The GOP has no policy to run on

Antifa literally means "anti-fascism".

So if you think anti-fascism is terrorism, then you must think that the country is fascist and you must also be a fascist if you think anti-fascism is terrorism.

What is anti-anti-fascism? Pro-fascism.

ANTIFA is liberal doublespeak, like north korea calling itself the peoples democratic republic...................
go suck some more cock, cumbucket

Thank you for admitting you have no defense of your racism

You racists are the most hated people on the planet

You want the world to hate black people


The worlds hates you

So fuck all the way off into the sewer where you belong world hated racist
The republicans have been screaming for years that AMERICA is not a democracy

And cheating in elections to destroy our democracy
don't fall in to the liberal trap of race identity politics. they've perfected the art of libelous labels with no meaning while posturing that it's everything.

there is only one race. human race. the rest is simple status of nationality

Little Vagina brought up the subject of race, I was referring to culture.
The GOP still has its entire platform on which to run:

Racism, Xenophobia, Misogyny, Anti-Intellectualism, Theocracy, Corporate Oligarchy--hell, their platform is FUCKING LOADED.

All we need to do is browse this forum to see that they have a receptive audience for it as well.

If we let them win so much as a local school committee seat, though, SHAME ON US.
Less socialism = more freedom and that's the best system for people who value freedom above all else. Obviously you do not. So how about we follow the Constitution, where GovCo power is centered in the states and FedCo provides minimal services. That way you can live in a socialist state and I can live in a free one.

Whenever a self-anointed "patriot" starts bleating about "freedom," you know that a truckload of pig manure is about to be dumped on your front lawn. :laugh:
Whenever a self-anointed "patriot" starts bleating about "freedom," you know that a truckload of pig manure is about to be dumped on your front lawn. :laugh:

Now you're talking nonsense, the equivalent of putting your hands over your ears and screaming, because you know that my argument cannot be defeated.
"We demand that the Constitution be enforced" is a policy, and would be a good one for the GOP to adopt after the shit Legacy Republicans get flushed.
Now you're talking nonsense, the equivalent of putting your hands over your ears and screaming, because you know that my argument cannot be defeated.

You don't have any argument other than the usual nonsense about freedom. You haven't presented any QOP policies that will benefit all or most Americans. All you've done is whine about a non-existent strawman -- socialism. It's the QOP answer to anything that the (D)s propose that will benefit Americans.
You don't have any argument other than the usual nonsense about freedom. You haven't presented any QOP policies that will benefit all or most Americans. All you've done is whine about a non-existent strawman -- socialism. It's the QOP answer to anything that the (D)s propose that will benefit Americans.


The policy that I presented you with was of basic Constitutional theory. That is, States control a limited FedCo. If you want socialism in your state then go for it. Just don't try to institute that shit in my state. And don't expect my state to bail yours out when it fails.
How ‘Owning the Libs’ Became the GOP’s Core Belief
The weird journey of a tongue-in-cheek catchphrase from conservative-mocking putdown to the defining tenet of the Republican Party’s way of life.

Conservatism is an intellectually devoid movement anyway, that elevates laziness and selfishness because it's easier than coming up with policies and ideas that can attract votes.
The GOP has the fire of hell to run on at being a seditious, treasonous, moral rot and despicable influence on U.S. governance, society and that of a global nature too.