The Holocaust LIE!

I'm not the one pissing. It is those who can't handle the truth who are the ones doing the pissing. For the ones who are White, I want to prevent them from pissing on their own kind. And no. I'm not from stormfront. Which it might interest you to know is secretly run by the jews. The same is true for VNN. I would imaging the reason is to keep track of those who are against them. As Lenin said, "The best way to control the opposition is to run it ourselves."

Personally I don't view pissing on you as pissing on my own kind. Be sure to wear your arm band out in public.
My uncle was a staff sergeant in WWII, fought at the Battle of the Bulge, and was there when one of the camps was liberated. I don't recall any more which one it was. He would not discuss what he saw; it was too horrible. He met his life partner there though. Max was a liberated prisoner with the blue tattooed numbers on his arm (he showed us) and swastikas branded on his body.... thankfully he did not show us those.

I'm always pleased when idiots like the OP show up and begin denials. It keeps what happened alive, lets the rest of us tell our stories and post accounts, and this hopefully will keep the Holocaust from ever happening again.

What you say is no different from a member of the Mafia defending the mafia. Victors are also known to crow about their "victory." Even if their victory turns out to not having been one at all. Next, near the end of the war, the jewish internment camps did get pretty bad. That was because of the allies bombing the shit out of the German infrastructure that supplied those camps. Life was pretty grim for the average German citizen by then. Tell me any of this is untrue so far. If you dare!
Next, your uncle should have been horrified by the condition of the camp they "liberated." Maybe he was too horrified to admit that they were that way because of what his side caused. Next, your uncle sounds like a homo. As if anybody should believe one of them. As for keeping it from happening again, it never happened to begin with! At least not to the degree you think it did. It has also been said that those who forget history are doomed to repeat it. Expect far worse from those who not only forgot history, but made up a false one instead!
Do you like being a loser that was curb-stomped by the Allied powers?

Do you like being too much of a loser to respond to the thread I suggested? Also, there was some stomping going on in the picture I will show. Tell me how you prefer that kind of stomping instead.
humanzee protesters 2.jpg
I suspect most of these Holocaust deniers are just in it for the negative attention.

Who is denying the holocaust. I am just denying your brainwashed version of it. Next, I expect a negative reaction from any brainwashed cultist when faced with the truth. But that won't keep me from speaking it.
Who is denying the holocaust. I am just denying your brainwashed version of it. Next, I expect a negative reaction from any brainwashed cultist when faced with the truth. But that won't keep me from speaking it.

We've all seen you glom onto nazis, no one expects you to stop.
Yes, but Cultsmasher has always been very touchy about the WWII loss. :D

What is it you don't get. WE lost WW II. The iron Curtain proved that. The Korean war proved that. The Vietnamese war proved that. Nearly becoming extinct at least a couple of times in nuclear war proved that. Having around 11 million illegals in this country proves that. Chinese hackers stealing most of (if not all of) our secret military technology proves that. Etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. times zillions.
What is it you don't get. WE lost WW II. The iron Curtain proved that. The Korean war proved that. The Vietnamese war proved that. Nearly becoming extinct at least a couple of times in nuclear war proved that. Having around 11 million illegals in this country proves that. Chinese hackers stealing most of (if not all of) our secret military technology proves that. Etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. times zillions.

Why do you think your ruling aristocracy allows all that?
Personally I don't view pissing on you as pissing on my own kind. Be sure to wear your arm band out in public.

If you aren't White, you aren't my own kind. And you would do well to do any pissing on yourself. And it's interesting that you bring up the arm band thing. Unfortunately I don't know how to upload videos here. Because there is an interesting one at this website. It is called, "Black taxi driver defends wearing swastika armband in public."
As for the Americans or others, they didn't see those camps until near the end of the war. By that time, things had gotten pretty bad in the jewish internment camps.

Why were they in interment camps?

Your few pictures do not outweigh all the films of the camps, piles of dead bodies, and stories of survivors. Saying Jews are liars is not a decent argument. Read some of the books by Germans in charge of the camps.
If you aren't White, you aren't my own kind. And you would do well to do any pissing on yourself. And it's interesting that you bring up the arm band thing. Unfortunately I don't know how to upload videos here. Because there is an interesting one at this website. It is called, "Black taxi driver defends wearing swastika armband in public."

I am what you would label "white" and you still aren't of my kind, pisshead. Good, wear yours out and seek refuge with black folk. Please do. Don't forget the tiki torch.
You can't call agreeing with somebody glomerating on to them. Well, on second thought, maybe you could. But that isn't saying much.

I didn't, I called what you do with nazis glomming. And I just don't take you seriously on what "saying something" would even be like.
If you aren't White, you aren't my own kind."

I am white and trust me, I'm definitely not your kind.
I profoundly disrespect your kind.
I profoundly disrespect every mother who gave birth to rather than aborting a Trumpanzee like you.

And if I were alone, you'd have no problem; but anybody possibly definable as a human being of any value feels exactly the same way.
I am what you would label "white" and you still aren't of my kind, pisshead. Good, wear yours out and seek refuge with black folk. Please do. Don't forget the tiki torch.

I think you have to be Anglo Saxon Christian to be white according to this crew. If this is the same as Coolzone who kept pushing people to download his book, I did look at the material. The conclusion is that if all non-whites do not leave the U. S. voluntarily they will all be shot.