The Gates of Hell have opened

The Minsk agreements say different. The US admitted to using them as a stall tactic to build up a supply of weapons in Ukraine. Then the US sent Boris Johnson to demand that Kyiv refuse a Russian peace deal. You're in denial of US empire for-profit wars.
You are a Russian propagandist.

Please supply facts proving your claims.
I'm a history buff in search of the facts. You need to start doing a little research before posting your opinion.
Lol, you need to back up your claims with evidence, that’s how this exchange works. My research doesn’t match up with the statements you made.
Lol, you need to back up your claims with evidence, that’s how this exchange works. My research doesn’t match up with the statements you made.
The US using the Minsk agreements to build up a supply of weapons in Ukraine was exposed and is now common knowledge.

The US sending Boris Johnson to Kyiv to demand that Zelensky reject the Russian peace deal was all over the news. You have to be willing to factcheck msnbc.

I post about what's actually happening in the world. You post your opinion and government talking points.
The US using the Minsk agreements to build up a supply of weapons in Ukraine was exposed and is now common knowledge.

The US sending Boris Johnson to Kyiv to demand that Zelensky reject the Russian peace deal was all over the news. You have to be willing to factcheck msnbc.

I post about what's actually happening in the world. You post your opinion and government talking points.

And the 2014 so called revolution in UKraine was a CIA regime change operation.....yet another one of many.
Boris did not just demand, he said that Ukraine either do as they are instructed or else they would be completely cut off from Europe and America, this was not demand, this was blackmail. Somebody on my grapevine said that a part of this was that the regime in Kiev also knew that if they signed the deal with Russia that many of them would be assassinated, there was a gun to the head here.
Hezbollah is destroying Israeli troops occupying the high grownd of the Golan Heights in preporation of invading northern Israel. Egypt is moving troops to North Sinai in order to protect the refugees in Rafah. Jordan tribes are threatened to secure the West Bank. This is what happens when all your neighbors watch you blatenlly commit genocide.

This means all US military bases in the Middle East will be under attack, along with US and UK ships passing through the Bab al-Mandab Strait. Biden's failed attempt to win reelection will start a war with Iran. All the republican neocons of JPP will support and fund this insanity by cutting social security and medicare to give that debt money to the war machine.
One or two Israeli nukes will fix the problem. :thup:
The US using the Minsk agreements to build up a supply of weapons in Ukraine was exposed and is now common knowledge.

The US sending Boris Johnson to Kyiv to demand that Zelensky reject the Russian peace deal was all over the news. You have to be willing to factcheck msnbc.

I post about what's actually happening in the world. You post your opinion and government talking points.
It was the exact opposite of what you stated Zelensky offered the peace deal which Putin rejected.

[h=1]“Exclusive: As war began, Putin rejected a Ukraine peace deal recommended by aide”[/h][FONT=var(--tr-font-medium)][FONT=var(--tr-font-regular)][/FONT][FONT=var(--tr-font-medium)]Reuters[/FONT][/FONT]
September 14, 20222:00 AM CDTUpdated a year ago
And the 2014 so called revolution in UKraine was a CIA regime change operation.....yet another one of many.
Genocide Joe and crackhead Hunter made million$ off the Ukraine coup. Biden is potus during the Pakistan coup where they imprisoned popular leader Imran Khan. He is so loved by the people that they reelected him as he sits in prison.

These msnbc watchers are in denial of the chaos we create around the world.
Genocide Joe and crackhead Hunter made million$ off the Ukraine coup. Biden is potus during the Pakistan coup where they imprisoned popular leader Imran Khan. He is so loved by the people that they reelected him as he sits in prison.

These msnbc watchers are in denial of the chaos we create around the world.

This is just one crime is the entire elite class that has failed.....which is how we can be sure that there is no saving America....we are toast.
"Do as you are told and you will get rewards, dont and you will be destroyed" is how the Regime operates....the classic carrot/stick program....but who is running it?

Is it the CCP?
It was the exact opposite of what you stated Zelensky offered the peace deal which Putin rejected.

[h=1]“Exclusive: As war began, Putin rejected a Ukraine peace deal recommended by aide”[/h][FONT=var(--tr-font-medium)][FONT=var(--tr-font-regular)][/FONT][FONT=var(--tr-font-medium)]Reuters[/FONT][/FONT]
September 14, 20222:00 AM CDTUpdated a year ago
You believe whatever you want, Phan. Reuters said Iraq had WMDs too. Corporate media are stenographers for the CIA.
You believe whatever you want, Phan. Reuters said Iraq had WMDs too. Corporate media are stenographers for the CIA.

Starting with the Washington Post...which is interesting re WaterGate....the Swamp mission to remove Nixon because he had decided to spend his enormous political capital going to war with the Swamp.
The killing of JFK, Watergate, RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA and J6 were all CIA operations.

What wouldnt they do?
You believe whatever you want, Phan. Reuters said Iraq had WMDs too. Corporate media are stenographers for the CIA.


Do the Jews run the CIA, CO/goat?
Starting with the Washington Post...which is interesting re WaterGate....the Swamp mission to remove Nixon because he had decided to spend his enormous political capital going to war with the Swamp.
The CIA and secret service had 3 or 4 cities set up to assassinate JFK. I think it was Tampa, Chicago but I don't remember the 3rd one, maybe San Francisco before they finally murdered our president in Dallas. I posted the facts on TOPs thread 2 years ago.
The CIA and secret service had 3 or 4 cities set up to assassinate JFK. I think it was Tampa, Chicago but I don't remember the 3rd one, maybe San Francisco before they finally murdered our president in Dallas. I posted the facts on TOPs thread 2 years ago.

It's amazing every President since Nixon has kept this a secret. Why do you think all the Republican Presidents since then have kept the secret, CO/goat?