The Gates of Hell have opened

Guno צְבִי;5904993 said:
the genocide on Palestinians

Clueless Hamas supporter
2 million jews have already fled Israel. Quite a few are headed back to Brooklyn.
I don't want to thread ban you, so I'm asking you nicely to stop gaying up this thread. We're not in the war zone.
Your choice on banning me, CO/goat.

As for gaying up this thread, you were well on the way long before I showed up. :thup:

The OP:
Hezbollah is destroying Israeli troops occupying the high grownd of the Golan Heights in preporation of invading northern Israel. Egypt is moving troops to North Sinai in order to protect the refugees in Rafah. Jordan tribes are threatened to secure the West Bank. This is what happens when all your neighbors watch you blatenlly commit genocide.

This means all US military bases in the Middle East will be under attack, along with US and UK ships passing through the Bab al-Mandab Strait. Biden's failed attempt to win reelection will start a war with Iran. All the republican neocons of JPP will support and fund this insanity by cutting social security and medicare to give that debt money to the war machine.

Your third post:
You're a government stooge, Walt.
Your fourth post:
Reread my OP. The neocons tried to get Trump to start a war with Iran but Tucker Carlson talked Trump out of it. Now the neocons have that puppet Biden to do it for them and he won't even know what happened.
This is so gay, it deserves an award.

Guno צְבִי;5904993 said:
the genocide on Palestinians

Clueless Hamas supporter

Careful, guno. You'll be thread-banned for disagreeing with goat or by making him look bad....which he does fine all by himself.
That's total bullshit,
didn't you read the NIST report?
There was no mention of WTC-7 in NIST original report. Architects & Engineers forced NIST to explain the symmetries of WTC-7 at free fall speed, so NIST pulled some bullshit out of their ass. There are countless smoking guns on the crime of 911 but WTC-7 is the most obvious.
There was no mention of WTC-7 in NIST original report. Architects & Engineers forced NIST to explain the symmetries of WTC-7 at free fall speed, so NIST pulled some bullshit out of their ass. There are countless smoking guns on the crime of 911 but WTC-7 is the most obvious.

There was a series of articles drawn from the various NIST reports, including the one you mention, in the peer-reviewed journal Fire Technology Journal in 2012. They can be found at ResearchGate.

World Trade Center 7 Report Puts 9/11 Conspiracy Theory to Rest

Conspiracy theorists have long claimed that explosives downed World Trade Center 7, north of the Twin Towers. The long-awaited report from the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) conclusively rebuts those claims. Fire alone brought down the building, the report concludes, pointing to thermal expansion of key structural members as the culprit. The report also raises concerns that other large buildings might be more vulnerable to fire-induced structural failure than previously thought.
People know controlled demolition when they see it. You have to remove every support column at the same time. That takes weeks or months of planning along with placing the explosives. Who had access to WTC-7 and the expertise to bring down 3 steel framed skyscrapers at free fall speed?
NeoCons are a Republican movement. Are you claiming MSNBC is too Republican?
Neocons started with the Carter administration but jumped ship to Reagan when Carter refused to bomb Iran. Neocons have complete control over Biden and are preparing Americans for war with Iran by spreading fear through corporate media. You already fell for WMDs and mushroom clouds so neocons know you need their protection, so you continue to show your support for genocide.
Neocons started with the Carter administration but jumped ship to Reagan when Carter refused to bomb Iran. Neocons have complete control over Biden and are preparing Americans for war with Iran by spreading fear through corporate media. You already fell for WMDs and mushroom clouds so neocons know you need their protection, so you continue to show your support for genocide.

Another name for NeoCons is Neo-Reaganites. It would be impossible for them to be new Reaganites before Reagan was President.

Reagan took a decidedly aggressive posture to the Cold War. It is impossible to know what Reagan would have done after the Cold War, because he was not mentally fit after the Cold War, but NeoCons think he would have continued to take an aggressive posture after the Cold War.

I was against their invasion of Iraq. I am also against their demands we bomb Iran, and their demands we get out of the treaty limiting Iran's nuclear development. trump agreed to withdrawing from the treaty, with the promise that he would do something better. What better? As with trump in general, it was vague and constantly changing. Sometimes he was going to bomb Iran into submission, and other times he was going to make a "really great deal" with Iran. Iran is not going to agree to a new deal, and I do not see bombing them as defeating them. In fact, bombing them might just save their government.