The GOP party are Nazis

These childish little pussybursts you guys tend to throw is one of the main reasons why you are about to get your asses handed to you BADLY come this fall to get the ball rolling. Again,....many thanks. ;) Anyway,.......while you dumb fucks were busy gloating and worrying about CRT, Letting trannies with dicks bigger than yours compete against actual women in sports, allowing them in girls bathrooms while also appointing an ACTUAL FREAK to the position of head of health and Human services while also promoting IT to Admiral,....we were busy little bees doing other much more important things. Things that normal people actually CARE ABOUT. But go on with your bad self,...hey...maybe for good measure you can even give a medal to the pussy so afraid of a little unarmed woman that he shot her dead at point blank range! Yeah,...people will just LOVE to hear you gloat about it. Now THATS what I call the winning of hearts and minds! :rolleyes: :laugh: What a bunch of easily played dumb fucks.
Not only did Conman abandon his own thread,.... his usual CONhorts did too! That says a lot...:laugh:
So was banning books, attacking intellectuals, suppressing the press, and gaslighting. There is very little daylight between Trump and Hitler. Meglomaniacs full of hatred.
so now you are in the conspiracy section -you belong in the nuthouse
Those would also not be a current event.

Let's get this right.

You can say every republican is a Nazi if you want, but it is not a current event and does not belong in Current Events as the subject of a thread. Other folks can call Biden a pedophile if they want, but if it is the subject of a thread it does not belong in Current Events.

So, along the way if you want to be a jackwipe and call every republican a Nazi then you can. If you want a thread with that as the Subject then post in in one of the other forums. I would suggest General Politics. It's still the main forum, it even tweets your nastiness out for the world to see. Though if you're posting about Biden being a pedophile as the subject then it goes in Conspiracy Theory, where I moved this thread.

So why is TDAKs thread about Biden being a child molester still in Current Events? Why is the Biden Assassination thread right there on Twitter for all to see? Fucking hypocrite.
Let's take a look at recent events.

Trump holds a Hitler style rally where he asks his acolytes to engage in 'protests' against those who are investigating his potential crimes. In other words, Trump is once again attempting to turn his Nazi lapdogs into vigilantes who will harass government officials that are doing their jobs. At the same rally, Trump claimed that the Vice President of the United States could overturn an election by fiat and appoint him to the office of POTUS.

Meanwhile, state GOP officials in multiple states are planting officials in key election roles that will allow them to legally appoint electors by fiat, ignoring the will and the votes of their citizens. These same legislatures are attempting to rewrite the history books to remove any references to slavery. Texas has even gone so far as to ask it's citizens to snitch on their neighbors for exercising their constitutional rights.

These same Nazis want to replace a free press with state sponsored propaganda. Suggesting the election was stolen, claiming the President of the Untied States is a pedophile, advancing conspiracy theories of Democratic child sex rings to the point where some nut shows up at a pizza parlor with an assault rifle to 'stop it'. Emboldened by a Nazi white supremacist sitting in the White House, these Nazis marched down the streets of an American city chanting 'Jews will not replace us'.

Hitler is coming to power, and the Nazi GOP is celebrating. Trump promises to pardon the goon squad that attacked the Capitol of the United States, and Republican Senators fall all over themselves to say they support him.

This is the new America. One that is about to become a tin pot dictatorship with the aid of hateful, disgusting Nazis.

Discuss. If you claim Biden is a pedophile, you are not welcome to participate. Not interested in anything you have to say.

Can't address the topic, can you? Nope.

Nazi quotes by Concart:

I’m now on round two. Delta back in July and now omicron. The Delta infection came courtesy of a trumpet who lied about his status. This one who knows. It’s Florida after all. This one much milder than delta but still annoying and disruptive. It’s time to ban the unvaccinated from public venues and transportation. This is ridiculous.

The only unvaxxed have a right to COVID-assisted suicide, but they don't have a right to clog up our ERs and ICUs.

That is why I have always advocated leper colonies on isolated islands. The Aleutian Islands would be my proposal.

I like it. They should be sick AND cold. Schadenfreude.[/QUOTE]

They certainly don't have this gun owner. And I'm pretty sure that active military will follow orders rather than attack their own citizens. In the meantime, we'll lock these fucks up so they never see the light of day again.

I think we simply have to remove them from society and not allow them a voice in picking our leaders. If they are allowed to, they will install a dictator.

The bedrock of society is cooperation. They are not interested. Therefore they need to be segregated to ensure they cannot infect others. Time for other places to follow suit with New York. No vax, no admission. Pretty simple stuff.

What a shock. The Republicans leading candidate for President is a serial killer and a book burning Nazi. Sounds about right.

Mine too. But a large percentage of the population is incorrigible. They cannot be redeemed. It is what it is. If you can't cure the cancer, you need to remove it.
I posit that you sir, are the Nazi.

WTF? You REALLY are nuts. So now you are asking YOURSELF to discuss the subject with YOU! Exactly how long have you had split personality disorder and how many are you? Inquiring minds need to know....;)
Republicans are Nazis? Not exactly true!

The truth is American Nazis all vote Republican!

Although, that should be troubling to Republicans- they don't seem to be bothered by that kind of support!

Listen! This is all you will ever hear from a Republican about that troubling fact................

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Let's take a look at recent events.

Trump holds a Hitler style rally where he asks his acolytes to engage in 'protests' against those who are investigating his potential crimes. In other words, Trump is once again attempting to turn his Nazi lapdogs into vigilantes who will harass government officials that are doing their jobs. At the same rally, Trump claimed that the Vice President of the United States could overturn an election by fiat and appoint him to the office of POTUS.

Meanwhile, state GOP officials in multiple states are planting officials in key election roles that will allow them to legally appoint electors by fiat, ignoring the will and the votes of their citizens. These same legislatures are attempting to rewrite the history books to remove any references to slavery. Texas has even gone so far as to ask it's citizens to snitch on their neighbors for exercising their constitutional rights.

These same Nazis want to replace a free press with state sponsored propaganda. Suggesting the election was stolen, claiming the President of the Untied States is a pedophile, advancing conspiracy theories of Democratic child sex rings to the point where some nut shows up at a pizza parlor with an assault rifle to 'stop it'. Emboldened by a Nazi white supremacist sitting in the White House, these Nazis marched down the streets of an American city chanting 'Jews will not replace us'.

Hitler is coming to power, and the Nazi GOP is celebrating. Trump promises to pardon the goon squad that attacked the Capitol of the United States, and Republican Senators fall all over themselves to say they support him.

This is the new America. One that is about to become a tin pot dictatorship with the aid of hateful, disgusting Nazis.

Discuss. If you claim Biden is a pedophile, you are not welcome to participate. Not interested in anything you have to say.

Republicans are Nazis? Not exactly true!

The truth is American Nazis all vote Republican!

Although, that should be troubling to Republicans- they don't seem to be bothered by that kind of support!

Listen! It's like................


All democrats are communists and you know what they say about the only good communists :laugh: