The GOP party are Nazis

The Kansas City Chiefs won the last Superbowl. The referees, the NFL, the coaches, the players and even the fake game broadcast would lead you to believe otherwise, but I know the truth. The Super Bowl trophy was stolen.
So why is TDAKs thread about Biden being a child molester still in Current Events? Why is the Biden Assassination thread right there on Twitter for all to see? Fucking hypocrite.

I don't spot them all. Report the thread if you want it moved.
I don't spot them all. Report the thread if you want it moved.

You came to the thread to warn me. Kinda hard to miss. I assume one of the douchebags reported my post because the purpose of the thread is obviously 12b bait. Carry on.
You came to the thread to warn me. Kinda hard to miss. I assume one of the douchebags reported my post because the purpose of the thread is obviously 12b bait. Carry on.

I did not come to a thread that said Biden is a pedophile to warn you, I came to this thread to warn you.

You are talking about it, go and use the report feature if it is in current events I will move it. I tried to find a thread with that title, it isn't there.
People like LV deserve a heartfelt thank you as well. You have been PLAYED.

70% of America and the entirety of the developed world recognizes Trump as a lunatic. The fact that Trump finds greater camaraderie with Kim Jong Un than with western leaders says a lot.
70% of America and the entirety of the developed world recognizes Trump as a lunatic. The fact that Trump finds greater camaraderie with Kim Jong Un than with western leaders says a lot.

he was a great american.

He had a reasonable orientation to globalization zealotry, unlike your typical establishment neocon/neolib internationalist fascist.

He's a gem of a human being.

how did you get so dumb and fascist?
he was a great american.

He had a reasonable orientation to globalization zealotry, unlike your typical establishment neocon/neolib internationalist fascist.

He's a gem of a human being.

how did you get so dumb and fascist?

A Trump supporter calling someone fascist? Lol.
Ah I see. Next time if you don't like it report it.

Thanks, I was just pointing out what I felt was an inconsistency, but I think I get it now. Someone reported both of those to you, in the first case you warned me, in the sentence case you moved a thread. But it sounds like a report is needed to trigger that. I'm sure you're aware that I'm not the reporting type, you could count the number of times I've reported someone on one hand. That's not going to change, I have no interest in getting in a pissing contest with whoever that person/those people are. Obviously, you can put things anywhere you want them, your board, your rules. I'm cool. Bottom line, other than the inconsistency, it doesn't bother me where things go, that's more your concern. Carry on. Thanks for clarifying.
Thanks, I was just pointing out what I felt was an inconsistency, but I think I get it now. Someone reported both of those to you, in the first case you warned me, in the sentence case you moved a thread. But it sounds like a report is needed to trigger that. I'm sure you're aware that I'm not the reporting type, you could count the number of times I've reported someone on one hand. That's not going to change, I have no interest in getting in a pissing contest with whoever that person/those people are. Obviously, you can put things anywhere you want them, your board, your rules. I'm cool. Bottom line, other than the inconsistency, it doesn't bother me where things go, that's more your concern. Carry on. Thanks for clarifying.

stfu then.
he was a great american.

He had a reasonable orientation to globalization zealotry, unlike your typical establishment neocon/neolib internationalist fascist.

He's a gem of a human being.

how did you get so dumb and fascist?

Donald Trump is the equivalent of a Jackson Pollock painting. His supporters call him "great," but he's nonsense to sane people.
Hello Concart,

Let's take a look at recent events.

Trump holds a Hitler style rally where he asks his acolytes to engage in 'protests' against those who are investigating his potential crimes. In other words, Trump is once again attempting to turn his Nazi lapdogs into vigilantes who will harass government officials that are doing their jobs. At the same rally, Trump claimed that the Vice President of the United States could overturn an election by fiat and appoint him to the office of POTUS.

Meanwhile, state GOP officials in multiple states are planting officials in key election roles that will allow them to legally appoint electors by fiat, ignoring the will and the votes of their citizens. These same legislatures are attempting to rewrite the history books to remove any references to slavery. Texas has even gone so far as to ask it's citizens to snitch on their neighbors for exercising their constitutional rights.

These same Nazis want to replace a free press with state sponsored propaganda. Suggesting the election was stolen, claiming the President of the Untied States is a pedophile, advancing conspiracy theories of Democratic child sex rings to the point where some nut shows up at a pizza parlor with an assault rifle to 'stop it'. Emboldened by a Nazi white supremacist sitting in the White House, these Nazis marched down the streets of an American city chanting 'Jews will not replace us'.

Hitler is coming to power, and the Nazi GOP is celebrating. Trump promises to pardon the goon squad that attacked the Capitol of the United States, and Republican Senators fall all over themselves to say they support him.

This is the new America. One that is about to become a tin pot dictatorship with the aid of hateful, disgusting Nazis.

Discuss. If you claim Biden is a pedophile, you are not welcome to participate. Not interested in anything you have to say.

You know, if the Republican party was not so reprehensible, they would not have to try to rig elections. They would be able to win them on the basis of motivating more people to vote for them.
The evidence that the 2020 election was stolen is as follows:

The biggest liar in America said he was robbed.

Loons and shady characters like Powell, Flynn and the My Pillow nut said yes, he was.

If you know of any more evidence, please enlighten us - and Attorney General Barr, who said he could find none.

unconstitutional elections in several states.......courts have already confirmed this in PA and WI.......44,000 votes in three such states but O'Biden in office.........evidence that cannot be denied.....
Thanks, I was just pointing out what I felt was an inconsistency, but I think I get it now. Someone reported both of those to you, in the first case you warned me, in the sentence case you moved a thread. But it sounds like a report is needed to trigger that. I'm sure you're aware that I'm not the reporting type, you could count the number of times I've reported someone on one hand. That's not going to change, I have no interest in getting in a pissing contest with whoever that person/those people are. Obviously, you can put things anywhere you want them, your board, your rules. I'm cool. Bottom line, other than the inconsistency, it doesn't bother me where things go, that's more your concern. Carry on. Thanks for clarifying.

then stop whining.....