the great kathy/ runyon controversy

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Your Mommy needs to limit your internet access, so you are limited in the ability to threaten women.

Point out where I threatened a woman please.

Oh you mean threatened with a flame lashing? Sure, i'm gender blind with that stuff. Physically threatened? I leave that up to libs like Bubba Clinton and Gary Condit.
Point out where I threatened a woman please.

Oh you mean threatened with a flame lashing? Sure, i'm gender blind with that stuff. Physically threatened? I leave that up to libs like Bubba Clinton and Gary Condit.

You should take that anger and energy, and use it in Iraq.

Why aren't you serving in a war you started?
Your Mommy needs to limit your internet access, so you are limited in the ability to threaten women.

I reported that post as a threat. It is bad enough they come over here with their "whore this" and "c*nt that", but the threats forget about it, no way.

That is BS that that was anything other than a threat. Damo needs to have a talk with his "friends' or he can not, and then this board can be yet another right wing cesspool, in which case I would absolutely just leave it.

I learned years ago, you just walk when that happens. There is no, oh but they'll think they chased me off....who cares? You walk.

I learned that lesson, and you can bet I won't forget that lesson.
Spoken like a true liberal. It's all one big community, huh? We need to do the "Social(ist) good"?

In respect to social issues, yes, limits should be set or else we have cousins marrying each other, guys fucking little boys and queers running wild infecting everything.
I reported that post as a threat. It is bad enough they come over here with their "whore this" and "c*nt that", but the threats forget about it, no way.

That is BS that that was anything other than a threat. Damo needs to have a talk with his "friends' or he can not, and then this board can be yet another right wing cesspool, in which case I would absolutely just leave it.

I learned years ago, you just walk when that happens. There is no, oh but they'll think they chased me off....who cares? You walk.

I learned that lesson, and you can bet I won't forget that lesson.

Yeah, it was a threat. Clear cut. I'm glad you reported it to Damo.

Yes, Damo needs to chat with his friends about appropriate behaviour.
Desh, people hate you because, on the rare occasions you make a post that isn't some article you found on, your grammar is horrible, your spelling still worse, and your politics about as dogmatic and incredibly stupid as any Bush supporter.

As for the e-drama, I couldn't even read more than a page of this thread, mostly due to the levels of stupidity found here.
Since I have posted to you before, and more than once, if you actually believe I thought you were a new poster tonight, than you are kind of stupid, and your laughing about that, says something about you, but not about me.

The way you worded seem as though you included me, but I knew you had responded to me in the past. Anyway, I'm better than you. Which is the most important part. Now stop being such a 'ho and admit it. Say it with me 'Said1 is better than everyone, especially me, Darla'. You'll thank me later. :pke:
I reported that post as a threat. It is bad enough they come over here with their "whore this" and "c*nt that", but the threats forget about it, no way.

That is BS that that was anything other than a threat. Damo needs to have a talk with his "friends' or he can not, and then this board can be yet another right wing cesspool, in which case I would absolutely just leave it.

I learned years ago, you just walk when that happens. There is no, oh but they'll think they chased me off....who cares? You walk.

I learned that lesson, and you can bet I won't forget that lesson.

Please point out the threat or kindly shut the piehole. If you can't deal with the threat of getting the crap flamed out of you then may I suggest that your skin is as thin as phyllo dough and that maybe political debate isn't your thing..............well hell what am I talking about? That is completely obvious, stupid ass me!
Yeah, it was a threat. Clear cut. I'm glad you reported it to Damo.

Yes, Damo needs to chat with his friends about appropriate behaviour.

No, actually it wasn't but I see you use a douche too.

Damn, where is the manhood and intestinal fortitude around here?
Whaaaaa! Whaaaaa! I'm gonna report a post!

*OCA lays face down on floor and kicks and screams*

Yes, actually it does.

Do you believe in reverse discrimination? Affirmative action?

The Republican Paty is a depraved, bloodthirsty, spendaholic, authoritarian shit box.

I'm not a liberal. Reconsile that Mr. Robot.
Darla is welcome to leave this "right-wing cesspool" (btw, find a new phrase, you guys have used that like 100 times in this thread) at any time she wants. Don't let the door hit you on the ass on the way out.

You people need to realise that there are just as many "left-wing cesspools" as there are right-wing ones, and get the fuck over it.
The Republican Paty is a depraved, bloodthirsty, spendaholic, authoritarian shit box.

I'm not a liberal. Reconsile that Mr. Robot.

Nice, do you have any other key words points the DNC has ordered you to use this week..........lib?



Spendaholic.........ok, might have a point there.

The way you worded seem as though you included me, but I knew you had responded to me in the past. Anyway, I'm better than you. Which is the most important part. Now stop being such a 'ho and admit it. Say it with me 'Said1 is better than everyone, especially me, Darla'. You'll thank me later. :pke:

I really did not mean you.

As to the rest, perhaps when I am in a better mood! I will see.
Darla is welcome to leave this "right-wing cesspool" (btw, find a new phrase, you guys have used that like 100 times in this thread) at any time she wants. Don't let the door hit you on the ass on the way out.

You people need to realise that there are just as many "left-wing cesspools" as there are right-wing ones, and get the fuck over it.

I'm over it, I simply choose not to post on them.

And I don't need your invitation to leave, come, stay or go, thanks Mister gay picture boy.

Well, the party as a whole has completely fucked this country and in doing so, itself. Not that the Democrats are any better, they're complicit every step of the way. But I make my point in specific reference to this new guy's assertion that thinking the Republicans are douchabags makes one a liberal.

Well, the exception is Ron Paul.

PAUL '08!!!
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