The Gates of Hell have opened

Hezbollah is destroying Israeli troops occupying the high grownd of the Golan Heights in preporation of invading northern Israel. Egypt is moving troops to North Sinai in order to protect the refugees in Rafah. Jordan tribes are threatened to secure the West Bank. This is what happens when all your neighbors watch you blatenlly commit genocide.

This means all US military bases in the Middle East will be under attack, along with US and UK ships passing through the Bab al-Mandab Strait. Biden's failed attempt to win reelection will start a war with Iran. All the republican neocons of JPP will support and fund this insanity by cutting social security and medicare to give that debt money to the war machine.

Israel has lost the right to exist...Phil Giraldi on Judge Nap today talks about extensive torture of Palestinians in prisons.
Israel has lost the right to exist...Phil Giraldi on Judge Nap today talks about extensive torture of Palestinians in prisons.
The IGF is getting their ass kicked in the Golan Heights and is about to lose norther Israel to Hezbollah. Neocons are clueless on what's happening to their exceptionalism.
I did not believe the claims of weapons or mushroom clouds. I wasn’t getting my news from Joe, or Mika. I did not support the Iraq War and I caught a lot of grief for it.

Most people did not agree on the grounds for the Iraq war. Well, that was because it was based on a lie.

But, it was a war that made Bush Jr. a Wartime president, and that ended up getting him re-elected.

So, it was a bit of a tricky dick move, but it worked out for Bush, Cheney, and the Republicans.

The Republicans like to reward liars by re-electing them.

Yes, the Republicliars have been using lies to seek power and do whatever they want for many decades now!

Fuck em'!

That is why I strictly vote for Democrats! It is morally wrong to vote for a liar!

I hate fucking liars!
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I do not support the genocide in Gaza.

I support taking necessary action against those firing on our troops.
Why are there still US military bases in the Middle East after we agreed to leave?
The US is notorious for wiping its ass with the treaties we sign so the region is showing us where the door is.
The world is increasingly done with American abuse, America is going to be crushed, we will in short order be a desperately poor nation with a defeated military.
I am not aware of any strikes on Iran....the Swamp/Blob has become afraid...they understand that they are over their skis.
Bibi has been begging the US to bomb Iran for as long as I can remember. Things are about to get ugly.
The IDF got their asses handed to them in Lebanon in 2006, it will be worse this time and if the Swamp/Blob takes part America will be whacked as well....China Bloc is not having it.
Bibi has been begging the US to bomb Iran for as long as I can remember. Things are about to get ugly.

I have been on the alarms for a long time....notice my sig none of it I have not said at least 100 times before over the years. America is the bully that must be beaten bad....will be beaten bad...that is the only way we will stop abusing the world. China Bloc has been very clear on this point.
Why are there still US military bases in the Middle East after we agreed to leave?
The US is notorious for wiping its ass with the treaties we sign so the region is showing us where the door is.
Show me in those treaties that the USA agreed to leave those military bases. There are nations that want our presence in the area to stop the aggression of nations like Iran.
I have been on the alarms for a long time....notice my sig none of it I have not said at least 100 times before over the years. America is the bully that must be beaten bad....will be beaten bad...that is the only way we will stop abusing the world. China Bloc has been very clear on this point.
All the US has is nukes and are insane to believe we can win a nuclear war. It's looking like I lived long enough to witness WW3.
All the US has is nukes and are insane to believe we can win a nuclear war. It's looking like I lived long enough to witness WW3.

Our unwillingness to admit that we lost the war in Ukraine that we demanded is a bad bad sign. Our military is deeply rotted out and our lap dogs Europe have almost nothing to offer other than Turkey...who will not be on our side.....the Swamp/Blob will very quickly get to the decision to either admit that the American Empire is over or go which case we almost all of us are dead.

Drink the good wines now...we have never been closer to WW3.
Show me in those treaties that the USA agreed to leave those military bases. There are nations that want our presence in the area to stop the aggression of nations like Iran.
US military troops are now stuck in the Middle East and left to fend for themselves. Whose fault is that? US exceptionalism is about to learn a hard lesson.
US military troops are now stuck in the Middle East and left to fend for themselves. Whose fault is that? US exceptionalism is about to learn a hard lesson.
Left to fend for ourselves, I think you’re wrong about that.
The Swamp/Blob and the zionists think that they are racing towards reestablishing deterrence through demonstrations of strength, but instead demonstrate that we are degenerate abusers who must be dealt with brutally....because we are incapable of understanding decency or reason.

Buckle Up....this is going to hurt like a son of a bitch.
I should mention that my grapevine is spit on the question of this long lusted for war with Iran that the Zionists are doing everything they can to provoke, and China Bloc is doing everything they can to prevent....Some think that the Swamp/Blob can still think clearly enough to know that doing it would be catastrophic for America....others think that we cant resist, we will do it, and that this almost certainly will go under the heading Fucked Around And Found Out.

I dont know which way it will go.
The Swamp/Blob and the zionists think that they are racing towards reestablishing deterrence through demonstrations of strength, but instead demonstrate that we are degenerate abusers who must be dealt with brutally....because we are incapable of understanding decency or reason.

Buckle Up....this is going to hurt like a son of a bitch.
JPP war hawks are in for a rude awakening, yet they will continue to complain about the national debt and decay of our cities. China, Russia, and Iran have been expecting this for 20 years. Nothing left to do but watch.