The founders said we are a democracy

We are a democracy except for one notable exception, the electoral college. If you run for dog catcher in Walla Walla, the one with the most votes wins. If you run for class president, it is the count that matters. The President of a union is the one with the most votes.
Yes, ITN sock, we are a Democracy and that is good. The majority rules. To say that is wrong says minority rule is better.

The Majority Wanted to Be Able to Leave the Crammed States Without Being Swamped by Numbers-Voting

Your Rodham rodent didn't get 50% of the vote. Without the electoral college, the election would have then been thrown into the House of Representatives, where each state gets one vote. Trump won a landside of states, so your PV dream would have been a nightmare.
There is no such thing as a 'representative democracy'. Democracies have no representatives. There is no such thing as a 'direct democracy'. There is only a democracy, which is government by popular vote.
A republic is not a democracy. The phrase 'constitutional republic' is redundant.

Ambidextrous Fallacy

A popular vote for representatives is a contradiction in terms (#StupidSpeak: "an oxymoron").
But they do...illegally. They are paid to do so by Democrats.

Begging the Question Fallacy: The Majority Never Voted to Create the Present Majority

Even more anti-democratic are the legal immigrants. In a democracy, a national referendum would decide who can immigrate here and what rights they will have. So the democratic Democrat vote would be less than 10% in a self-determination country.
I show you why what you say is wrong and you have no retort of value. All you do is say you are right and all the information showing you are wrong does not matter. You are as low a level debater as we have here. You offer nothing.

Try to deny it all you want. It won't work.