The Gates of Hell have opened

As the days go by, without any reports of the hundreds of thousands of dead Israelis, one has to start wondering if this entire thread is not based on a lie.
If you hate America so much, I am sure you can find some other country to be in. You can move to Russia, and enjoy their "freedom."

I dont see the point at this stage of my life of investing in known liars.

Feel free to Suck My DICK! if you think this might help with your emotional problems...I am nothing if not generous.
Dutch is a liar not an idiot.


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As the days go by, without any reports of the hundreds of thousands of dead Israelis, one has to start wondering if this entire thread is not based on a lie.
I checked my notes and only 2 million jews have fled Israel, or 30% of the population.
Moody's downgraded Israel from A1 to A2 saying the outlook for the country's economy was "negative."
The IMF warned Israel's war puts the global economy at risk.
The ICJ and ICC made claims of holding those involved in the genocide will be held accountable.
Russia and Iran are sending ships to the Red Sea for a looksee.
Israel can't avoid a second front with Hezbollah.
Worldwide pro-Palestinian protests continue.

After WWI, zionist made a deal with GB to collapse the German economy, leading to the rise of Hitler. Guess what the deal was for.
If you hate America so much, I am sure you can find some other country to be in. You can move to Russia, and enjoy their "freedom."
I love my country, it's our corrupt imperialist empire that I hate.
Does "the Swamp" = the Jews?

You must be very pleased that your hero Putin finally killed Alexey Navalny.

As Christian Nation SCOTUS Fourth Reich July Bicentennial ethics of George Washington University Hospital Washington, D.C. born USA citizens are Islam precedent as thieving National Archives purchased US Constitution Bill of Rights Klues Klucks duh Klans arsonists master plan to be American Christiananality pedophilia as Federal Lynching KKK churchstate of hate fiefdom drug trafficking enforcement Mengele "Angel of Death" baptize thine eyes by urinations thieving US Constitution Bill of Rights arsonists Mohammed Valhalla pedophilia martyrdom precedent of Christian Nation SCOTUS Fourth Reich July 9/11 not so master plan national religion.....
Dum Dum Dutch, the CIA couldn't have 4 cities lined up without the help of the secret service. Do a deep dive on Tampa, Chicago, Dallas JFK assassination. You may learn something but I doubt it.

Sorry, CO/goat, but only paranoid schizos do deep dives like that so I'll leave it to both you and #10 to do the "research". LOL