The Holocaust LIE!

I presented the evidence. If anybody would let a White person's patriotism toward their own kind destroy the credibility of it, they are too stupid to breathe. But somehow, still manage to do so.

Their "own kind" are human beings. We do not differ by race, ethnicity, or religion. Jews, or any other group, do not lie any more than any other group. What has created all this hate inside you? Why do you fall for Nazi propaganda and falsehoods? Love is better than hate. We can love white people without hating others.
Anybody want to bet that you blow? I have never read the book. But from what I hear, everything in it must be true. But that aside, I have some "protocols" for you. Written without a doubt by jews themselves. If you tell me you will read them, I will post them. Got the guts?

As I expected, you've been hand fed your "beliefs" and now you have to justify them or else your life has been a lie. :good4u:
Piss off. I am an American and I come from a long line of Americans. I am mostly French by heritage with a little German. Along with a littler bit of injin. (Which I wish was none at all) But there it is. I am not a member of the NSGWP. Or the National Socialist Party. Neither am I a member of the KKK. Nor have I read any works by any of those groups. Nor attended any of their meetings. Also, as far as I know, I have never talked personally to any Nazi. I and I alone decide what is right and what is wrong. I and I alone look at any evidence and decide for myself. Everything I have been telling you idiots is what I found out. Like it or lump it, sucker.

Krauty krauty kraut. Your Fatherland got kicked about!

Don't go out in a thunderstorm

I have more about your ann frank crap. I knew that her father lost a court case over something to do with "the diary of ann frank." But I couldn't find it. It should make you happy that you made me waste my time by looking through many websites. Starting out with what wikipedia had to say and many other websites. They covered everything from before ann frank went to hiding to the death of her father in what I think was 1991. Which included various printings of the book, stage plays, etc. But I knew I saw it somewhere. I knew that I had written the guy's name down somewhere. So I dug through my notes and found it. Meyer Levin. In all the websites I looked at, including ones that dealt with any legal action concerning the diary of ann frank, I didn't see his name mentioned once. Nor that Mr. Frank had to pay Mr. Levin no less than $50,000. That is kind of interesting, don't you think?
I have more about your ann frank crap. I knew that her father lost a court case over something to do with "the diary of ann frank." But I couldn't find it. It should make you happy that you made me waste my time by looking through many websites. Starting out with what wikipedia had to say and many other websites. They covered everything from before ann frank went to hiding to the death of her father in what I think was 1991. Which included various printings of the book, stage plays, etc. But I knew I saw it somewhere. I knew that I had written the guy's name down somewhere. So I dug through my notes and found it. Meyer Levin. In all the websites I looked at, including ones that dealt with any legal action concerning the diary of ann frank, I didn't see his name mentioned once. Nor that Mr. Frank had to pay Mr. Levin no less than $50,000. That is kind of interesting, don't you think?

I have more about your ann frank crap. I knew that her father lost a court case over something to do with "the diary of ann frank." But I couldn't find it.
Their "own kind" are human beings. We do not differ by race, ethnicity, or religion. Jews, or any other group, do not lie any more than any other group. What has created all this hate inside you? Why do you fall for Nazi propaganda and falsehoods? Love is better than hate. We can love white people without hating others.

Bullshit. No other religion teaches the kind of filth that the talmud does. Neither does any other group consider itself to be the "chosen of god." Next, why do you fall for anti-Nazi propaganda and falsehoods. Because you're a moron? I showed many pictures in many threads. Pictures that PROVE. Next, love is a drug. There are many who would say that being high is better than being sober. But I choose sober. Next, everything I see in the jew controlled media is about hating White people. Also promoting immigration and race (species) mixing to help destroy us. If White people love White people, other species of human will and do view it as hate of their kind. I say fuck'em all! Kill'em all!
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Bullshit. No other religion teaches the kind of filth that the talmud does. Neither does any other group consider itself to be the "chosen of god." Next, why do you fall for anti-Nazi propaganda and falsehoods. Because you're a moron? I showed many pictures in many threads. Pictures that PROVE. Next, love is a drug. There are many who would say that being high is better than being sober. But I choose sober. Next, everything I see in the jew controlled media is about hating White people. Also promoting immigration and race (species) mixing to help destroy us. Id White people love White people, other species of human will and do view it as hate of their kind. I say fuck'em all! Kill'em all!

CRY HARDER. :good4u:
As I expected, you've been hand fed your "beliefs" and now you have to justify them or else your life has been a lie. :good4u:

Well why don't you step up to the plate. Tell me anything I said or showed anywhere that you think is untrue and why. Neither was I "hand fed" anything. I looked up everything for myself. Next, your life is a lie. Deal with it.
I have more about your ann frank crap. I knew that her father lost a court case over something to do with "the diary of ann frank." But I couldn't find it. It should make you happy that you made me waste my time by looking through many websites. Starting out with what wikipedia had to say and many other websites. They covered everything from before ann frank went to hiding to the death of her father in what I think was 1991. Which included various printings of the book, stage plays, etc. But I knew I saw it somewhere. I knew that I had written the guy's name down somewhere. So I dug through my notes and found it. Meyer Levin. In all the websites I looked at, including ones that dealt with any legal action concerning the diary of ann frank, I didn't see his name mentioned once. Nor that Mr. Frank had to pay Mr. Levin no less than $50,000. That is kind of interesting, don't you think?

Not at all Mr Levin was hired to write a play,after the book was published.
The Producers didn't like his work and weren't going to make the play,from his work.
Levin sued to be paid for his work.
Your claim was Levin wrote The Diary of a Young Girl!
Diary of a Young Girl was written by Anne Frank.
Well why don't you step up to the plate. Tell me anything I said or showed anywhere that you think is untrue and why. Neither was I "hand fed" anything. I looked up everything for myself. Next, your life is a lie. Deal with it.

But I don't go to sites that promote stupidity, so you aren't going to believe anything that you haven't been spoon fed.
Bullshit. No other religion teaches the kind of filth that the talmud does. Neither does any other group consider itself to be the "chosen of god." Next, why do you fall for anti-Nazi propaganda and falsehoods. Because you're a moron? I showed many pictures in many threads. Pictures that PROVE. Next, love is a drug. There are many who would say that being high is better than being sober. But I choose sober. Next, everything I see in the jew controlled media is about hating White people. Also promoting immigration and race (species) mixing to help destroy us. Id White people love White people, other species of human will and do view it as hate of their kind. I say fuck'em all! Kill'em all!

So you're pro-Aryan,anti-Semitic
Not at all Mr Levin was hired to write a play,after the book was published.
The Producers didn't like his work and weren't going to make the play,from his work.
Levin sued to be paid for his work.
Your claim was Levin wrote The Diary of a Young Girl!
Diary of a Young Girl was written by Anne Frank.

As I said, I went through many websites. Not once did I see Meyer Levin mentioned. It was only when I entered his name along with a search of the diary of ann frank did I find anything. Next, I said that it turned out to have been "Ann Frank's Diary." What more do you want me to say. Next, who in the hell would keep a diary called "the diary of a young girl." It is most likely to be something like "my diary."
As I said, I went through many websites. Not once did I see Meyer Levin mentioned. It was only when I entered his name along with a search of the diary of ann frank did I find anything. Next, I said that it turned out to have been "Ann Frank's Diary." What more do you want me to say. Next, who in the hell would keep a diary called "the diary of a young girl." It is most likely to be something like "my diary."

Otto Frank chose the name and edited Anne's work.
Meyer Levin was hired years after Diary of a Young Girl,was published.
To write a play based on the book!
But I don't go to sites that promote stupidity, so you aren't going to believe anything that you haven't been spoon fed.

Face it goofball. It is you who has been spoon fed, sucker. Your parents too. And your grandparents. Partially from jew owned and run movie studios like MGM, Warner Brothers, Columbia, Universal, Paramount, 20th Century Fox, etc. I will show you a picture from a movie starring the jew Charlie Chaplin. It was the first "talkie" that he ever did. What kind of bullshit message do you suppose it was brainwashing maybe even your great great grandparents with.
jew brainwashing.jpg