the great kathy/ runyon controversy

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Well, the party as a whole has completely fucked this country and in doing so, itself. Not that the Democrats are any better, they're complicit every step of the way. But I make my point in specific reference to this new guy's assertion that thinking the Republicans are douchabags makes one a liberal.

Well, the exception is Ron Paul.

PAUL '08!!!

How has the party fucked the country? Be specific.

Ron Paul is a lib, he has zero chance of getting the nomination.....and lets be realists here, its Hillary in a landslide in '08.

Well its been fun but I, like all Republicans must get some sleep so I can get up and go to work tommorrow and make sure all Demos and libs receive their checks on Friday.
How has the party fucked the country? Be specific.

Ron Paul is a lib, he has zero chance of getting the nomination.....and lets be realists here, its Hillary in a landslide in '08.

Well its been fun but I, like all Republicans must get some sleep so I can get up and go to work tommorrow and make sure all Demos and libs receive their checks on Friday.

Well, starting a war that has left nearly 4,000 dead and 40,000 maimed Americans for no gain. Spending amounts of money that would make even the most socialist Democrat blush. Destroying all goodwill towards us in the world. Wiretapping its citizens, putting torture back on the table, weakening the dollar....

If you need me to explain to you the failures of the Republicans, I would suggest you start looking at current affairs in the world. Get out from under your bed, take the earplugs out, take the blinders off, and open your front door.
Please point out the threat or kindly shut the piehole. If you can't deal with the threat of getting the crap flamed out of you then may I suggest that your skin is as thin as phyllo dough and that maybe political debate isn't your thing..............well hell what am I talking about? That is completely obvious, stupid ass me!

'I flame at the doctorate level"

Yes, if only we all had a dollar for each dissertation we've read with the words "shut your piehole!" in them.


Later moron!
Oh, dingleballs! I'm not allowed to post on that site yet. I have to wait for "activation." How annoying.

Anyone care to wager on how long it takes me to get myself banned?
Oh, dingleballs! I'm not allowed to post on that site yet. I have to wait for "activation." How annoying.

Anyone care to wager on how long it takes me to get myself banned?

When you get over there, keep a running count on how many time women posters are called c*nt, whore, or b*tch.

I'd be curious to know. Because until these knuckle draggers showed up, I can count on one hand the time women here were called those names. On this thread alone, the word count for those vile words must be in the dozens.
hahahaha, well, I'd say you are still a cutie pie Warren!!! and your sense of humor is still around!!!


Gotta keep a sense of humor.

If you can't laugh at the ridiculousness of this thread what can you laugh at?

Good to see ya around Care!
Dude... Easy...

That's Jack Idema you're talking about.

A shoe-in on the list ofTop Ten Most Badass Men Alive

My bad.

I lived in San Francisco, and that is totally the gay, mod look.

No worries though. Hell, I had Che for an avatar. How lame was that? :)
My bad.

I lived in San Francisco, and that is totally the gay, mod look.

No worries though. Hell, I had Che for an avatar. How lame was that? :)

My avatar is besides the point. In fact, it is pretty lame to attack someone's avatar, and an almost certain sign that you are intellectual beaten.

Which is not too difficult to imagine in the case of Darla.
You paid $100,000 for that lock of Che's hair didn't you?

Admit it you closet commie.
How bourgeois of you to think that. He didn't buy it: he was given it by the Russo-Cuban woman who fell in love with him on her way to Caracas in 1980. It was tragic but revolutionary.
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