"Human's need authority" - Mussoloni
If you'd reread that post it was in reference to Jimmy using those words and that I would not be that simple or base as in "you are a cunt"......thats way too elementary for me, my flaming is on a doctorate level.
Said I though you would've picked that up.
ZOMG you're debating skills are amazing!
Why are you such an idiot? Go sodomize yourself. With a retractable baton.
Yes, they are, you are extremely perceptive.
I know you were posting here before this started, I did not mean you. Try reading the thread, if you concentrate really hard you should be able to pick out the new names...that will give you a clue as to who I was talking about.
Also, you really need to stop with the calling only liberals on the carpet, if you intend to continue with the I'm the above it all referee routine. It just doesn't look good. I'm only saying this for your own sake, honesty.
Why did you guys have to drag this white republican trash over here?
Oh, please, who are you kidding "oh, I didn't mean you". LOL. Always with the jokes.
And just so you know, I am above all and better than thou. I know this may seem like name calling, but it is you who is the hypocrite. You're the one who continues with the name calling, while condeming it at the same time - to prove what?
It's also not my fault you need to identify yourself with a group that just happens to be of the liberal persuasion, now is it? What other liberals have I been calling to the 'carpet'? Maybe I missed it. You know me, I miss a lot. Tee. Hee.
Now, dearest Darla I must make my exit. I think this board has been mucked up enough for one night. Sweet dreams.
I see you are a racist too, nice.
Do you also buy Black votes by promising them more welfare like all Demos and libs?
"I am rubber, you are glue..."
The extent of OCA's debating skills.
I'm a conservative.
Uhhhhh, from earlier comments, and I hate to break it to you.......you aren't a con.
Cons aren't racists.
"Human's need authority" - Mussoloni
By googling "politics forum kathianne" I seem to have found this other board of much debate. Indeed, it is infested with right-wing-nuts of much depravity. I may have some fun with this.
"OMGZ I'm a white person I'm so victimized!"
Just cus the Republicans are losers doesn't make me a liberal.
They sure do......or would you like to see everyone do as they please? Humans and society need specific limits set upon it and them in order for socity to function.
If you'd reread that post it was in reference to Jimmy using those words and that I would not be that simple or base as in "you are a cunt"......thats way too elementary for me, my flaming is on a doctorate level.
Said I though you would've picked that up.
They sure do......or would you like to see everyone do as they please? Humans and society need specific limits set upon it and them in order for socity to function.