The Historicity of Jesus Christ

Why are Christians trying to prove their beliefs are correct? I mean, they must have a lot of doubt.
You keep getting things wrong.

Jesus was executed around 30 AD.
Mark seems to have been written about 65 AD, according to scholars.

That is 35 years after Jesus.
Not "70 years", as you claim.

More importantly Mark is probably a compilation of sermons and information Peter gave to his disciples, and organized and commited to papyrus by Mark much later. So these sermons and stories obviously predate 65 AD by a considerable number of years.
He never completed college, if even HS, and takes the "After Death" number literally. Agreed on the dates.
Please post that survey. I've studied history and never heard of a historian making that claim.

The 100 Most Significant Figures in History

1 Jesus

2 Napoleon

3 Muhammad

4 William Shakespeare

5 Abraham Lincoln

6 George Washington

7 Adolf Hitler

8 Aristotle

9 Alexander the Great

10 Thomas Jefferson

11 Henry VIII of England

12 Charles Darwin

13 Elizabeth I of England

14 Karl Marx

15 Julius Caesar

The 100 Most Significant Figures in History

1 Jesus

2 Napoleon

3 Muhammad

4 William Shakespeare

5 Abraham Lincoln

6 George Washington

7 Adolf Hitler

8 Aristotle

9 Alexander the Great

10 Thomas Jefferson

11 Henry VIII of England

12 Charles Darwin

13 Elizabeth I of England

14 Karl Marx

15 Julius Caesar

Who did that report?
It's in the link I gave.

I could look up historical polls until the cows come home, and Jesus is always going to rank as one of the most significant figures in history.
So, people in India think Jesus is most influential? China? Japan?
Why are Christians trying to prove their beliefs are correct? I mean, they must have a lot of doubt.
Facts matter for anyone who respects historical scholarship.

Anyone who claims the man Jesus is a legendary myth, is going to have their intelligence challenged.
Just like Socrates, Confucious, and the Emperor Xerxes he wrote none that survive into our time.

It's debatable how good his writing skills were.
I find it odd that I can read the Iliad and Odyssey but almost nothing from Socrates and not a word from Jesus.