the executive order Bush signed last week is getting some attention

How was the new deal unconstitutional?

Honestly, some of it WAS unconstitutional,

Like Darla, I am tired of doing the New Deal constitutionality dance. We all know the steps. Let's save it. You concede in the very next sentence that parts of it are unconstitutional, so let's skip the heated argument about the interstate commerce clause.
and the same rules and laws apply to darla are the traitor...this has nothing to do with free speech...aiding and abeting the enemy is what this law is all I said a little soul searching is do on your part!

The only thing codpink does is protest against the war. The ACLU's sole purpose is to defend the bill of rights.

That you would equate that with aiding and abeting the enemy shows what an anti-American, and stupid MF you really are.

And the Founders would spit in your traitor face BB. Live with it.

Now, go back to hitting on Damo, you are getting on my nerves.
That's where the federal government gets most of its power, actually. I mean, without that, we basically wouldn't have a federal government. It'd be a frightening time for me, at least, coming under the complete control of the conservative imbociles around me.

I always thought this was interesting.

The founders' understanding of the word "commerce" is unclear. Although commerce means economic activity today, it had non-economic meanings in late eighteenth century English. For example, in 18th century writing one finds expressions such as "the free and easy commerce of social life" and "our Lord's commerce with his disciples". Interpreting interstate commerce to mean "substantial interstate human relations" is consistent with much additional primary source evidence concerning the meaning of commerce at the time of the writing of the Constitution. This interpretation also makes sense for the foreign and Indian commerce clauses as one would expect Congress to be given authority to regulate non-economic relations with other nations and with Indian tribes.
And I should be getting...

The only thing codpink does is protest against the war. The ACLU's sole purpose is to defend the bill of rights.

That you would equate that with aiding and abeting the enemy shows what an anti-American, and stupid MF you really are.

And the Founders would spit in your traitor face BB. Live with it.

Now, go back to hitting on Damo, you are getting on my nerves.

on your nerves...I definetly hit one...Code Pink and the ACLU donate time money and comfort to many radical terrorist groups...just a well as to many Communist organizations who support terrorism!

It's sad that you're such a liar.

You are pretty good at a little research...I am not the liar but you certainly are! And by the way I have absolutely no interest in you other than setting the record straight on who you choose to associate with...and a little debate on this no thank you once again!
Yes it was sarcasm....

When someone tells you "fuck you" it means, go fuck yourself, it's not an offer.

It has been years since I've come across someone on a message board whom I truly despise. But that is how I feel about you, so when I tell you "fuck you" you can be damned sure it isn't an invitation, grandpa.

and you are way too much into your so called physical attributes and flirting with the mod...I have no interest in you...period!
You are pretty good at a little research...I am not the liar but you certainly are! And by the way I have absolutely no interest in you other than setting the record straight on who you choose to associate with...and a little debate on this no thank you once again!

You made the claim, back it up fool.

The whole board knows you as a liar anyway.
and you are way too much into your so called physical attributes and flirting with the mod...I have no interest in you...period!

Hey, I may flirt with Damo sometimes, but that wasn't me telling him I wanted to meet him but only if he would slowly, eat a hot dog in front of me!

Sorry if I've stepped on your toes with Damo. You did see him first after all.
we will see...we will see!...Now name those who call me a liar!

See what fool? All we've seen is you pull lies out of your ass.

Back them up, or shut up.

And two seconds flat and you're McCarthy. Name names!

Well, or in your case, Roy Cohn. (he was the gay one, stupid)
"There you go again"

Hey, I may flirt with Damo sometimes, but that wasn't me telling him I wanted to meet him but only if he would slowly, eat a hot dog in front of me!

Sorry if I've stepped on your toes with Damo. You did see him first after all.

More perverted twisting/spin by a liberal losing a debate...damo knew I was referring to his veggie diet..the hot dog comment was just that he must eat a hot dog...with a beer it's just the American apple pie..never mind you are against that too!
Liar might be just a bit harsh, a bush fool would be totally accurate though.

I can't prove you lied, just are stupid in your followship of Bush.
No need too............

See what fool? All we've seen is you pull lies out of your ass.

Back them up, or shut up.

And two seconds flat and you're McCarthy. Name names!

Well, or in your case, Roy Cohn. (he was the gay one, stupid)

The law GW signed was quite apparent...I have no worries..but y'all do...adios MsPink!