the executive order Bush signed last week is getting some attention

Clinton is one of the most popular and respected people in the world cawacko. You know that. He could get elected Secretary General of the UN tommorow if he wanted to. And the vote in the UN would probably be close to unanimous.

does that mean clinton is universally admired? No. But, its also a fact that Bush is one of the most hated men on the planet.

Why would he get all that respect you assume he would? What did he do so well, foreign or domestic that you are singing his praises?
Clinton is one of the most popular and respected people in the world cawacko. You know that. He could get elected Secretary General of the UN tommorow if he wanted to. And the vote in the UN would probably be close to unanimous.

does that mean clinton is universally admired? No. But, its also a fact that Bush is one of the most hated men on the planet.

And that international polls have shown anti-American feelings on the rise.
Based on what? Or does that not matter?

Fear and anger I suppose. Polls have also shown that Bush is considered a bigger threat to the world than Bin Laden is. That part has to be fear. Anger over GITMO, which has terribly damaged our reputation, abdu ghraib, rendtion practices. People in other countries have a different perspective than we do. What it is based on can be debated, that America was both more respected and better liked before W, cannot be.
Iraq War


Insulting Allies



Bungling the war on terror.

I mean, isn't it obvious why the world hates Bush and his supporters?
In the world, he successfully dispatched peace keeping forces to war-torn Bosnia and bombed Iraq when Saddam Hussein stopped United Nations inspections for evidence of nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons. He became a global proponent for an expanded NATO, more open international trade, and a worldwide campaign against drug trafficking. He drew huge crowds when he traveled through South America, Europe, Russia, Africa, and China, advocating U.S. style freedom.
Have you all looked at the question and response? Some thinking here may be in order.

Well, over the past several years there have been numerous polls reflecting these opinions. Have you looked at all of the questions and responses and thought about them?
Well, over the past several years there have been numerous polls reflecting these opinions. Have you looked at all of the questions and responses and thought about them?

Actually yes. Have you noticed the propensity to ask questions on the level of:

Should the US work to withdraw troops in favor or Iraqi troops protecting Iraq?

Gee, with that type of wording, one is amazed that it isn't in the 90's of demand for pullout. Problem is, even today, too many Americans do pay attention.
Actually yes. Have you noticed the propensity to ask questions on the level of:

Should the US work to withdraw troops in favor or Iraqi troops protecting Iraq?

Gee, with that type of wording, one is amazed that it isn't in the 90's of demand for pullout. Problem is, even today, too many Americans do pay attention.

No, and I don't even understand that question. But be that as it may, you were not questioning world opinion on whether we should pull out of Iraq, or at least that is not how I took it. You wanted to know what makes me think that that America is less liked, and more feared than we were before W took office. I think we are talking about different kinds of polls.

If you believe that all of the polls, over the past 3, 4, 6 years, have been fixed to make W look bad, that's your choice. But it's not mine.
No, and I don't even understand that question. But be that as it may, you were not questioning world opinion on whether we should pull out of Iraq, or at least that is not how I took it. You wanted to know what makes me think that that America is less liked, and more feared than we were before W took office. I think we are talking about different kinds of polls.

If you believe that all of the polls, over the past 3, 4, 6 years, have been fixed to make W look bad, that's your choice. But it's not mine.

Okay, and that response means what?
Okay, and that response means what?

It means this:

If you believe that Desh is dreaming because she believes these polls, and Cawacko believes she is "drinking Koolaid", and yet you convinced yourself that all International polling done over the past 6 years, has been fixed in some grand conspiracy to make George Bush look bad, I'd say some thinking about who the actual dreamers, conspiracy theorists and koolaid drinkers are is, as you say, in order.

But that is just my take on things. I'm not much into grand conspiracies. Everybody is different.
Okay, and that response means what?

Its in clear, plain english.

It means, from her own experience, and from every poll and bit of evidence she's seen, the United States under George Bush is more loathed and hated that it was 6 years ago.

And that, if you don't want to believe that, its fine. Go ahead.

Bush will always have the 25 percenters supporting him, unless he eats a live baby on television, or something.
It means this:

If you believe that Desh is dreaming because she believes these polls, and Cawacko believes she is "drinking Koolaid", and yet you convinced yourself that all International polling done over the past 6 years, has been fixed in some grand conspiracy to make George Bush look bad, I'd say some thinking about who the actual dreamers, conspiracy theorists and koolaid drinkers are is, as you say, in order.

But that is just my take on things. I'm not much into grand conspiracies. Everybody is different.

I'm under no impression that W. is well liked world wide, not for a second.

My kool aid comment was more to her belief that Clinton was so loved. Was Clinton more popular world wide than W? Without question. There are enough peolpe who dislike the U.S. worldwide regardless of who is President that I'm not buying her statement.
I'm under no impression that W. is well liked world wide, not for a second.

My kool aid comment was more to her belief that Clinton was so loved. Was Clinton more popular world wide than W? Without question. There are enough peolpe who dislike the U.S. worldwide regardless of who is President that I'm not buying her statement.

Well, then you don't read or listen to normal, mainstream media.

Outside of Nelson Mandela and the Dalai Lama, Bill Clinton is probably the most admired man in the world.

Here's a worldwide poll, where Clinton, Mandela, Bill Gates, and the Dalai Lama were in the top tier of most admired people on the planet.

Bush and North Korea's Kim Jong Il were the two least admired.
Well, then you don't read or listen to normal, mainstream media.

Outside of Nelson Mandela and the Dalai Lama, Bill Clinton is probably the most admired man in the world.

Here's a worldwide poll, where Clinton, Mandela, Bill Gates, and the Dalai Lama were in the top tier of most admired people on the planet.

Bush and North Korea's Kim Jong Il were the two least admired.

I read the San Francisco Chronicle and L.A. Times everyday and I always thought they were too far left and out of the mainstream. I guess I was right.