The green scene demeaned, right here on your screen

Yes. No one thinks of fossil fuels as "fossils" per se.
You do. Shall I call you "no one"??
It's a common parlance term to indicate it comes from geologic processes and represents older life.
What "older life"?????
Into the Night is a simp who can't actually engage with a technical topic.
Argument of the Stone fallacy.
Not unlike you. Kind of dim bulb who fancies themselves quite bright.
Mantra 1a. Lame.
Currently, climate is apparently changing at 1/20,000th of a degree per day.

Can anybody please explain why this is an 'emergency'?

A chart of random numbers is not an emergency.
Yea, that there are far too many retards that live among the human race. Try as she might, Mother Nature, has failed to kill them off...

I'm willing to do what I can to help, as long as I don't get punished for it. :thup:

BTW, have you read this?


Humanity is becoming less intelligent.

This is the shocking message of At Our Wits' End. The authors take us on a journey through the growing body of evidence that we are significantly less intelligent now than we were even a hundred years ago.

The research is profoundly thought-provoking, highly controversial, and it's currently only read by academics.

The authors are passionate that it cannot remain ensconced in the ivory tower any longer.

With At Our Wits' End, they show that intelligence - which is strongly genetic - was increasing until the Industrial Revolution, because many humans were subject to the rigors of natural selection. Having surviving children was the preserve of the cleverest.

But since then, large families are increasingly a trait of the least intelligent.

The book explores how this change occurred and, crucially, what its consequences will be for the future.
“Climate scientists” haven't stopped flying to conferences, have they?

Politicians and celebrities haven't stopped flying in private jets to collect environmental stewardship awards, or buying oceanfront properties, have they?

Have any of the people declaring a “climate emergency” set an example by living off-grid with no electricity, no WiFi, no running water and no plumbing?

I will not willingly pay more for gasoline, electricity, or consumer goods to fund the "green new steal".

I will not change my ways voluntarily.

Deal with it.

It has occurred to some folks that the easiest way to manufacture a false "green" consensus might be to employ "blackmail" to silence those who don’t agree with a particular theory by refusing funding for non-conformists.

Consider this:

Preference falsification is the act of misrepresenting a preference under perceived public pressure. It involves the selection of a publicly expressed preference that differs from the underlying privately held preference.

People frequently convey to each other preferences that differ from what they would communicate privately under credible cover of anonymity.

Preference falsification - Wikipedia