The General But Not Open To Everyone Store


Willin to be Chillin
Good idea for a thread. Had a cool story to share but since you're a pompous prick, no one will have the pleasure of hearing it. I've never done anything to you, your loss you pompous prick.
"The General Store"
---> No Niggers, Wet Backs, or Chinks.<---

A sad commentary of America 2020. :(
"The General Store"
---> No Niggers, Wet Backs, or Chinks.<---

A sad commentary of America 2020. :(

Or whites who might side with them or see their side of an issue, etc, etc, etc.

Basically, if you're not an ignorant, narrow-minded, white trash redneck asshole...


Thank you Nomad. The 'Whites Only' sign has been placed in a prominent position for all to see. I wonder ... I wonder if we'll see Grind, Billy, Phantasmal, and Grumpy all sitting around the pot belly stove at the General in their white hoods planning the next 'Night Ride'?
Good idea for a thread. Had a cool story to share but since you're a pompous prick, no one will have the pleasure of hearing it. I've never done anything to you, your loss you pompous prick.

Posts 2 and 3 are why.
Thank you Nomad. The 'Whites Only' sign has been placed in a prominent position for all to see. I wonder ... I wonder if we'll see Grind, Billy, Phantasmal, and Grumpy all sitting around the pot belly stove at the General in their white hoods planning the next 'Night Ride'?

Well, I don't know about Phantasmal, since I've never noticed any kind of tendencies in that regard out of him/her. Not sure who Billy is either. But I could certainly imagine the likes of Grumpy, CFM, Legion, Dork Soul, USF911, TDAK, countryboy, Spetch, Surestinksalot, Teflon Don, Getin the ring, Earl, tsuke, smarterthanyou and a few others sitting around the ol pot bellied stove, their own pot bellies bloating out, overalls and sweat stained wife beater t-shirts on, sucking on cans of warm Pabst Blue Ribbon with a Conderate flag on the wall behind them, talking about how diff'ernt thangs would be if they wuz in charge fer awhile.
Well, I don't know about Phantasmal, since I've never noticed any kind of tendencies in that regard out of him/her. Not sure who Billy is either. But I could certainly imagine the likes of Grumpy, CFM, Legion, Dork Soul, USF911, TDAK, countryboy, Spetch, Surestinksalot, Teflon Don, Getin the ring, Earl, tsuke, smarterthanyou and a few others sitting around the ol pot bellied stove, their own pot bellies bloating out, overalls and sweat stained wife beater t-shirts on, sucking on cans of warm Pabst Blue Ribbon with a Conderate flag on the wall behind them, talking about how diff'ernt thangs would be if they wuz in charge fer awhile.

Sad to say with Trump as President theys are in charge fer awhile!
Well, I don't know about Phantasmal, since I've never noticed any kind of tendencies in that regard out of him/her. Not sure who Billy is either. But I could certainly imagine the likes of Grumpy, CFM, Legion, Dork Soul, USF911, TDAK, countryboy, Spetch, Surestinksalot, Teflon Don, Getin the ring, Earl, tsuke, smarterthanyou and a few others sitting around the ol pot bellied stove, their own pot bellies bloating out, overalls and sweat stained wife beater t-shirts on, sucking on cans of warm Pabst Blue Ribbon with a Conderate flag on the wall behind them, talking about how diff'ernt thangs would be if they wuz in charge fer awhile.

Ohhhhhhh yes. BIG Stars and Bars hangin' on the back wall. That's a given.
Yurt, can you please come up with some interesting threads and stop with the personal hissy-fit threads about other forum members?

All it does is foster discontent among the rank and file!

Look, people would not pick on you if they didn't like you! So never let your feelings get in the way! They like you! OK?
Yurt, can you please come up with some interesting threads and stop with the personal hissy-fit threads about other forum members?

All it does is foster discontent among the rank and file!

Look, people would not pick on you if they didn't like you! So never let your feelings get in the way! They like you! OK?

Apparently NOT at 'The General Store'. :(
Yurt, can you please come up with some interesting threads and stop with the personal hissy-fit threads about other forum members?

All it does is foster discontent among the rank and file!

Look, people would not pick on you if they didn't like you! So never let your feelings get in the way! They like you! OK?

What medication do you take for your mental well being?
I'm nostalgic for a good ole smalltown general store.
Last one I was in was Santa Margarita, CA. It had the red wood and all. It was called the Mercantile Store. Had tools, etc for sale. And the deli was amazing. Great sandwiches and meat. Felt like I was back in the 50's.