the great kathy/ runyon controversy

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It's funny Said that you didn't feel the need to say 'that's pretty low" when this was said, earlier


Actually, I didn't see that. And yes, it is pretty low, especially in light of that fact that I'm quite certain Cypress' mother isn't well. (plse correct if I'm wrong)

On the other hand (leaving mothers out of this), most of you are guilty of name calling in this thread. I don't care who started it, most of you replied to it in the same manner - including you, Darla. Not that you care or anything. :)
Actually, I didn't see that. And yes, it is pretty low, especially in light of that fact that I'm quite certain Cypress's mother isn't well.

On the other hand (leaving mothers out of this), most of you are guilty of name calling in this thread. I don't care who started it, most of you replied to it in the same manner - including you, Darla. Not that you care or anything. :)

I guess since you were the first one to comment on it, and have answered each of my responses, I care just slightly less than you do Said.

And of course you "didn't see it".

If I only had a dollar for every time a con has made that claim when caught looking silly on a obvious hypocrisy. :)
I myself have been guilty of using language I would otherwise refrain from in the heat of an argument, so I am in no position to criticize. But anytime I feel that I have said something truly offensive I make sure to apologize if I feel it was undeserved.

Of course. I sure as heck am not as pure as the driven snow.

This thread however, was a demonstration of out-of-control sexism and misogyny. What inspired it? I don't even think Darla posts on that other board. Why are they gossiping about her, and why would this crazy dude totally lose it here?

Wingnutters. They're a mystery to me. :cof1:
Of conversations presumed to be private.

You send someone who doesn't know you a psychotic, enraged and scary message, that's not private communication.

That's harrassment and will be treated by me as such. Damo is free to take any steps he feels are appropriate.

I always do what I feel is appropriate. :)

Didn't I already tell you to shut up, whore?

Easily amused for a loser. But I figured if you dickheads want to talk trash about us when we aren't even here, then I might as well be as kind as to bring the trash to your doorstep. I have a bad habit of picking on dipshits. Debating the big boys gets tiring after awhile, I figured I would try my hand with those less educated.
I guess since you were the first one to comment on it, and have answered each of my responses, I care just slightly less than you do Said.

And of course you "didn't see it".

If I only had a dollar for every time a con has made that claim when caught looking silly on a obvious hypocrisy. :)

Comment on what? That I think Jimmy's mother is a nice lady and do not like seeing her called a whore? I also don't see anyone else but you caring about Cypress' mother either. What does that tell you about posters here? Would pre-judging them based on that alone be appropriate or inappropriate, in your opinion?

Moreover, how do you know I'm a 'con'? Isn't your passing judgement on someone you don't know a little 'hypocritical' in of itself, considering the nature of this thread. I mean seriously, who is supposed to be the better person here?

And please, feel free to point out anything else you feel I need to comment on, because I honestly haven't read every single post in this thread...Mkay.
Easily amused for a loser. But I figured if you dickheads want to talk trash about us when we aren't even here, then I might as well be as kind as to bring the trash to your doorstep. I have a bad habit of picking on dipshits. Debating the big boys gets tiring after awhile, I figured I would try my hand with those less educated.

You sound like you're in 8th grade, dude.

I wouldn't get so emotionally invested in message boards, and in cyber people your never going to meet, or interact with in real life.

I'd focus all that passionate energy you have, into completing your GED, and moving out of Mom's house. That will be a more productive use of your obviously incredible passion and energy
He's like a saturday night live skit of some wife-beating greaseball. I mean I totally picture the t-shirt and everything. Didn't I tell you to shutup whore, whack! Jesus, what a show.

Gotta go, good night.

Off to suck off the local crackheads already? LOL

Don't forget to bring Cypress with you, he sounds like a faggot that can help you get some rent money!
You sound like you're in 8th grade, dude.

I wouldn't get so emotionally invested in message boards, and in cyber people your never going to meet, or interact with in real life.

I'd focus all that passionate energy you have, into completing your GED, and moving out of Mom's house. That will be a more productive use of your obviously incredible passion and energy

Go fuck yourself. I'm not getting emotional at all. In case you haven't noticed, my goal here is to simply fill this place with as much trash as possible while keeping it away from my board.

Got it, dick licker?
You sound like you're in 8th grade, dude.

I wouldn't get so emotionally invested in message boards, and in cyber people your never going to meet, or interact with in real life.

I'd focus all that passionate energy you have, into completing your GED, and moving out of Mom's house. That will be a more productive use of your obviously incredible passion and energy

That's the thing. You do have some emotional investment or you wouldn't feel the need to 'get in someone's face' about anything. You would have a certain detachment when things get heated and personal. Am I right or wrong? Serious question.
That's the thing. You do have some emotional investment or you wouldn't feel the need to 'get in someone's face' about anything. You would have a certain detachment when things get heated and personal. Am I right or wrong? Serious question.

I don't like race or gender-based insults.

I think they are unneccessary. In poor taste. And help perpetuate sterotypes and misogyny.

I've never had a problem with neutral insults that don't rely on race, ethnicity, or gender to slam someone.

I get called moron and jerk 5 times a day. No biggie!
I don't like race or gender-based insults.

I think they are unneccessary. In poor taste. And help perpetuate sterotypes and misogyny.

I've never had a problem with neutral insults that don't rely on race, ethnicity, or gender to slam someone.

I get called moron and jerk 5 times a day. No biggie!

Fuck off then, ya monkey looking bitch.
I try to stay with calling my opponent's intellect into question by using terms that convey stupidity like: Moron, Fool, or Socialist.

I find it much more effective and fair than sinking into racial slurs, age insults and shock language, but I am above none of those if they are used on me first.
I try to stay with calling my opponent's intellect into question

Well, there's where you strayed off course right from the get go. I didn't waste my breath as there doesn't seem to be an awful lot of intellect from Darla and Cypress. Combine the 2 and you have the intellect of a lighter flint.
I don't like race or gender-based insults.

I think they are unneccessary. In poor taste. And help perpetuate sterotypes and misogyny.

I've never had a problem with neutral insults that don't rely on race, ethnicity, or gender to slam someone.

I get called moron and jerk 5 times a day. No biggie!

LOL on neutral insults. But still, what I see in this thread is pure emtion. Inspired by what...loyalty, protectiveness, defensiveness and so on. This is because some do have an emotional investment tied to this board and the other. I guess we probably all do, wheather we want to admit it or not. Moron. J/K. :tongout:
LOL on neutral insults. But still, what I see in this thread is pure emtion. Inspired by what...loyalty, protectiveness, defensiveness and so on. This is because some do have an emotional investment tied to this board and the other. I guess we probably all do, wheather we want to admit it or not. Moron. J/K. :tongout:

Moron is always a great insult :clink:

Don't worry about it. I understand that cons see no distinction between calling someone a dummy, or a moron, versus calling women whores and cunts.

I addressed that very topic earlier! :cool:
LOL on neutral insults. But still, what I see in this thread is pure emtion. Inspired by what...loyalty, protectiveness, defensiveness and so on. This is because some do have an emotional investment tied to this board and the other. I guess we probably all do, wheather we want to admit it or not. Moron. J/K. :tongout:

Bottom line - Truthmatters aka Desh was outright exposed for lying on my board and was thrashed around by quite a few who caught her. She came here to get a pat on the back from her liberal buddies. Without so much as seeking the truth, they patted her on the back, stated what scum us conservatives were, how fucked up we run the board, how we banned someone for a username (another lie) and just petty bullshit about a board they have nothing to do with. The truth is there for anyone who wanted to see, and Damocles can verify this. But no, it's easier to talk smack about a bunch of people who don't even post here.

I then brought the bullshit to their doorstep and now they wanna whine.

Tough shit.
Moron is always a great insult :clink:

Don't worry about it. I understand that cons see no distinction between calling someone a dummy, or a moron, versus calling women whores and cunts.

I addressed that very topic earlier! :cool:

That's no less than 3 times now that you have accused me or someone of using the word "cunt" in this thread. Care to point out where it was stated? Or are you just another liar like your buddy, Desh?
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