The GOP party are Nazis

Back on topic. Discuss how the disgusting Nazis of the GOP are trying to install Trump as dictator.
LOL, you think it doesn't violate their terms of service? You're joking, right?

I'm telling you that I have to manage the tweets from this site because many titles violate their terms of service and I don't want the board's account banned. This was one of those ones.

Anyway, just put crap like this in GP instead of CE... I will still have to manage the tweets, but I won't have to move the thread.
I'm telling you that I have to manage the tweets from this site because many titles violate their terms of service and I don't want the board's account banned. This was one of those ones.

Anyway, just put crap like this in GP instead of CE... I will still have to manage the tweets, but I won't have to move the thread.

So, here's and idea for you then. Stop allowing racist, sexist, and outright false information to be posted on your boards. Ban a poster who calls for the assassination of POTUS. Maybe try that? There's a fucking clue for you. It's free. You're welcome.
So, here's and idea for you then. Stop allowing racist, sexist, and outright false information to be posted on your boards. Ban a poster who calls for the assassination of POTUS. Maybe try that? There's a fucking clue for you. It's free. You're welcome.

Here's a clue for you. Folks have a right to say stupid crap and I let them do that, this thread and others like it are clear evidence of that.

If I made the board something that just reflects you, you would not post here unless you are a narcissist, if you are this board is not for you.
Trumps rally was two fucking days ago. FFS, don't be a dick. Wait, too late, asswipe. You've become an embarrassment.

These childish little pussybursts you guys tend to throw is one of the main reasons why you are about to get your asses handed to you BADLY come this fall to get the ball rolling. Again,....many thanks. ;) Anyway,.......while you dumb fucks were busy gloating and worrying about CRT, Letting trannies with dicks bigger than yours compete against actual women in sports, allowing them in girls bathrooms while also appointing an ACTUAL FREAK to the position of head of health and Human services while also promoting IT to Admiral,....we were busy little bees doing other much more important things. Things that normal people actually CARE ABOUT. But go on with your bad self,...hey...maybe for good measure you can even give a medal to the pussy so afraid of a little unarmed woman that he shot her dead at point blank range! Yeah,...people will just LOVE to hear you gloat about it. Now THATS what I call the winning of hearts and minds! :rolleyes: :laugh: What a bunch of easily played dumb fucks.
Let's take a look at recent events.

Trump holds a Hitler style rally where he asks his acolytes to engage in 'protests' against those who are investigating his potential crimes. In other words, Trump is once again attempting to turn his Nazi lapdogs into vigilantes who will harass government officials that are doing their jobs. At the same rally, Trump claimed that the Vice President of the United States could overturn an election by fiat and appoint him to the office of POTUS.

Meanwhile, state GOP officials in multiple states are planting officials in key election roles that will allow them to legally appoint electors by fiat, ignoring the will and the votes of their citizens. These same legislatures are attempting to rewrite the history books to remove any references to slavery. Texas has even gone so far as to ask it's citizens to snitch on their neighbors for exercising their constitutional rights.

These same Nazis want to replace a free press with state sponsored propaganda. Suggesting the election was stolen, claiming the President of the Untied States is a pedophile, advancing conspiracy theories of Democratic child sex rings to the point where some nut shows up at a pizza parlor with an assault rifle to 'stop it'. Emboldened by a Nazi white supremacist sitting in the White House, these Nazis marched down the streets of an American city chanting 'Jews will not replace us'.

Hitler is coming to power, and the Nazi GOP is celebrating. Trump promises to pardon the goon squad that attacked the Capitol of the United States, and Republican Senators fall all over themselves to say they support him.

This is the new America. One that is about to become a tin pot dictatorship with the aid of hateful, disgusting Nazis.

Discuss. If you claim Biden is a pedophile, you are not welcome to participate. Not interested in anything you have to say.

Concart should know about Nazis, he's one of the biggest Nazi posters here!

Concart should know about Nazis, he's one of the biggest Nazi posters here!

Thats kind of insulting to Nazi's dont you think? They were wayyyyyyyyyyy smarter. :laugh: He's maybe more like the Nazi's who failed to make he grade and got cut from the squad! No jackboots for YOU Concart! Besides,....pretty sure they dont make jackboots in a size 5 anyway! ;)
Erika Jacoby was a child when virulent anti-Semitism swept through Hungary in the 1930s and 1940s. She remembers her brother being beaten. She remembers thugs grabbing her grandfather and shaving off his beard. She recalls how she was not allowed to go to the park on Sundays. Simply being there and being Jewish was a provocation.

On the day Erika earned her American citizenship, she thought she had “reached heaven.” She “felt safe” in America. She could sleep soundly at night.

Until Trump was elected, she says.

It’s not that Erika is equating America in 2020 with Europe in 1940. She is neither fearing for her personal safety nor comparing Trump to Hitler.

But she knows what it feels like when there is a rising tide of ugliness. She knows what it’s like when the leader of a country fans the flames of bigotry and openly incites violence. She has witnessed what happens when hateful words turn into hateful acts.

When the marchers in Charlottesville chanted “Jews will not replace us,” Erika says she was “physically shivering.” When Trump, the president of the United States, described these marchers as “very fine people,” she felt betrayed and fearful. “Why didn’t the president denounce these racists?” she asks. She says it felt like “a scream coming at you without anyone stopping it.”

When the Trump administration authorized the use of smoke cannisters and flash-bang grenades to disperse peaceful protesters so Trump could pose with a Bible in front of a church, Erika was aghast. She is a religious woman. For her, the Bible “should be everything relaxing and loving.” But Erika says Trump wielded the Bible like a warrior flaunting his weapon.
So, here's and idea for you then. Stop allowing racist, sexist, and outright false information to be posted on your boards. Ban a poster who calls for the assassination of POTUS. Maybe try that? There's a fucking clue for you. It's free. You're welcome.

Stop posting like the queen of Stormfront, you cunt! Try that, motherfucker! :tongout:
Erika Jacoby was a child when virulent anti-Semitism swept through Hungary in the 1930s and 1940s. She remembers her brother being beaten. She remembers thugs grabbing her grandfather and shaving off his beard. She recalls how she was not allowed to go to the park on Sundays. Simply being there and being Jewish was a provocation.

On the day Erika earned her American citizenship, she thought she had “reached heaven.” She “felt safe” in America. She could sleep soundly at night.

Until Trump was elected, she says.

It’s not that Erika is equating America in 2020 with Europe in 1940. She is neither fearing for her personal safety nor comparing Trump to Hitler.

But she knows what it feels like when there is a rising tide of ugliness. She knows what it’s like when the leader of a country fans the flames of bigotry and openly incites violence. She has witnessed what happens when hateful words turn into hateful acts.

When the marchers in Charlottesville chanted “Jews will not replace us,” Erika says she was “physically shivering.” When Trump, the president of the United States, described these marchers as “very fine people,” she felt betrayed and fearful. “Why didn’t the president denounce these racists?” she asks. She says it felt like “a scream coming at you without anyone stopping it.”

When the Trump administration authorized the use of smoke cannisters and flash-bang grenades to disperse peaceful protesters so Trump could pose with a Bible in front of a church, Erika was aghast. She is a religious woman. For her, the Bible “should be everything relaxing and loving.” But Erika says Trump wielded the Bible like a warrior flaunting his weapon.


Trump has a Jewish son-in-law, you stupid fuck!
Tell me what you see happening here:
I hate to admit it was Legion that posted that, but it changed my mind about Biden just being a touchy-feely guy.

That's not something a grown man does to little girls. :nono:

Yeah,....that stuff is pretty creepy and cringe. Most of those girls as you can see are absolutely repulsed by his actions and trying to wiggle away. Its disgusting.
A 79-year-old Holocaust survivor says in a new interview that the U.S. under President Trump feels like Germany did just before the Nazis took over.

Stephen Jacobs told Newsweek that the rise of the far-right under Trump “feels like 1929 or 1930 Berlin.”

“Things just go from bad to worse every day,” he said. “There’s a real problem growing.”

Jacobs, a New York architect who said he knows Trump personally, referred to the president as an “enabler” of far-right rhetoric

The Polish-born Jacobs, who was imprisoned in the Buchenwald concentration camp, said he wouldn’t call Trump a “fascist,” because he thinks the president does not have “the mental power to even understand it.”

“I couldn’t say that Trump is a fascist because you’ve got to know what fascism is,” he said. He also said that the president is “a sick, very disturbed individual” who is “out for himself.”
Yeah,....that stuff is pretty creepy and cringe. Most of those girls as you can see are absolutely repulsed by his actions and trying to wiggle away. Its disgusting.

What's real is around the 30-40 second mark. That's predatory behavior while smiling in her mom's face and distracting her.
Bwaaa ha ha ha.....The little Conman RAN AWAY from his own thread! :laugh:

Well,.....THAT didnt go over very well did it Conman?