The Holocaust LIE!

Another pissing contest jockey, from Stormfront?

I'm not the one pissing. It is those who can't handle the truth who are the ones doing the pissing. For the ones who are White, I want to prevent them from pissing on their own kind. And no. I'm not from stormfront. Which it might interest you to know is secretly run by the jews. The same is true for VNN. I would imaging the reason is to keep track of those who are against them. As Lenin said, "The best way to control the opposition is to run it ourselves."
Sorry, put you on ignore the moment you started this. I kind of got whiffs of it in the introduction one, with the whole truth talk.
Sorry, put you on ignore the moment you started this. I kind of got whiffs of it in the introduction one, with the whole truth talk.

OR.... (if you see this) You could try to discredit anything I said or showed. But instead you take the approach of, "Run Away!!! Run Away!!!"
It might also interest you to know that there was never any "gas chamber" at Auschwitz. As far as I have ever been able to find out, there were no gas chambers anywhere. The one at Auschwitz was made to look like one after the war.

The gas chamber at Auschwitz was reconstructed as a memorial after the Russians tore down the original one. There are many pictures and accounts by survivors, American, Russian, and German soldiers of what happened there--much more numerous than your few documents. Were those films of the survivors being liberated by troops just skinny actors?
OR.... (if you see this) You could try to discredit anything I said or showed. But instead you take the approach of, "Run Away!!! Run Away!!!"

I won't "run away" by putting you on ignore. You're not cussing or using the n-word.... yet. I'd rather shine the bright light of ridicule on idiots like you. You're the adult version of a naughty 3-year-old who learned some four-letter swears from his older brother, who sneaks into his mom's ladies book club and uses them for shock value.... and attention. We can't wash your mouth out with soap, but we can still point, laugh, and mock you for pretending to believe this stupid dreck.
The gas chamber at Auschwitz was reconstructed as a memorial after the Russians tore down the original one. There are many pictures and accounts by survivors, American, Russian, and German soldiers of what happened there--much more numerous than your few documents. Were those films of the survivors being liberated by troops just skinny actors?

My uncle was a staff sergeant in WWII, fought at the Battle of the Bulge, and was there when one of the camps was liberated. I don't recall any more which one it was. He would not discuss what he saw; it was too horrible. He met his life partner there though. Max was a liberated prisoner with the blue tattooed numbers on his arm (he showed us) and swastikas branded on his body.... thankfully he did not show us those.

I'm always pleased when idiots like the OP show up and begin denials. It keeps what happened alive, lets the rest of us tell our stories and post accounts, and this hopefully will keep the Holocaust from ever happening again.
My uncle was a staff sergeant in WWII, fought at the Battle of the Bulge, and was there when one of the camps was liberated. I don't recall any more which one it was. He would not discuss what he saw; it was too horrible. He met his life partner there though. Max was a liberated prisoner with the blue tattooed numbers on his arm (he showed us) and swastikas branded on his body.... thankfully he did not show us those.

I'm always pleased when idiots like the OP show up and begin denials. It keeps what happened alive, lets the rest of us tell our stories and post accounts, and this hopefully will keep the Holocaust from ever happening again.

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The gas chamber at Auschwitz was reconstructed as a memorial after the Russians tore down the original one. There are many pictures and accounts by survivors, American, Russian, and German soldiers of what happened there--much more numerous than your few documents. Were those films of the survivors being liberated by troops just skinny actors?

I always run into such interesting lies with people like you. It is even worse that trying to convince a human caused global warming denier that human caused global warming is a reality. Because I can present you with evidence that you can see with your own eyes. Yet it makes no difference.

The other interesting lie I heard about the "gas chamber" at Auschwitz is that the SS blew up the original one. So the Russians rebuilt it. Which ever lies you choose to believe, I have a couple pictures of reality for you. One is of the roof of the "gas chamber" at Auschwitz. It shows the vents through which Zyklon B was supposedly dropped. The other is a picture of one of those vents in the ceiling from inside the "gas chamber." You can see that it was chiseled and cut into the ceiling through what appears to be reinforced concrete. Now if the Nazis had built the building for such a purpose, or if it was rebuilt by the Russians, (As you said) Don't you suppose it would have been a whole hell of a lot easier to just form the roof with those vent holes in it to begin with?
gas chamber roof vents.jpg gas chamber ceiling vent.jpg

For these pictures, you can't sanely deny them. In this regard, how about being the first to admit that I was right about anything I said. Or would that make you too much of an "anti-semite."

Next, as far as most of the jews are concerned, they are LIARS! Their religion even tells them to tell lies to the goyim. As for the Russians, who cares about what they had to say. They did FAR worse to their own people. As for the Germans, it is interesting what torture can get some people to say. As for the Americans or others, they didn't see those camps until near the end of the war. By that time, things had gotten pretty bad in the jewish internment camps. That was from the German infrastructure that supplied those camps getting the shit bombed out of them by the allies.

Next, one of the documents I showed (maybe both) were by The International Red Cross. They aren't so easy to dismiss. As for the "skinny actors," of course there was a lack of food in those camps near the end of the war. That along with things like typhus outbreals is what caused the roughly 280,000 jews who actually died to die. No jews were gassed. And if you want to see skinny, I will show you a picture of what some of the Russians looked like that the Russian jews did to them. Click on it and take a close look.
holodomor victims 2.jpg
I won't "run away" by putting you on ignore. You're not cussing or using the n-word.... yet. I'd rather shine the bright light of ridicule on idiots like you. You're the adult version of a naughty 3-year-old who learned some four-letter swears from his older brother, who sneaks into his mom's ladies book club and uses them for shock value.... and attention. We can't wash your mouth out with soap, but we can still point, laugh, and mock you for pretending to believe this stupid dreck.

How about pointing at something I said or showed that you think is untrue. Give it a shot.