The Holocaust LIE!

Nah. Your type bores me. Microbiology is far more fascinating, and apt to impart knowledge as well.

And your type disgusts me. Also, if you didn't know any of what I showed you, consider yourself to have had knowledge imparted on to you. I will also show you another picture. Maybe the truth of it will bore you as well. It shows the condition of some of the people that the Russians caused. But you might want to close your eyes real tight. Because in supporting the U.S. having supported the Russians who were responsible, YOU are also guilty for their condition. Or at the very least, spitting on the graves of innocents. Are you a psychotic sociopath? Or does this fact actually bother you.
holodomor victims 2.jpg
Sorry man, I just cannot for the life of me take you seriously right now with this. The numbers were off? OK. Great, got it. Take care.

What do I have to do. Buy a couple plane tickets to go see the holocaust memorial museum at Auschwitz and show you in person the new plaque that the Polish Government put up there? That at least should tell you something. Or do you think you know more than the Polish government. Though I know more that what they would like to admit. Or is the moronic stupor you live in just too comfortable. Maybe you would also like me to show you the swimming pool at the camp.

Or maybe the jews (if you aren't one yourself) have been real nice massas to yo nigga ass. And have brainwashed you too well. To the point where you can only take the words of a jew. Well if that is the case, I have something done by a real live JEW for you to watch to learn some of the real truth. Though I know that the truth doesn't interest you. But if it should, it might take you around a half hour to learn it. (Think you could handle that?) Enter into your browser "Adolf Hitler: The greatest story NEVER told." The first website will show you this documentary. Click on it and scroll down the page. You will come across the various parts of that documentary. Go to part 21. It is called "The Leuchter Findings." Click on it and watch it. Find out what a real live JEW has to say. If you dare.
What do I have to do. Buy a couple plane tickets to go see the holocaust memorial museum at Auschwitz and show you in person the new plaque that the Polish Government put up there? That at least should tell you something. Or do you think you know more than the Polish government. Though I know more that what they would like to admit. Or is the moronic stupor you live in just too comfortable. Maybe you would also like me to show you the swimming pool at the camp.

Or maybe the jews (if you aren't one yourself) have been real nice massas to yo nigga ass. And have brainwashed you too well. To the point where you can only take the words of a jew. Well if that is the case, I have something done by a real live JEW for you to watch to learn some of the real truth. Though I know that the truth doesn't interest you. But if it should, it might take you around a half hour to learn it. (Think you could handle that?) Enter into your browser "Adolf Hitler: The greatest story NEVER told." The first website will show you this documentary. Click on it and scroll down the page. You will come across the various parts of that documentary. Go to part 21. It is called "The Leuchter Findings." Click on it and watch it. Find out what a real live JEW has to say. If you dare.

I got it, you'd already shown us the totality of your research. We thank you for that by the way. Sure, I might watch another documentary.

You could have just asked.

But you're quibbling about numbers, right?
And your type disgusts me. Also, if you didn't know any of what I showed you, consider yourself to have had knowledge imparted on to you. I will also show you another picture. Maybe the truth of it will bore you as well. It shows the condition of some of the people that the Russians caused. But you might want to close your eyes real tight. Because in supporting the U.S. having supported the Russians who were responsible, YOU are also guilty for their condition. Or at the very least, spitting on the graves of innocents. Are you a psychotic sociopath? Or does this fact actually bother you.
View attachment 7011

You're all over the map here pard, cam down, stick to a single point and close that one before rambling on to some other one.
Proof of the failure of private enterprise health care is right there.

Fandago and similarly damaged people are walking around loose in society....instead of being humanely euthanized.
I got it, you'd already shown us the totality of your research. We thank you for that by the way. Sure, I might watch another documentary.

You could have just asked.

But you're quibbling about numbers, right?

Oh. This isn't even the start of it!!!! Next, earlier you didn't seem very thankful. So here you are probably just being flippant. Next, I didn't ask you to watch the whole documentary. Just a little part of it. Next, going from 6 million to around 280,000 is more than just a quibble. As for my asking you something, I will ask you this. If you are really interested in the truth. Enter into your google browser "The Truth: Unforbidden!" It will bring up various places to this free ebook. I would recommend the Fliphtml5 website. This book is only about one hundred pages long. With quite a few pictures. Some of which I already showed you. So being so short, it shouldn't be any bother for you to read it. But I won't even ask you to do that. Just scroll through it. With it only being 100 pages long, that couldn't take more than 40 seconds or so. But no doubt you will run across some picture that will make you pause to take a longer look. After enough of that, you will probably want to read the whole thing. If you do, tell me if you find anything in it you disagree with.
You're all over the map here pard, cam down, stick to a single point and close that one before rambling on to some other one.

I am sticking to the point. The holocaust. And 6 million jews supposedly killed. In total, Russian communists are said to have been responsible for the untimely deaths of 80 to 100 million people! And it was mostly carried out by the jews. In buying into their bullshit of the criminals being the victims, you become their accomplice. I will show you a picture of a jew and what he said. He used to be the head of the NKVD. This one jew alone is said to have orchestrated the deaths of at least 10 million people! The picture of the starving people I showed were some if the victims.

Just as an added bonus, I will show you a picture of another Jew. Just to show that they aren't all pieces of shit. The 150,000 or so who actually fought for the Nazis sure weren't.
jew tryth teller 2.jpg
Proof of the failure of private enterprise health care is right there.

Fandago and similarly damaged people are walking around loose in society....instead of being humanely euthanized.

It sure is difficult to convince a criminal that they are a criminal. If I said anything anywhere that you "think" is wrong, just let me know. I can straighten you out. But just like any cult follower, you probably don't want to be straightened out.
What do I have to do. Buy a couple plane tickets to go see the holocaust memorial museum at Auschwitz and show you in person the new plaque that the Polish Government put up there? That at least should tell you something. Or do you think you know more than the Polish government. Though I know more that what they would like to admit. Or is the moronic stupor you live in just too comfortable. Maybe you would also like me to show you the swimming pool at the camp.

Or maybe the jews (if you aren't one yourself) have been real nice massas to yo nigga ass. And have brainwashed you too well. To the point where you can only take the words of a jew. Well if that is the case, I have something done by a real live JEW for you to watch to learn some of the real truth. Though I know that the truth doesn't interest you. But if it should, it might take you around a half hour to learn it. (Think you could handle that?) Enter into your browser "Adolf Hitler: The greatest story NEVER told." The first website will show you this documentary. Click on it and scroll down the page. You will come across the various parts of that documentary. Go to part 21. It is called "The Leuchter Findings." Click on it and watch it. Find out what a real live JEW has to say. If you dare.

The Holocaust isn't a lie.... This thread is absurd. .. and you can't change history by insulting people or attacking other posters.
Oh. This isn't even the start of it!!!! Next, earlier you didn't seem very thankful. So here you are probably just being flippant. Next, I didn't ask you to watch the whole documentary. Just a little part of it. Next, going from 6 million to around 280,000 is more than just a quibble. As for my asking you something, I will ask you this. If you are really interested in the truth. Enter into your google browser "The Truth: Unforbidden!" It will bring up various places to this free ebook. I would recommend the Fliphtml5 website. This book is only about one hundred pages long. With quite a few pictures. Some of which I already showed you. So being so short, it shouldn't be any bother for you to read it. But I won't even ask you to do that. Just scroll through it. With it only being 100 pages long, that couldn't take more than 40 seconds or so. But no doubt you will run across some picture that will make you pause to take a longer look. After enough of that, you will probably want to read the whole thing. If you do, tell me if you find anything in it you disagree with.

Flippant?!?!?!?!?!?!?, ... why I never!!!!!!!! Yeah, big number disparity. Same as we did in the "settlement" stories of this place. Say you're right. You're wailing because you're surprised your power structure made up a self-aggrandized version of reality? Really?
For those who believe in the holocaust fantasy, it's time to stop being suckers and accept the TRUTH! Just about everything you have heard and continue to hear about Hitler and WW II in general is a complete lie. Consider these truisms. "In war, truth is the first casualty." (For the winning side, it remains a casualty) "History is written by the victors." Also, Napoleon knew what was going on. He said, "History is just a bunch of lies agreed upon."

If you think 6 million jews were killed in the "holocaust," consider this plaque that used to be at the holocaust memorial museum in Auschwitz that went along with that fantasy.
View attachment 7000

It says 4 million jews were murdered at Auschwitz. But after Poland got its freedom from Russia, the changed the plaque at the holocaust memorial museum to this.
View attachment 7001

It says that 1.5 million jews died there. So what does that do to your "6 million" lie. But even that number was vastly overstated. Probably because after Russia left, Poland wanted to ally itself more with the U.S. And didn't want to stray TOO far from the allied version of events. But I will show you a couple documents that tell you what the real death toll was at various jewish internment camps. And one of these documents is from The International Red Cross.
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Also, I have some old newspaper clippings to show you that appeared in various newspapers well before WW II even happened. They all speak of something bad happening to 6 million jews. Which shows that the whole 6 million thing in relation to the "holocaust" is just as much BS.
View attachment 7004

Are you running around posting this all over the internet and insulting people?
We really do not need holocaust deniers on the board.

Agreed. On the other hand, there seems to be no aversion to those who deny that what's going on in Gaza is in essence any different than denying the holocaust. Other than the timing in history.
The Holocaust isn't a lie.... This thread is absurd. .. and you can't change history by insulting people or attacking other posters.

No. The "holocaust" isn't a lie. About 280,000 jews died in the jewish internment camps run by the righteous Nazis. And it was the allies who killed them! By bombing the shit out of the German infrastructure that supplied those camps. And those jews died partially from a lack of food making them more sickly. On top of that, disease outbreaks from diseases like typhus. It's too bad you were apparently too afraid to look at "The Leuchter Findings." Because you would have found out that the whole "gas chamber" thing was just a myth. To that end, I will rearrange an old saying. "Fool me once, shame on you. Choosing to remain fooled, shame on me." Tell me. Have you ever had any children? Or as I would have to call them, shamelings.
No. The "holocaust" isn't a lie. About 280,000 jews died in the jewish internment camps run by the righteous Nazis. And it was the allies who killed them! By bombing the shit out of the German infrastructure that supplied those camps. And those jews died partially from a lack of food making them more sickly. On top of that, disease outbreaks from diseases like typhus. It's too bad you were apparently too afraid to look at "The Leuchter Findings." Because you would have found out that the whole "gas chamber" thing was just a myth. To that end, I will rearrange an old saying. "Fool me once, shame on you. Choosing to remain fooled, shame on me." Tell me. Have you ever had any children? Or as I would have to call them, shamelings.

And that's different from what we're doing now just how again?
Flippant?!?!?!?!?!?!?, ... why I never!!!!!!!! Yeah, big number disparity. Same as we did in the "settlement" stories of this place. Say you're right. You're wailing because you're surprised your power structure made up a self-aggrandized version of reality? Really?

Oh. Do tell me more about the settlement stories of the U.S. Next, I'm not surprised by the version of history the jews wrote for the "filthy un-chosen goyim" to believe. I am disgusted n by it. Also, maybe this thread would interest you.
holocaut deniers.jpg
We really do not need holocaust deniers on the board.

Then I guess that means I'm welcome here. Because I'm not a "holocaust denier." Read post #36. What I am is a history correctionist. For example, until war put an end to the program, Germany deported 60 to 70% of their jews to Palestine under The Haavara Agreement. Before then, Germany was allied with jewish zionists. In at least one camp I heard of, the Nazis taught the jews how to set up the kibbutz system that jewish settlers in Palestine used. In those camps, I will show you what the first flag of Israel basically was. Before they changed it to the flag Israel uses today. I will also show you one of some coins that were minted. Any time you want more "denial" just let me know.
Nazi Flag.jpg
Nazi - jew coin.jpg
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