the great kathy/ runyon controversy

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That's pretty low. If you knew his mother you'd never say such a thing. She's a great lady, very classy.

I think calling me a whore so many times was pretty low. I think when men do that, they should be encouraged to think about how they would feel if a man of their obvious caliber were to say the same of their mother or their sister.

I am sorry that you disagree, but frankly Said, i really don't care.
Here is a pm that Jimmy boy sent to me, and I don't care if Damo bans me for this, I really don't:

(I won't be banning anybody, but PMs should remain as PMs so I am taking that out... I'm sorry that this was such a crossover issue.)
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Here is a pm that Jimmy boy sent to me, and I don't care if Damo bans me for this, I really don't:

(I won't be banning anybody, but PMs should remain as PMs so I am taking that out... I'm sorry that this was such a crossover issue.)

Jesus Christ.
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I think calling me a whore so many times was pretty low. I think when men do that, they should be encouraged to think about how they would feel if a man of their obvious caliber were to say the same of their mother or their sister.

I am sorry that you disagree, but frankly Said, i really don't care.

You do care, or you wouldn't have explained yourself.
Wow, whenever I feel like my life is going bad I can go back and reread this thread, and take solace in the fact that at least I'm not reduced to caring about board on board drama in cyberspace.
Whore, cunt, and bitch are words that are beyond the pale. Especially when used over and over and over. It the sign of a sad, little, pathetic man. I would never be friends with a man that used the language over and over.

And I'm on record on this board and others, for calling men out when they do it, whether its to a liberal woman or a conservative one. So, don't bother trying to paint it as a partisan issue for me.
Cunt whore bitchass hoe motherfucker!

My board is better than yours, my posting existence rules compared to you!!!

Here is a pm that Jimmy boy sent to me, and I don't care if Damo bans me for this, I really don't:

(I won't be banning anybody, but PMs should remain as PMs so I am taking that out... I'm sorry that this was such a crossover issue.)

That was some funny shit!

Also funny considering how you shitbags condemned others for posting PM's before I got here! LOL

I don't care that it was posted as I would be proud to point out what a piece if filth you are for the entire board to see.
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Whore, cunt, and bitch are words that are beyond the pale. Especially when used over and over and over. It the sign of a sad, little, pathetic man. I would never be friends with a man that used the language over and over.

And I'm on record on this board and others, for calling men out when they do it, whether its to a liberal woman or a conservative one. So, don't bother trying to paint it as a partisan issue for me.

I don't use it over and over, just the one word to those deserving. I'm not your friend anyway, I would never associate with someone who seems like such a fucking pussy.
Whatever... And are you 9 for talking shit about people that aren't even members of your board? Now please, go fuck your illiterate mom.

It's funny Said that you didn't feel the need to say 'that's pretty low" when this was said, earlier

I don't use it over and over, just the one word to those deserving. I'm not your friend anyway, I would never associate with someone who seems like such a fucking pussy.

I thought you weren't coming back? Didn't you stomp your little feet, waive your little fists and spray us all with spittle as you swore such?

How can anyone miss you if you won't go away?
That was some funny shit!

Also funny considering how you shitbags condemned others for posting PM's before I got here! LOL

I don't care that it was posted as I would be proud to point out what a piece if filth you are for the entire board to see.

Of conversations presumed to be private.

You send someone who doesn't know you a psychotic, enraged and scary message, that's not private communication.

That's harrassment and will be treated by me as such. Damo is free to take any steps he feels are appropriate.

I always do what I feel is appropriate. :)
I don't use it over and over, just the one word to those deserving. I'm not your friend anyway, I would never associate with someone who seems like such a fucking pussy.

This has been a great demonstration of wingnuttery.

Its fascinating when Cons claim they are against the war, against racism, and against sexism.

...And then don't lift a finger, or do their part, to stop it.

When a certain poster here said that a black poster was nothing but a cleaning lady, who got in his face about it? Liberals and sane people.

Sexism and misogyny: I myself, got in a poster's face when they called Runyon a cunt. But, generally, when women get called cunts or whores, or black posters get called cleaning ladies, there is deafening silence from the wingnutters.

Being against racism, sexism, or misogyny takes more than just mere words, that you're against it.

Silence, in the face of raw racism and misogyny, speaks volumes.
I myself have been guilty of using language I would otherwise refrain from in the heat of an argument, so I am in no position to criticize. But anytime I feel that I have said something truly offensive I make sure to apologize if I feel it was undeserved.
I myself have been guilty of using language I would otherwise refrain from in the heat of an argument, so I am in no position to criticize. But anytime I feel that I have said something truly offensive I make sure to apologize if I feel it was undeserved.

Yes you have. Personally, when it was me, I told a couple of others that you did and that i thought it spoke highly of you.
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