The Gates of Hell have opened

JPP war hawks are in for a rude awakening, yet they will continue to complain about the national debt and decay of our cities. China, Russia, and Iran have been expecting this for 20 years. Nothing left to do but watch.

CounterPoint: Jordan Peterson has at several points mentioned that down history we have seen the ideologically possesed, these FantasyLand Creatures we are dealing with today, often get to the point were they would rather die then face the fact that they went wrong.....that they became choose to die rather than face reality....many of those who are gone today will never be a part of reality.....they are gone for good.

Bret sorta gets to this point here:

I sat next to a nurse (older) on a flight. I asked her about her experience during the Covid crisis. She said that “anti-vaxxers” had made things tough. Then she stopped herself and said “of course don’t know if you might be an anti-vaxxer”

I said “I wasn’t one, but the Covid vaccine nonsense woke me up”. I told her I knew a lot of injured people from the Covid jabs, and I couldn’t believe these highly novel, barely tested shots were being given to healthy, young people who stood to gain nothing from them, and that I was shocked that they were still being recommended.

She nodded in agreement and said the mRNA vaccines had been particularly bad, indicating she was aware of many people injured and killed by them.

Later in the conversation she told me that her husband had recently died of pancreatic cancer. And her son had been diagnosed with aggressive, metastatic colon cancer.

She did not appear to see a connection between the shots and the cancers. The timing of these tumors could of course, be mere coincidences, but I would have thought the question of a possible connection would be obvious. And given the frank medical nature of our conversation, I believe she would have mentioned a suspicion if she’d had one.

I find the whole encounter disorienting, suggesting a fragmented belief structure that I believe must be common amongst those getting their news from corrupted sources—the smoldering ruins of a collapsed mass formation event.
I saw this with my mom up close but also others over the years....they believe what they need to believe to keep their identity from falling apart, keep their heads together, and in my moms case got progressively worse over decades. I actually had a few months notice before she died, I thought about maybe I should ask her some questions, but I decided that it would be pointless as I was very unlikely to get the truth, she was too far gone.
She is a narrative warrior for UTOPIA who attacks anyone who gets too close to the truth.

Yes, that must be it.

If anyone has ever wondered what two lunatics having a conversation sounds like..... :lolup:

Must be yet another Islam "death to the infidels" nomad where killing for Mohammed Valhalla pedophilia martyrdom preyer of flying flaming chariot pseudoscience cognitive dissonance is lunacy just as human reproduction medical pseudoscience of Christiananality pedophilia suicidal super ego homicidal human farming.....
How do you expect to evacuate 10,000 troops from a warzone. We will lose twice that number attempting to rescue them.
You’ll have to give me your definition of a war zone and where we have 10,000 in this war zone.
You’ll have to give me your definition of a war zone and where we have 10,000 in this war zone.
A warzone it where the armed fighters have US troops surrounded and telling them to get out. The US wants 90 more days but the armed fighters know we're stalling and continues to blow up US equipment. They're not trying to kill anyone yet but they can anytime they want to.
Scott Ritter: Israel will be DEFEATED as IDF Loses Control of its War in Middle East

I dont think much of Danny Haiphong but a lot of guys I think highly of keep doing his channel.
The IDF got their asses handed to them in Lebanon in 2006, it will be worse this time and if the Swamp/Blob takes part America will be whacked as well....China Bloc is not having it.
Corporate media won't mention that. Once Hezbollah takes control of the Golan Heights, northern Israel will belong to Lebanon. Three million jews have already fled Israel so half of Brooklyn knows Israel is no longer a safe place to be. The gates of hell are open.
Corporate media won't mention that. Once Hezbollah takes control of the Golan Heights, northern Israel will belong to Lebanon. Three million jews have already fled Israel so half of Brooklyn knows Israel is no longer a safe place to be. The gates of hell are open.

Thing is China Bloc to include Iran are doing everything they can to prevent Israel and America from causing a massive war....several people on my grapevine think that Israel and the Swamp/Blob are actively trying to provoke Iran into doing something that would give the morons in Washington an excuse to attack Iran....and Iran knows it and will do their best to refuse.

But if there is war America is in for a shock.
Thing is China Bloc to include Iran are doing everything they can to prevent Israel and America from causing a massive war....several people on my grapevine think that Israel and the Swamp/Blob are actively trying to provoke Iran into doing something that would give the morons in Washington an excuse to attack Iran....and Iran knows it and will do their best to refuse.

But if there is war America is in for a shock.
Neocons will never stop their plan for world dominance. Corporate media is beating the war drums and there's nothing we can do to stop them.
All the US has is nukes and are insane to believe we can win a nuclear war.

The USA has more aircraft carriers and other modern weapons than the rest of the world combined. The USA has a highly trained military with lots of recent combat experience. The last time anyone in China had combat experience was nearly 50 years ago, and that was a tiny fight against Vietnam. The last major fighting was 70+ years ago, so no one is left from that.

That would be impressive alone, but remember that when I say the rest of the world combined, I am including a huge number of close allies in there. China has no close allies. Iran's close allies are guerrilla forces.
US military troops are now stuck in the Middle East and left to fend for themselves.

We know that is not true, because there are still US military troops. American troops do not do well without supplies, and a lot of supplies. It would not be uncommon for a ton of supplies per soldier per week to be necessary. These are all transported into the Middle East, without much trouble by the only military in the world capable of doing it with such ease.

How do you expect to evacuate 10,000 troops from a warzone. We will lose twice that number attempting to rescue them.

Almost all of those are part of the aircraft carrier forces, so they way you evacuate them is by having the ships move... Which they do all the time. These are huge moving cities, that are constantly moving from place to place.

A few hundred are on isolated outposts. They are getting about a ton of supplies a week for every soldier on the outpost. If they hop on the helicopter delivering those supplies, there is more than enough room. And they are gone. This is the way outposts are evacuated all the time in the Middle East.
Three million jews have already fled Israel so half of Brooklyn knows Israel is no longer a safe place to be. The gates of hell are open.

So you are claiming that 40% of the Jews in Israel have fled, and no one noticed? And that the population of Brooklyn has risen by more than 50%, and no one noticed. New York being the media capital of the world, and having more global representation than anywhere else, and no one noticed?
