at and jealousy of me has been well documented, your eagerness to both impress and mansplain to Ms BP is a new wrinkle.

Why would I be "jealous" of someone I don't respect and think is a prick?

You are definitely a basket full of interesting psychology for a REAL psychologist.
You're welcome.

If you understand the reasoning, then you'll understand why you either won't be a manager/team leader or are an incompetent one.

Are you an example of the Peter Principle, Perry PhD? Do your coworkers and subordinates label you "The Perry Principle"? LOL

Oh my! Pop Psychology "Peter Principle"!

Maybe one day you'll role out a diagnosis that looks like it was done by someone who actually has seen a copy of the DSM (I can't believe you haven't even googled it to see what the DSM is yet so you can improve your "Diagnosis" Schtick! Guess you really ARE lazy as fuck!)
Why thanks! I like it when my insights are validated. I saw your schtick for what it was and you just handed me a great example to confirm it!

Why would I be "jealous" of someone I don't respect and think is a prick?

You are definitely a basket full of interesting psychology for a REAL psychologist.
Oh my! Pop Psychology "Peter Principle"!

Maybe one day you'll role out a diagnosis that looks like it was done by someone who actually has seen a copy of the DSM (I can't believe you haven't even googled it to see what the DSM is yet so you can improve your "Diagnosis" Schtick! Guess you really ARE lazy as fuck!)
Translation: I hate you, Dutch.

I can see that, Perry PhD. Those nerves I've touched in you are clearly very raw and sensitive. I'll wait until you brag more to others about your accomplishments as a means to better understand why those nerves are so raw.

True, it's not an exact science like knowing the boiling point of water under various pressures and salinities, but the information can be enlightening.
Translation: I hate you, Dutch.

Well, I don't like you, but I've been quite clear about that.

I can see that, Perry PhD. Those nerves I've touched in you are clearly very raw and sensitive.

LOL. You WISH. Honestly I don't know why you think you are SO IMPORTANT that you impact anyone else. Sorry but losers don't really have that much impact.

True, it's not an exact science like knowing the boiling point of water under various pressures and salinities, but the information can be enlightening.

You wouldn't know. You don't even know what a "null hypothesis" is. You are woefully lacking in all the sciences it seems.
Translation: I hate you, Dutch.

I can see that, Perry PhD. Those nerves I've touched in you are clearly very raw and sensitive. I'll wait until you brag more to others about your accomplishments as a means to better understand why those nerves are so raw.

True, it's not an exact science like knowing the boiling point of water under various pressures and salinities, but the information can be enlightening.

Would you be willing to actually discuss the TOPIC OF THE THREAD instead of always focusing on me?

I am genuinely curious what you think was the origin of life. I bet it's interesting.
Well, I don't like you, but I've been quite clear about that.
People vary. Normally, if one person dislikes another, they simply ignore them. If they hate another, then emotion overrides reason, and they pursue the object of their hate with a you do. LOL

No worries, Perry Phd. You're not alone. Lots of haters on JPP; all angry at the world and seeking to spread their pain.

Normal people are nice, but Abbie Normals are the most interesting for me. I've already posted about this to you so I won't bore you again, Perry.
LOL. You WISH. Honestly I don't know why you think you are SO IMPORTANT that you impact anyone else. Sorry but losers don't really have that much impact.

You wouldn't know. You don't even know what a "null hypothesis" is. You are woefully lacking in all the sciences it seems.
I've impacted you, Perry PhD. What more do you want me to do? LOL

Why don't you 'splain it to me in your own words, Lucy? Use small words so I can understand. TIA :thup:
Would you be willing to actually discuss the TOPIC OF THE THREAD instead of always focusing on me?

I am genuinely curious what you think was the origin of life. I bet it's interesting.

You repeatedly insult me, all off-topic, and now you want to go on topic? Why the sudden change, Perry PhD?

Unknown. Obviously the conditions for life had to be right and very rare since we've found no evidence of life elsewhere in the Universe. Of course, we live in the galactic equivalent of Buttfuck, Mississippi. Most stars toward the center of our galaxy are much older. Any life there would, undoubtedly, be much more advanced than ours. Faraday's Paradox applies. One theory is that most civilizations kill themselves off as the Human Race appears to be working upon.
People vary. Normally, if one person dislikes another, they simply ignore them. If they hate another, then emotion overrides reason, and they pursue the object of their hate with a you do. LOL

No worries, Perry Phd. You're not alone. Lots of haters on JPP; all angry at the world and seeking to spread their pain.

Normal people are nice, but Abbie Normals are the most interesting for me. I've already posted about this to you so I won't bore you again, Perry.I've impacted you, Perry PhD. What more do you want me to do? LOL

Why don't you 'splain it to me in your own words, Lucy? Use small words so I can understand. TIA :thup:

Hmmm, I note how much effort you put into changing fonts and adding emphasis. You really have put a lot of effort into these posts.
You repeatedly insult me, all off-topic, and now you want to go on topic? Why the sudden change, Perry PhD?

Unknown. Obviously the conditions for life had to be right and very rare since we've found no evidence of life elsewhere in the Universe. Of course, we live in the galactic equivalent of Buttfuck, Mississippi. Most stars toward the center of our galaxy are much older. Any life there would, undoubtedly, be much more advanced than ours. Faraday's Paradox applies. One theory is that most civilizations kill themselves off as the Human Race appears to be working upon.

I am of the opinion that nothing about life is particularly unique of even chemically strange. The fact we haven't found life yet off earth is both a function of how long we've been looking (a very short time, indeed) and what w are looking for.

Life is easy enough to imagine from simple starting materials. Even cell walls are little more than double layer micelles and micelles form naturally in the sink when you put dish washing fluid in the water (albeit single wall, but the analogue is not a lot more complex).

Most of the chemicals that make up "life" exist in nature without the need for life. Even the chirality of biochemicals lines up nicely with inorganic phases. Some studies have found that only certain enantiomers will adsorb to the surface of a clay mineral or a carbonate mineral.

Life is out there. We may not find it, but it hardly rises to the level of needing to be rare in any sense.
I am of the opinion that nothing about life is particularly unique of even chemically strange. The fact we haven't found life yet off earth is both a function of how long we've been looking (a very short time, indeed) and what w are looking for.

Life is easy enough to imagine from simple starting materials. Even cell walls are little more than double layer micelles and micelles form naturally in the sink when you put dish washing fluid in the water (albeit single wall, but the analogue is not a lot more complex).

Most of the chemicals that make up "life" exist in nature without the need for life. Even the chirality of biochemicals lines up nicely with inorganic phases. Some studies have found that only certain enantiomers will adsorb to the surface of a clay mineral or a carbonate mineral.

Life is out there. We may not find it, but it hardly rises to the level of needing to be rare in any sense.

The idea of the miracle of life is a Christian myth.
American evangelicalism seems to labor under the impression that science and religion are incompatible, perhaps even enemies.

Nothing could be further from the truth. The fathers of cosmology and genetics arguably are a Catholic priest and and Augustinian monk, respectively.

Religion and science are just asking different questions.

How would you know, you aren't religious