the great kathy/ runyon controversy

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Bottom line - Truthmatters aka Desh was outright exposed for lying on my board and was thrashed around by quite a few who caught her. She came here to get a pat on the back from her liberal buddies. Without so much as seeking the truth, they patted her on the back, stated what scum us conservatives were, how fucked up we run the board, how we banned someone for a username (another lie) and just petty bullshit about a board they have nothing to do with. The truth is there for anyone who wanted to see, and Damocles can verify this. But no, it's easier to talk smack about a bunch of people who don't even post here.

I then brought the bullshit to their doorstep and now they wanna whine.

Tough shit.

To be honest Jim, both like to start shit, then cry. I don't care who started what, both have been guilty of similar things in the past with varying degress of severity. This is something you know. I also KNOW you're a better person than what you've shown here, as do others. Consider the sources and walk away. It's not worth it.
To be honest Jim, both like to start shit, then cry. I don't care who started what, both have been guilty of similar things in the past with varying degress of severity. This is something you know. I also KNOW you're a better person than what you've shown here, as do others. Consider the sources and walk away. It's not worth it.

Now I feel bad hearing it from you in that manner. A REAL woman has spoken. You know me Said, and how I react when people lie and want to start trouble with my board for no reason. But, nonetheless, you are absolutely correct. I shall retreat to where I came from. I deserve a spanking.

Hey Dillo, Hey Manu! I see you bastards peeking in here! :clink:
REAL Woman = Woman who agrees with him

$20 says after I post this he won't retreat, and will instead try to think of some derogatory way to respond to it.
REAL Woman = Woman who agrees with him

$20 says after I post this he won't retreat, and will instead try to think of some derogatory way to respond to it.

Where does it say I agree with him? And for the record, I don't agree with him calling Darla a whore, nor do I agree with anyone calling anyone a whore. I also think it's just as pathetic to react to name calling in the same manner, just so they can 'see what it's like'.
Now I feel bad hearing it from you in that manner. A REAL woman has spoken. You know me Said, and how I react when people lie and want to start trouble with my board for no reason. But, nonetheless, you are absolutely correct. I shall retreat to where I came from. I deserve a spanking.

Hey Dillo, Hey Manu! I see you bastards peeking in here! :clink:

I'm a man of many boards and I find group dynamics are more intersting than the actual topic sometimes. Amazing how so few can bring out the worst in so many.
Where does it say I agree with him? And for the record, I don't agree with him calling Darla a whore, nor do I agree with anyone calling anyone a whore. I also think it's just as pathetic to react to name calling in the same manner, just so they can 'see what it's like'.

I'm just fucking around I haven't actually read any of this thread.
Go fuck yourself. I'm not getting emotional at all. In case you haven't noticed, my goal here is to simply fill this place with as much trash as possible while keeping it away from my board.

Got it, dick licker?

Look at this guy, he even sounds like George bush. So you are fighting them over here so you don't have to fight them over there are you , drama boy?


One problem; I am not over at your board, nor are most of the people you have gone off on here. I made a simple request to an idiot to please stop telling people I was posting on your board under other names. And i expressed my opinion, on an opinion board, that bush fans are right wing authoritarian pricks.

But at least we know you are trying to "trash" your "good friend" Damo's board, in some misguided attempt to keep your board clean.

I'm glad you're his friend. He'd really have to watch out if you werent!
Where does it say I agree with him? And for the record, I don't agree with him calling Darla a whore, nor do I agree with anyone calling anyone a whore. I also think it's just as pathetic to react to name calling in the same manner, just so they can 'see what it's like'.

Did someone appoint you referee here?

I'll respond how I deem appropriate, not how you deem appropriate.

Thanks for your advice.
Yes of course, you were forced into coming on here and calling me a whore 26 times you pos.

For something I was barely involved in.

You certainly are squeaky clean.

I hope someone calls your mother a whore 26 times tomorrow. And I'll tell you in order to raise something like you?

She must be one big one.

Shove it.

WOW! Thanks for confirmation of my opinion of leftwing nutjobs.

You see the difference is Jimmy was hurling insults directly at you, probably not the best thing to do in this situation went 1 step lower and dragged his mother into it.........classy.

No1tovote4, my sincerest apologies my friend, you've got a real infestation of alternative reality lefties here, you should call in an exterminator.

I'll leave my card, give me a call if they get too out of hand and start eating the foundation up.
Whatever... And are you 9 for talking shit about people that aren't even members of your board? Now please, go fuck your illiterate mom.

Oh OC, I guess you must be suffering from the same con disease Said has come down with.

You also missed that your low class friend Jimmyboy was the first one to bring someone's mother into this.

Do try and read more carefully. You guys wouldn't want to come all the way here as instructed to, for your gangbang, and end up looking stupid and biased now would you?

Now, let us recap.

Who was the first poster on this thread to call someone's mother a name?

Raise your hand if you know the answer, dummies.
Oh OC, I guess you must be suffering from the same con disease Said has come down with.

You also missed that your low class friend Jimmyboy was the first one to bring someone's mother into this.

Do try and read more carefully. You guys wouldn't want to come all the way here as instructed to, for your gangbang, and end up looking stupid and biased now would you?

Now, let us recap.

Who was the first poster on this thread to call someone's mother a name?

Raise your hand if you know the answer, dummies.

Oh then I see you are as much of a douchebag as Jimmy was today, I expect it from lefties.............not righties.
Oh then I see you are as much of a douchebag as Jimmy was today, I expect it from lefties.............not righties.

Yeah, I can give out what I get, you betcha, spread the word to the other right wing gang bangers who were instructed to get their asses over here and trash this board.

I don't need any calvary. Too bad "jimmy" can't say the same. ;)
Darla, you have anything better than "con"?

America was founded on conservative ideals, conservative ideals are in complete harmony with human nature.

Where I live, being a lib is about the sickest thing you could be, well next to being a queer or pedophile.
Yeah, I can give out what I get, you betcha, spread the word to the other right wing gang bangers who were instructed to get their asses over here and trash this board.

I don't need any calvary. Too bad "jimmy" can't say the same. ;)

So you are a lowlife, got that established. How long is the hair under your armpits? 6 inches? 8 inches?

And yes, by your flaming style you need Patton's 8th infantry, it sucks. Trust me, I know. Really, honestly, i'm being nice to you, ask around, you don't want to get me fired up because I don't just call you cunt or whore.
So you are a lowlife, got that established. How long is the hair under your armpits? 6 inches? 8 inches?

And yes, by your flaming style you need Patton's 8th infantry, it sucks. Trust me, I know. Really, honestly, i'm being nice to you, ask around, you don't want to get me fired up because I don't just call you cunt or whore.

Now i am being out and out threatened.

Well, I am certainly glad that you all came over en masse to prove how out of bounds I was when i said that bush supporters and neo cons are right wing authoritarian pricks.

I mean, gosh do I have egg on my face for that far-out claim or what?
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