The GOP has no policy to run on

So then until a certain point, Republicans went after domestic terrorists?

I still don't know what the fuck you're talking about there.

you NEVER know what people are talking about. you're like domer, so stuck on thinking you know exactly whats going, but in reality you are clueless as all fuck.

I'll try one last time to explain the simplicity of this.

patriot act leads to war on terror, leads to including crimes NOT terror related, but fedco throws in words to 'funding terrorism', thus allowing feds to use patriot act in the war on drugs.............dems admire that tactic so much, lets include riots, arson, intimidation, and racism by white people only as acts of domestic terrorism............

see how fucking easy that shit is to follow?
you NEVER know what people are talking about. you're like domer, so stuck on thinking you know exactly whats going, but in reality you are clueless as all fuck.

I'll try one last time to explain the simplicity of this.

patriot act leads to war on terror, leads to including crimes NOT terror related, but fedco throws in words to 'funding terrorism', thus allowing feds to use patriot act in the war on drugs.............dems admire that tactic so much, lets include riots, arson, intimidation, and racism by white people only as acts of domestic terrorism............

see how fucking easy that shit is to follow?

Utter fucking nonsense

Stop listening to Putin ass crack
I've never promoted a terrorist group on JPP.{/QUOTE]
Antifa and BLM

But you have.

So when you whine that you're being unfairly labelled as a terrorist, are you recalling the fact that you had a 3%er logo as your AVI for months, if not years?

Now where else could I possibly have gotten the idea that you're a terrorist?

you got that idea because i'm white. therefore, to you, i must be a terrorist. now, you and dutch, among others on here, like to hold on to your little nazi fantasies of me deleting that avatar and hiding because you like to see right wingers (everybody not left leaning is obviously a right winger to you idiots) criminalized for much so that you refuse to even accept anything why should I bother anymore telling you why I did what? you will simply say i'm lying and continue to brand me the way you need to in order to make your twisted little fantasy work for you
patriot act leads to war on terror, leads to including crimes NOT terror related, but fedco throws in words to 'funding terrorism', thus allowing feds to use patriot act in the war on drugs.............dems admire that tactic so much, lets include riots, arson, intimidation, and racism by white people only as acts of domestic terrorism............

OK, but McVeigh, Nichols, Rudolph, Koresh...all these guys were taken down by the government before the Patriot Act. All these guys were and are domestic terrorists. All those guys are white men.

Apart from 9/11, most deaths from terrorism in the US are at the hands of white, male, domestic terrorists.

An overwhelming majority of the mass shooters are white, male, domestic terrorists.

So profiling white males doesn't seem like a bad thing, given white males have been at the forefront of domestic terrorism, racism, and insurrection since the country was founded.
OK, but McVeigh, Nichols, Rudolph, Koresh...all these guys were taken down by the government before the Patriot Act. All these guys were and are domestic terrorists. All those guys are white men.

Apart from 9/11, most deaths from terrorism in the US are at the hands of white, male, domestic terrorists.

An overwhelming majority of the mass shooters are white, male, domestic terrorists.

So profiling white males doesn't seem like a bad thing, given white males have been at the forefront of domestic terrorism, racism, and insurrection since the country was founded.

wow, it's like you didn't even see the words that I wrote. you're still stuck on your racist tirade against white conservative men.

maybe you should join evince in her cocksucking campaign
ntifa and BLM

Which aren't terror groups...they're both movements that don't have leaders to organize.

Antifa is anti-fascist, so if you think antifa are terrorists, then that means you're a fascist.

So, are you a fascist? You did have a fascist group's logo as your AVI until it became inconvenient for you to defend.
I wasn't aware being French was it? Or are you only pretending it is for the sake of your argument?

Obviously French is a race, by definition, same as German, Irish, or Norwegian are all races. And all have similar genetic markers and cultures. But more importantly is what we are actually discussing here, the French Unconstrained Vision of Society, verses the US Constrained Vision of Society. This goes back to the Revolutionary periods of these two countries.

Thomas Sowell explains this here. Watch and learn, if you dare.

We call you a racist because you are a racist

Be proud of what you are shit stack

you call me racist, cumdumpster, because that's all you're capable of thinking. you still haven't been able to quote a single post of mine showing racism, yet you just 'know' I am.........

go fuck off some more, slut
Which aren't terror groups...they're both movements that don't have leaders to organize.

Antifa is anti-fascist, so if you think antifa are terrorists, then that means you're a fascist.

So, are you a fascist? You did have a fascist group's logo as your AVI until it became inconvenient for you to defend.

thank you for proving my point, exactly as I said you would. you are so predictably stupid, it's pathetic
you got that idea because i'm white.


I got it because you had a 3%er logo as your AVI, and the 3%ers are terrorists.

I don't call Dutch Uncle a terrorist, do I?

I don't call Flash a terrorist, do I?

I don't call Owl, Diesel, or any other white people terrorists, do I?

therefore, to you, i must be a terrorist

Well, you're a terrorist because you were promoting the 3%ers, and they're terrorists.

If I had Al Qaeda's logo as my AVI instead of the xenomorph from Aliens, would you consider me a terrorist?

like to hold on to your little nazi fantasies of me deleting that avatar and hiding because you like to see right wingers (everybody not left leaning is obviously a right winger to you idiots) criminalized for everything

Why did you delete the AVI then?
Obviously French is a race, by definition, same as German, Irish, or Norwegian are all races.

don't fall in to the liberal trap of race identity politics. they've perfected the art of libelous labels with no meaning while posturing that it's everything.

there is only one race. human race. the rest is simple status of nationality