the great kathy/ runyon controversy

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What a display.

This is considered completely normal behavior by right wingers you know. I mean they really live outside of society, and have no idea when they are making fools out of themselves and others are staring and wondering where they escaped from.

It's quite interesting.

Interesting choice of words: Whore, bitch, cunt...whatever. Its all a blur at this point.

Yes, I know what you mean, about rightwingers. This is like a dream from the Bush board. lol
It was a mod who I and he disagreed way too much...I moved on too avoid further conflict!

I know exactly who you speak of and what transpired. I wasn't involved in that matter. I don't recall ever having any issues with you myself, and anyone that has ever been on any of my boards and taken the time to contact me has gotten respect in return and my assistance. I just don't care much for the issues TM has started, then to find people here who don't even know me trashing me and my board simply because we are *gulp" conservatives.
Interesting choice of words: Whore, bitch, cunt...whatever. Its all a blur at this point.

Yes, I know what you mean, about rightwingers. This is like a dream from the Bush board. lol

Typical liberal, already getting confused after a mere few minutes! LOL
And that is what is so cool about this board...

I know exactly who you speak of and what transpired. I wasn't involved in that matter. I don't recall ever having any issues with you myself, and anyone that has ever been on any of my boards and taken the time to contact me has gotten respect in return and my assistance. I just don't care much for the issues TM has started, then to find people here who don't even know me trashing me and my board simply because we are *gulp" conservatives.

damo doesn't ban anyone...scolds lightly on occassion...but let's everyone express is so fun...I get attacked by Darla Ms.Code pink quite often..and her minion Cypress to her defense...she has the biggest potty mouth on this board...yet attacks everyone else and calls them perves...well only if they are conservatives or Vets who support the war! She and he are entertaining though!:D
This is a friend of yours Damo?

It doesn't speak highly of you. I'm pretty astounded really.
He feels upset that people came here and posted what they believed he wouldn't read.


He really is a good guy that tries very hard to be evenhanded on his board. I rarely saw permanent bans and they were pretty evenly distributed. I have seen even Kathi banned for a time on one of his boards...

Getting cyber-angry and posting a bunch of curse words and insults is something that happens.

As I said, I'm sorry this happened, and all from what I believe to be a misconstrued statement that was taken as a threat.
damo doesn't ban anyone...scolds lightly on occassion...but let's everyone express is so fun...I get attacked by Darla Ms.Code pink quite often..and her minion Cypress to her defense...she has the biggest potty mouth on this board...yet attacks everyone else and calls them perves...well only if they are conservatives or Vets who support the war! She and he are entertaining though!:D

Got no problem with a good brawl between cons and libs, that's what the political boards are about! It's the petty backchannel crap and lies that I can do without, and people talking shit and spreading it to other boards. You don't see me talking smack about people here at my board, I came here to voice myself. Only chickenshits will talk smack about others where they think they won't read what they wrote. I thought I had a handle on this yesterday, and even spoke briefly with Damocles about it, but TM was flustered that she was busted lying and decided to retreat here with her version of events for some liberal support. Some took it hook, line and sinker, and not only believed her, but decided to talk shit about me and my board in the process when I never engaged them before.
He feels upset that people came here and posted what they believed he wouldn't read.


He really is a good guy that tries very hard to be evenhanded on his board. I rarely saw permanent bans and they were pretty evenly distributed. I have seen even Kathi banned for a time on one of his boards...

Getting cyber-angry and posting a bunch of curse words and insults is something that happens.

As I said, I'm sorry this happened, and all from what I believe to be a misconstrued statement that was taken as a threat.

don't worry it's not your fault. I don't care! Just another right wing scummer to me, you know how I feel about them Damo. Too bad that idiot Runyon had to be talking out her ass about me on another board to begin with, but she's sitting here enjoying the fall out now. Another great example for my list!

Have a great night.
He feels upset that people came here and posted what they believed he wouldn't read.


He really is a good guy that tries very hard to be evenhanded on his board. I rarely saw permanent bans and they were pretty evenly distributed. I have seen even Kathi banned for a time on one of his boards...

Getting cyber-angry and posting a bunch of curse words and insults is something that happens.

As I said, I'm sorry this happened, and all from what I believe to be a misconstrued statement that was taken as a threat.

Hell, I don't even really mind that she came here and posted the PM's. But it was the others who then decided to jump on me and my board not even knowing me that got me to join and speak myself. The only one I know of who has room to judge me or how I run my board is Battleborne, yourself, or JD aka Care4all.. If others have never been members of my board, why the hell would they site here and condemn the way I run it? I find it all a little odd.
Got no problem with a good brawl between cons and libs, that's what the political boards are about! It's the petty backchannel crap and lies that I can do without, and people talking shit and spreading it to other boards. You don't see me talking smack about people here at my board, I came here to voice myself. Only chickenshits will talk smack about others where they think they won't read what they wrote. I thought I had a handle on this yesterday, and even spoke briefly with Damocles about it, but TM was flustered that she was busted lying and decided to retreat here with her version of events for some liberal support. Some took it hook, line and sinker, and not only believed her, but decided to talk shit about me and my board in the process when I never engaged them before.

Well you have certainly come here and really changed minds with your behavior.

Who wouldn't want to go to your board now!


What a right wing jerk. I swear if they put the brains of pretty much any right winger into a bird, the poor thing would get confused and fly backwards into a tree.
I don't think she's enjoying it. But if I don't let it run it will continue to sprout up, like a hydra...

I'll have to ride it out now. And hope it gets settled soon.

don't worry it's not your fault. I don't care! Just another right wing scummer to me, you know how I feel about them Damo. Too bad that idiot Runyon had to be talking out her ass about me on another board to begin with, but she's sitting here enjoying the fall out now. Another great example for my list!

Have a great night.

Kathianne is more liberal than conservative...I know I had quite a few arguments with her on the 'very old board'!
don't worry it's not your fault. I don't care! Just another right wing scummer to me, you know how I feel about them Damo. Too bad that idiot Runyon had to be talking out her ass about me on another board to begin with, but she's sitting here enjoying the fall out now. Another great example for my list!

Have a great night.

You talked shit before I got here, and continue now. You're a loser and it becomes more and more obvious with every post of yours that I read.
Well you have certainly come here and really changed minds with your behavior.

Who wouldn't want to go to your board now!


What a right wing jerk. I swear if they put the brains of pretty much any right winger into a bird, the poor thing would get confused and fly backwards into a tree.

I didn't come to change anyone's mind, dumb whore.
I don't think she's enjoying it. But if I don't let it run it will continue to sprout up, like a hydra...

I'll have to ride it out now. And hope it gets settled soon.

Well while I'm being called a whore in every post by this pimp and lowlife?

don't see anything getting settled.
And I think she is, she started this shit, and still hasn't said a word about dragging me into her drama shit, which I don't appreciate, and it's funny how Desh says she threatened to bring her goons over here, and low and behold now I have been called a whore 26 times.

I don't think she's enjoying it. But if I don't let it run it will continue to sprout up, like a hydra...

I'll have to ride it out now. And hope it gets settled soon.

Damocles, I'm done. My sincerest apologies to you for allowing this bunch to lower myself as you know this is not my nature. I don't want a war, and neither do you. My bad, I should have left this in PM's between the 2 of us, but then I read the trash that was being discussed. I'm out now before it goes any further and causes any further problems on your side. You've always been a friend to me and have always given me respect. I've always helped you out when you asked. I don't want this to effect the 2 of us. I don't need the last word, you know what initially transpired between TM and Kathianne as well as I do. Others can judge whichever way they like, but why entire boards need to be judged because of it is beyond me.

Again, you have my apologies, buddy. We'll talk later in a more private setting.

Damocles, I'm done. My sincerest apologies to you for allowing this bunch to lower myself as you know this is not my nature. I don't want a war, and neither do you. My bad, I should have left this in PM's between the 2 of us, but then I read the trash that was being discussed. I'm out now before it goes any further and causes any further problems on your side. You've always been a friend to me and have always given me respect. I've always helped you out when you asked. I don't want this to effect the 2 of us. I don't need the last word, you know what initially transpired between TM and Kathianne as well as I do. Others can judge whichever way they like, but why entire boards need to be judged because of it is beyond me.

Again, you have my apologies, buddy. We'll talk later in a more private setting.


Yes of course, you were forced into coming on here and calling me a whore 26 times you pos.

For something I was barely involved in.

You certainly are squeaky clean.

I hope someone calls your mother a whore 26 times tomorrow. And I'll tell you in order to raise something like you?

She must be one big one.

Shove it.
Yes of course, you were forced into coming on here and calling me a whore 26 times you pos.

For something I was barely involved in.

You certainly are squeaky clean.

I hope someone calls your mother a whore 26 times tomorrow. And I'll tell you in order to raise something like you?

She must be one big one.

Shove it.

That's pretty low. If you knew his mother you'd never say such a thing. She's a great lady, very classy.
That's pretty low. If you knew his mother you'd never say such a thing. She's a great lady, very classy.

well you know "the left" they are very classy inteligent people that never lose their grip on the moral high ground?.....
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