The Holocaust LIE!

Why were jews in internment camps? Because the allies declared war on Germany.

Why did Germany have to put Jews in internment camps because Allies declared war on Germany? The Allies didn't declare war on Germany until they began invading other nations. You have been brainwashed by Nazi apologists and fallen for all their false propaganda. Because you present pictures and documents asserting unproven facts does not mean they have any validity.

You say shooting all non-whites that do not leave the U. S. voluntarily is a last resort. What is your preferred solution?
I wonder if Holocaust deniers are like Fox News,they know they are liars.
But they wish their lies were truth,so they believe them.

Tell me anything I said or showed that you think is untrue. Not that I expect you will. I know that you just enjoy being a stupid slave too much. After all, it is all you have ever known. And your parents. And your great grandparents. And your great great grandparents.
Tell me anything I said or showed that you think is untrue. Not that I expect you will. I know that you just enjoy being a stupid slave too much. After all, it is all you have ever known. And your parents. And your great grandparents. And your great great grandparents.

To start,Holocaust survivors claimed Anne Frank's diary was written in ball point pen,in the court hearing,what was found after much resource,the only ball point pen writing was two small notes stapled to two pages by an editor.
The writing was checked by experts using pre Diary writing samples of Anne's writing.
They found everyword of the Diary was written by Anne Frank.
Of course Holocaust deniers couldn't admit a 15 year old victim of the Holocaust wrote the book!:)th (1).jpeg
Why did Germany have to put Jews in internment camps because Allies declared war on Germany? The Allies didn't declare war on Germany until they began invading other nations. You have been brainwashed by Nazi apologists and fallen for all their false propaganda. Because you present pictures and documents asserting unproven facts does not mean they have any validity.

You say shooting all non-whites that do not leave the U. S. voluntarily is a last resort. What is your preferred solution?

Germany didn't put all jews into internment camps. Just the ones that were untrustworthy scum. Which just happened to be most of them. (Just like they are here in the U.S. today) War kept them from being deported. So Germany had to do something with them. Also, around 150,000 Jews actually fought FOR the Nazis. There was one influential Jew who Hitler personally declared to be an honorary Aryan.

Next, the only country Germany invaded (at first) was Poland. That was on September 1, 1939. And he was forced to do that because ethnic Germans there were being murdered. For doing so, war was declared on Germany. But two or three weeks later, Russia did the same. Why wasn't war declared on them too. Neither was it when Russia invaded Finland on November 30, 1939. Then on June 22, 1941, Germany invaded Russia. Most likely because they found out that Russia was about to invade them. One historian I read about claimed that Germany beat Russia to the punch by only one day!

As for the pictures, you are as difficult to convince as a denier of human caused global warming. For them, any graph you show is wrong. Any facts you give isn't in depth enough. And the vast majority of scientists are part of some sort of evil conspiracy. What do I have to do. Take you to Auschwitz personally and show you the new plaque they have there? Or the swimming pool they had for inmates? As for the old newspaper articles from well before the war, granted, I didn't personally go the libraries of the cities where they appeared in, dig out the actual newspapers and check them myself. But it is FAR more likely than not that they are real. As for the documents, at least one of which is by the international red cross, look them up for yourself if you don't believe them.

Next, read the book. You will find out what my preferred solution is.
To start,Holocaust survivors claimed Anne Frank's diary was written in ball point pen,in the court hearing,what was found after much resource,the only ball point pen writing was two small notes stapled to two pages by an editor.
The writing was checked by experts using pre Diary writing samples of Anne's writing.
They found everyword of the Diary was written by Anne Frank.
Of course Holocaust deniers couldn't admit a 15 year old victim of the Holocaust wrote the book!:)View attachment 7113

How much of an idiot are you. It was called originally "The diary of a young girl." It wasn't called "The book of a young girl." Also, look it up for yourself. You will see that the book was written by some jewish guy. And it was supposedly based on ann frank's DIARY.
How much of an idiot are you. It was called originally "The diary of a young girl." It wasn't called "The book of a young girl." Also, look it up for yourself. You will see that the book was written by some jewish guy. And it was supposedly based on ann frank's DIARY.

That's the defense that lost in court!
Every word was proved without a doubt to be written by Anne Frank6986357327_b2750c7e31_b.jpg
Germany didn't put all jews into internment camps. Just the ones that were untrustworthy scum. Which just happened to be most of them. (Just like they are here in the U.S. today) War kept them from being deported. So Germany had to do something with them. Also, around 150,000 Jews actually fought FOR the Nazis. There was one influential Jew who Hitler personally declared to be an honorary Aryan.

Next, the only country Germany invaded (at first) was Poland. That was on September 1, 1939. And he was forced to do that because ethnic Germans there were being murdered. For doing so, war was declared on Germany. But two or three weeks later, Russia did the same. Why wasn't war declared on them too. Neither was it when Russia invaded Finland on November 30, 1939. Then on June 22, 1941, Germany invaded Russia. Most likely because they found out that Russia was about to invade them. One historian I read about claimed that Germany beat Russia to the punch by only one day!

As for the pictures, you are as difficult to convince as a denier of human caused global warming. For them, any graph you show is wrong. Any facts you give isn't in depth enough. And the vast majority of scientists are part of some sort of evil conspiracy. What do I have to do. Take you to Auschwitz personally and show you the new plaque they have there? Or the swimming pool they had for inmates? As for the old newspaper articles from well before the war, granted, I didn't personally go the libraries of the cities where they appeared in, dig out the actual newspapers and check them myself. But it is FAR more likely than not that they are real. As for the documents, at least one of which is by the international red cross, look them up for yourself if you don't believe them.

Next, read the book. You will find out what my preferred solution is.

I bet you're an honorary Aryan. How much Joo blood do you have in you? Have you checked?
To start,Holocaust survivors claimed Anne Frank's diary was written in ball point pen,in the court hearing,what was found after much resource,the only ball point pen writing was two small notes stapled to two pages by an editor.
The writing was checked by experts using pre Diary writing samples of Anne's writing.
They found everyword of the Diary was written by Anne Frank.
Of course Holocaust deniers couldn't admit a 15 year old victim of the Holocaust wrote the book!:)View attachment 7113

These accusations are malicious willful ignorance.
Maybe not... Probably just an all around loser who blames his life on "da joos".

Nah, I gotta believe he's loaded with Joo blood, lol.

Maybe it's like the old joke you can use with pretty much any ethnicity.

Me: Hey, do you have any Mexican in you?

Random person: No

Me: Want some?
That's the defense that lost in court!
Every word was proved without a doubt to be written by Anne FrankView attachment 7115

If you are talking about her diary, why would I deny that. But when you are talking about the book, it wasn't written by her. That is a FACT! And is part of the reason why when a legal dispute over the book arose between the author and ann frank's father, ann frank's father lost and had to settle out of court. I just started a new thread that you might care to talk more gibberish about. It is called "American Evil." I can't wait to hear what you have to say about that.
If you are talking about her diary, why would I deny that. But when you are talking about the book, it wasn't written by her. That is a FACT! And is part of the reason why when a legal dispute over the book arose between the author and ann frank's father, ann frank's father lost and had to settle out of court. I just started a new thread that you might care to talk more gibberish about. It is called "American Evil." I can't wait to hear what you have to say about that.

Otto Frank won all attempts to discredit,Anne being the author!
Of Diary of a Young Girl.
Germany didn't put all jews into internment camps. Just the ones that were untrustworthy scum. Which just happened to be most of them. (Just like they are here in the U.S. today) War kept them from being deported. So Germany had to do something with them. Also, around 150,000 Jews actually fought FOR the Nazis. There was one influential Jew who Hitler personally declared to be an honorary Aryan.

Next, the only country Germany invaded (at first) was Poland. That was on September 1, 1939. And he was forced to do that because ethnic Germans there were being murdered. For doing so, war was declared on Germany. But two or three weeks later, Russia did the same. Why wasn't war declared on them too. Neither was it when Russia invaded Finland on November 30, 1939. Then on June 22, 1941, Germany invaded Russia. Most likely because they found out that Russia was about to invade them. One historian I read about claimed that Germany beat Russia to the punch by only one day!

As for the pictures, you are as difficult to convince as a denier of human caused global warming. For them, any graph you show is wrong. Any facts you give isn't in depth enough. And the vast majority of scientists are part of some sort of evil conspiracy. What do I have to do. Take you to Auschwitz personally and show you the new plaque they have there? Or the swimming pool they had for inmates? As for the old newspaper articles from well before the war, granted, I didn't personally go the libraries of the cities where they appeared in, dig out the actual newspapers and check them myself. But it is FAR more likely than not that they are real. As for the documents, at least one of which is by the international red cross, look them up for yourself if you don't believe them.

Next, read the book. You will find out what my preferred solution is.

Like global warming, the evidence of the Holocaust is heavily on one side against a small group of deniers whose credibility is destroyed by the intense hatred of anything non-white.