The General Store

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I'll continue to do what I'm doing here;) There's no risk to others....

Quite the opposite,if you're as healthy as you claim,you could pick up the virus and be passing it along!
I avoid everyone when out,always wear a mask,hands covered in sanitizer before and after shopping.
I don't want to end up on a ventilator.
Just got home from some deliveries and filling the Little Pantry closet to problem...No risk....
More this evening;)
Crash what is that? Aren't you supposed to run into things? That's all I did the first day. I'm getting the hang of it but still having control problems. Mine is a


Told ya it ain't easy :cool:
Does your drone have a camera? Does your controller have a screen showing what the camera sees?

Told ya it ain't easy :cool:
Does your drone have a camera? Does your controller have a screen showing what the camera sees?

Smart ass:) Yes it has a camera. the controller holds your cell phone which is connected wifi as your screen. You can also control it using the phone as the controller, also by the phones motion or voice command. It's pretty impressive for the cost. $80.
Good morning friends. Hope you are staying safe. The Governor has said Florida is flattening the hill despite more cases popping up.
Good morning friends. Hope you are staying safe. The Governor has said Florida is flattening the hill despite more cases popping up.

We've been watching the new cases (and deaths) decline here as well. Very good news! Let's not let our guard down though, not just yet.
Smart ass:) Yes it has a camera. the controller holds your cell phone which is connected wifi as your screen. You can also control it using the phone as the controller, also by the phones motion or voice command. It's pretty impressive for the cost. $80.

The little "practice drone" Mr. Owl got is for flying inside only. Our birds were NOT impressed. The smaller ones scurried under the paper and hid from it. :laugh:
Smart ass:) Yes it has a camera. the controller holds your cell phone which is connected wifi as your screen. You can also control it using the phone as the controller, also by the phones motion or voice command. It's pretty impressive for the cost. $80.

I looked up the specs for your drone, yes, the features are impressive for the price. I was looking into one too, just for shits and giggles. I need one with the screen on the controller. I am not "sophisticated" enough to own a smart phone, I only have an old flip phone. When you get into the controllers with their own screens, they start getting expensive. I am NOT a "seasoned pilot" by any stretch of the imagination, so I won't get a $1000+ pro drone. It also depends when I get my gov't check and can get my car back so I can do all the maintenance on it and have it ceramic coated. We'll see how much I have left, that will determine if I spend the money on one. The GF says I don't need any more expensive toys!! We'll see... :smile:
I read that in 1918 Spanish flu pandemic,they did social distancing,then caved to pressure and
eased back up.Causing a second wave that caused the large amount of casualties that got out of control.
I hope we aren't going to repeat history.
I read that in 1918 Spanish flu pandemic,they did social distancing,then caved to pressure and
eased back up.Causing a second wave that caused the large amount of casualties that got out of control.
I hope we aren't going to repeat history.

This graph is for Denver back then. The mayor was under the same pressure to re-open businesses as we're seeing now. I'm with you -- going to keep up what we're doing and try to stay safe no matter what others choose to do.

This is a thread for folks to sit around the old county store with the pot bellied stove in the middle and shoot the breeze in a friendly manner. Any subject is permissible but no flame wars will be tolerated. I will only warn once and it's retro ban. I have already banned those I feel will not play by the rules. We have enough battling in the other threads.

This thread was started by a sick mother fucker
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