the executive order Bush signed last week is getting some attention

Signed Cypress...a Proud card carrying communist and radial supporter!

Hey hey hey vote for Cippie next election...or not!

Yeah, Yeah: ACLU is communist, Democrats are communist, and YOUR president made a brilliant decision invading and occupying Iraq.

Have another beer Gramps! Or, is that reefer you're smoking?

:clink: :lolup:
Its not just us liberals anymore.

It is now many in this country who care about what this country is supposed to be.

This admin is without any doubt a threat to Democracy and the entire intended government of the United States.

When will we band together to end this?

Yeah, Yeah: ACLU is communist,Code Pink are communist, and YOUR president made a brilliant decision invading and occupying Iraq.
I will have another 12 beers Gramps! never mind, it's reefer that I am smoking?

:clink: :lolup:
and he sucks lollipops regularly too!

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Its not just us liberals anymore.

It is now many in this country who care about what this country is supposed to be.

This admin is without any doubt a threat to Democracy and the entire intended government of the United States.

When will we band together to end this?

Impeachment just makes us look so weak on the world stage, desh. I thought Clinton's impeachment was complete and utter partisan tripe, and I don't see anything that qualifies as high crimes and misdemeanors. Trying an impeachment on anything less would seem political and would probably have fallout domestically and internationally.

But I agree, it will be a much better day when we don't have to wake up knowing that GWB is our President.
Do what you do best....

Not apparent, "transparant." it had no body or guts, or value. it was just a bunch of words put together, much like you have a habit of doing.

Go take a pee out back with your registered sex offender buddy...You are so boring and sick!
Then you sir are blind

I'm just saying that the argument that he lied to lead us into war probably wouldn't be strong enough. I agree that he did, but whether it will be construed as an impeachable offense is a different matter. I do wish there was something tangible though so that something could be done.
I just heard Bruce Fein, constitutional lawyer and former Reagan deputy attorney general say that this should end in impeachment.
He was on hardball and said that Bush will fight telling us the truth in the attorney scandal and should end with the impeachment of this government.
Impeachment just makes us look so weak on the world stage, desh. I thought Clinton's impeachment was complete and utter partisan tripe, and I don't see anything that qualifies as high crimes and misdemeanors. Trying an impeachment on anything less would seem political and would probably have fallout domestically and internationally.

But I agree, it will be a much better day when we don't have to wake up knowing that GWB is our President.

hey warren!
normally, i would agree but i actually believe that impeachment of this president, would make us ''look'' and ''be'' stronger as a Country!
It is not a dream it is fact.

The fast majority of countries in this world have a negative opinion of Bush and they loved Clinton.

It is you who are mired in a fantasy
It is not a dream it is fact.

The fast majority of countries in this world have a negative opinion of Bush and they loved Clinton.

It is you who are mired in a fantasy

I disagree. During Clinton's administration the 'world' did not love us, including the EU.
hey warren!
normally, i would agree but i actually believe that impeachment of this president, would make us ''look'' and ''be'' stronger as a Country!

Hey Care!

Yeah I see the point there too. The fact that we hold our leaders to a higher level of accountability would make a good impression. I just don't think that the Congress has the political will to do it.
Hey Care!

Yeah I see the point there too. The fact that we hold our leaders to a higher level of accountability would make a good impression. I just don't think that the Congress has the political will to do it.

Nor the facts.
Hey Care!

Yeah I see the point there too. The fact that we hold our leaders to a higher level of accountability would make a good impression. I just don't think that the Congress has the political will to do it.

There's more support around the country now for Bush's impeachement, than there every was for Clintons.

However, your right that the votes aren't there right now. Unless a smoking gun falls out of these investigations, he'll probably never be impeached.
I believe that can be refered to as 'drinking the kool-aid'.

Clinton is one of the most popular and respected people in the world cawacko. You know that. He could get elected Secretary General of the UN tommorow if he wanted to. And the vote in the UN would probably be close to unanimous.

does that mean clinton is universally admired? No. But, its also a fact that Bush is one of the most hated men on the planet.