The Gates of Hell have opened

The USA has more aircraft carriers and other modern weapons than the rest of the world combined. The USA has a highly trained military with lots of recent combat experience. The last time anyone in China had combat experience was nearly 50 years ago, and that was a tiny fight against Vietnam. The last major fighting was 70+ years ago, so no one is left from that.

That would be impressive alone, but remember that when I say the rest of the world combined, I am including a huge number of close allies in there. China has no close allies. Iran's close allies are guerrilla forces.
Why don't those US aircraft carriers open the Red Sea?
Hezbollah is destroying Israeli troops occupying the high grownd of the Golan Heights in preporation of invading northern Israel. Egypt is moving troops to North Sinai in order to protect the refugees in Rafah. Jordan tribes are threatened to secure the West Bank. This is what happens when all your neighbors watch you blatenlly commit genocide.

This means all US military bases in the Middle East will be under attack, along with US and UK ships passing through the Bab al-Mandab Strait. Biden's failed attempt to win reelection will start a war with Iran. All the republican neocons of JPP will support and fund this insanity by cutting social security and medicare to give that debt money to the war machine.

If Egypt gave a shit about the Palistinians they would give them refuge in the Sinai, they won't. They would be happy to see Israel bomb the shit out of them just over their border.
The DOJ told us that Biden's dementia is too far advanced to stand trial for stealing top secret documents.

They said no such thing. Biden does not have dementia and the fucking DOJ isn't capable of diagnosing that if he did. They had a rightwing shithead try to make him look bad and ignorant trump worshippers swallowed it whole. the only ones ignorant enough to swallow that bullshit were voting for the velveeta man anyway.
Do you support the genocide in Gaza and the US preemptive strikes on Iran?

I would not blame Israel if they said we are taking Gaza and Palistinians will find a home elsewhere. No I would not support a preemptive U.S. strike on Iran.
A warzone it where the armed fighters have US troops surrounded and telling them to get out. The US wants 90 more days but the armed fighters know we're stalling and continues to blow up US equipment. They're not trying to kill anyone yet but they can anytime they want to.
So where is this “zone” and where are we “surrounded”.
So you are claiming that 40% of the Jews in Israel have fled, and no one noticed? And that the population of Brooklyn has risen by more than 50%, and no one noticed. New York being the media capital of the world, and having more global representation than anywhere else, and no one noticed?

goat loves a good conspiracy theory.
I would not blame Israel if they said we are taking Gaza and Palistinians will find a home elsewhere. No I would not support a preemptive U.S. strike on Iran.
Democrats and republicans are both too stupid to know that war is a for-profit racket.
Jews will continue to flee Israel as their neighbors move in to end the genocide.
So you are claiming that 40% of the Jews in Israel have fled, and no one noticed? And that the population of Brooklyn has risen by more than 50%, and no one noticed. New York being the media capital of the world, and having more global representation than anywhere else, and no one noticed?


Keep in mind that "goat" believes that 9/11 was committed by da Jooos in Israel, but only he and a handful of others are in the know. :awesome:
Then why is genocide Joe planning a preemptive strike on Iran?
You’ll have to ask President Biden. I’m surprised he made you privy to his plans. I think all the retaliatory strikes have been made, but time will tell.
It always comes back to blaming the Jews.
If you and Owl ever read a history book, you'd know that zionist are the direct cause for WWII and are desperately trying to start WW3.

Either way, zionist are responsible for 1/2 the world wars and potentially 2/3 of them. That's a hell of a track record considering they're such a small percent of the population.
You’ll have to ask President Biden. I’m surprised he made you privy to his plans. I think all the retaliatory strikes have been made, but time will tell.
Biden is not in charge, no potus is. They do what the war machine tells them to do.
No, “they” don’t, “they” follow the lawful orders of the Commander in Chief.
What lawful order was there to start a proxy war with Russia through Ukraine? All wars start with lies. The Gulf of Tonkin comes to mind, and we already talked about WMDs.
What lawful order was there to start a proxy war with Russia through Ukraine? All wars start with lies. The Gulf of Tonkin comes to mind, and we already talked about WMDs.
We did not start a war, Russia started the war with Ukraine, comrade goat.
We did not start a war, Russia started the war with Ukraine, comrade goat.
The Minsk agreements say different. The US admitted to using them as a stall tactic to build up a supply of weapons in Ukraine. Then the US sent Boris Johnson to demand that Kyiv refuse a Russian peace deal. You're in denial of US empire for-profit wars.