the executive order Bush signed last week is getting some attention

too many facts you cant handle in them?

Truth does have a liberal bias.

Well, they don't talk about you hero Bill Clinton and as Cypress said I would know if I read anything mainstream hence the Chronicle and Times not being mainstream.

I used to think the truth was the truth. I didn't realize it had a liberal bias. Interesting, learn something knew everyday.
too many facts you cant handle in them?

Truth does have a liberal bias.

Just curious, if there are too many "truths" in Chronicle and Times that I can't handle them why do I choose to read them? It's not a class assignment and no one puts a gun to head to do so.
Well, they don't talk about you hero Bill Clinton and as Cypress said I would know if I read anything mainstream hence the Chronicle and Times not being mainstream.

I used to think the truth was the truth. I didn't realize it had a liberal bias. Interesting, learn something knew everyday.

Actually, I apologize cawacko. I was wrong.

Bush was ranked fourth worst, not second worst.

He was ranked just ahead of Kim Jong Il of North Korea, the leader of Hezbollah, and that Iranian President. Chavez of Venezuela was ranked ahead of bush.
" Originally Posted by Desh View Post
Clinton was loved world wide Bush is hated world wide."

Dream on Desh, dream on...

I vote this the most ridiculous post of the day.

Its common knowledge, as demonstrated through multiple links and polls, that Bush is loathed, and Clinton was widely popular worldwide.

You'd have to rely soley on NewsMax, for information to not know this.
Well, they don't talk about you hero Bill Clinton and as Cypress said I would know if I read anything mainstream hence the Chronicle and Times not being mainstream.

I used to think the truth was the truth. I didn't realize it had a liberal bias. Interesting, learn something knew everyday.

Well the truth has not been pro Bush.
And anything not pro Bush is liberal :)
I wonder if the 20% Bush supporters will try and claim minority status ?
Maybe the ACLU will file suit for them ?

Several years ago I was in the 20% group, but it turned out I was right and 80% were wrong.
I was once a Bush supporter. I voted for him in 2000, and didn't start to see his ultra idiocy until '04.

I was once a Bush supporter. I voted for him in 2000, and didn't start to see his ultra idiocy until '04.

Come back home beefy..where ya belong..the coolaid taste mighty good..but both parties are one and the same...wake up whimpy!