the executive order Bush signed last week is getting some attention

Let me know when the personal shit ends and the debate resumes.

I'm actually interested in finding out more about why this EO was neccessary at this time.
The law GW signed was quite apparent...I have no worries..but y'all do...adios MsPink!

I already told you traitor, bring it on.

I'm not afraid of any tin-plated dictator and that includes you, and your boy bush.

Do your worst. You won't get my country without a fight.
Say What.....!

I already told you traitor, bring it on.

I'm not afraid of any tin-plated dictator and that includes you, and your boy bush.

Do your worst. You won't get my country without a fight.

Now you want to fight...damn Ms Code Pink is learning!...So when did you get issued your AK47 from alQaeda?...Inquiring minds want to know!
on your nerves...I definetly hit one...Code Pink and the ACLU donate time money and comfort to many radical terrorist groups...just a well as to many Communist organizations who support terrorism!

No lies and no spin you can spew, can divert from the fact that you voted TWICE for an inept Chimpanzee, who has stengthened al qaeda, bungled us into an unneccessary civil war, and who refuses to go after the people that actually attacked us on 9/11.

All you can do is verbally attack your fellow americans, and rub you hands in glee at the thought of another terror attack on 9/11 (see my sig).

No amount of bullshit coming out of your mouth, is going to divert your responsiblity for comprimising the security of the United States.
Let me know when the personal shit ends and the debate resumes.

I'm actually interested in finding out more about why this EO was neccessary at this time.

other ex Reagan people have warned about false flag 911 type attacks to impliment this shit.

Its not just for us liberal anymore all people with brains are getting nervous

"No U R!"


There I just summed up each of your next three posts. You can skip making them now.

So maybe we can get back to the EO now?? : )
Oh my....

No lies and no spin you can spew, can divert from the fact that you voted TWOCE for an inept Chimpanzee, who has stengthened al qaeda, bungled us into an unneccessary civil war, and who refuses to go after the people that actually attacked us on 9/11.

All you can do is verbally attack your fellow americans, and rub you hands in glee at the thought of another terror attack on 9/11 (see my sig).

No amount of bullshit coming out of your mouth, is going to divert your responsiblity for comprimising the security of the United States.

should I cringe at your sig line...Naw...however you will cringe very soon!

side note: How child like is this...cippie takes something I said out of context...then puts it as his sig...In bold "RED" print no less...what a commie he is...right outta the Marxist handbook...!
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What bothers me desh is the timing.

Honestly the power it outlines seems similar on the surface to pre-existing mechanisms for dealing with terrorist financing here in America. I can't see why it was neccessary unless they inserted some altered provision which they hope to use later.
Don't be a party pooper....!


"No U R!"


There I just summed up each of your next three posts. You can skip making them now.

So maybe we can get back to the EO now?? : )

I am entertaining damo at cippie and darlas expense...go away or play! geez...such a serious dude!
Former Reagan Official: Bush May Stage False Flag Events To Reinstate Draft
Posted by mrspickles on July 18th, 2007

“Would a government that has lied us into two wars and is working to lie us into an attack on Iran shrink from staging “terrorist” attacks in order to remove opposition to its agenda?” asks Roberts

Paul Joseph Watson
Prison Planet
Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Former Assistant Secretary of the Treasury in the Reagan administration Paul Craig Roberts has gone further than ever before, warning that the Bush administration could be about to stage false flag events and terror attacks in order to reinstate the draft, announce a dictatorship and attack Iran.

Roberts has been dubbed the “Father of Reaganomics” and is also a former editor and columnist for the Wall Street Journal, Business Week, and Scripps Howard News Service.

In his weekly syndicated column, Roberts suggests that unfolding events and the nature of the rhetoric emanating from government quarters suggests that a major staged terror attack could be just around the corner.

“Ask yourself: Would a government that has lied us into two wars and is working to lie us into an attack on Iran shrink from staging “terrorist” attacks in order to remove opposition to its agenda?” writes Roberts.

If the Bush administration wants to continue its wars in the Middle East and to entrench the “unitary executive” at home, it will have to conduct some false flag operations that will both frighten and anger the American people and make them accept Bush’s declaration of “national emergency” and the return of the draft. Alternatively, the administration could simply allow any real terrorist plot to proceed without hindrance.

A series of staged or permitted attacks would be spun by the captive media as a vindication of the neoconsevatives’ Islamophobic policy, the intention of which is to destroy all Middle Eastern governments that are not American puppet states. Success would give the US control over oil, but the main purpose is to eliminate any resistance to Israel’s complete absorption of Palestine into Greater Israel.

Think about it. If another 9/11-type “security failure” were not in the works, why would Homeland Security czar Chertoff go to the trouble of convincing the Chicago Tribune that Americans have become complacent about terrorist threats and that he has “a gut feeling” that America will soon be hit hard?

Roberts concludes that coming “terrorist” events within the next year will be the means for overthrowing constitutional democracy unless Congress moves to impeach Bush and Cheney immediately.

check what the father of Reganonmics has to say?

"Roberts concludes that coming “terrorist” events within the next year will be the means for overthrowing constitutional democracy unless Congress moves to impeach Bush and Cheney immediately."

Interesting conclusion, but the premise is not ridiculous. I don't buy into the Loose Change style conspiracies, but one particular headline struck me. While Bushco was beating the wardrums toward Iran a few months ago, elite "Iranian-backed" insurgents struck deep into the Green Zone and killed four American soldiers and briefly captured one before killing him. It was also during Israel's saga with the capture of Pvt. Shalit by radical groups. I remembered nothing that the insurgents involved in the Green Zone attack spoke English, had American IDs and uniforms, and one even had blonde hair if I remember correctly. It crossed my mind at the time that it seemed perfectly timed to incite hostility toward Iran. Perhaps the aim was for the soldier who was briefly captured to be held hostage, captivating American attention and directing anger at the perceived source of the attack.

Probably just speculation, but you never know.

It has been years since I've come across someone on a message board whom I truly despise. But that is how I feel about you,
You ae not by your lonedsome there. Me too.

And apparently we have lots of company
You ae not by your lonedsome there. Me too.

And apparently we have lots of company

and not just from the left, no easy way to spin that. He catches negs from both ends of the spectrum, guess that makes him a legend in his own mind?

I lie and I spin I can spew, can divert from the fact that I voted TWICE for an inept Chimpanzee,(Billy) who has stengthened al qaeda, bungled us into an unneccessary civil war in Bosnia, and I refuse to go after the people that actually attacked us on 9/11.

All I can do is verbally attack my fellow americans, and rub my hands in glee at the thought of another terror attack on 9/11 (see my sig).

No amount of bullshit coming out of my mouth, is going to divert your responsiblity for guaranteeing the security of the United States.
Signed Cypress...a Proud card carrying communist and radial supporter!

Hey hey hey vote for Cippie next election...or not!