The Holocaust LIE!

Otto Frank won all attempts to discredit,Anne being the author!
Of Diary of a Young Girl.

From what I hear, there is controversy over whether or not ann frank wrote her diary. But I'm not interested in that. What I was going on about was who actually wrote the work that everything afterwards was based on. And you forced me to do some digging for what to me is old news. Which I was partially wrong about. The original work wasn't called, "The diary of a young girl." It was called "Ann Frank's Diary." And it was written by Meyer Levin. A court ordered ann frank's father to pay meyer levin no less than $50,000 over the work.
You are not "WE." You are of the National Socialist German Workers Party. And your country fucking blows.

Piss off. I am an American and I come from a long line of Americans. I am mostly French by heritage with a little German. Along with a littler bit of injin. (Which I wish was none at all) But there it is. I am not a member of the NSGWP. Or the National Socialist Party. Neither am I a member of the KKK. Nor have I read any works by any of those groups. Nor attended any of their meetings. Also, as far as I know, I have never talked personally to any Nazi. I and I alone decide what is right and what is wrong. I and I alone look at any evidence and decide for myself. Everything I have been telling you idiots is what I found out. Like it or lump it, sucker.
Like global warming, the evidence of the Holocaust is heavily on one side against a small group of deniers whose credibility is destroyed by the intense hatred of anything non-white.

I presented the evidence. If anybody would let a White person's patriotism toward their own kind destroy the credibility of it, they are too stupid to breathe. But somehow, still manage to do so.
Anyone want to bet that fandango probably owns a hard back version of "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion".

Anybody want to bet that you blow? I have never read the book. But from what I hear, everything in it must be true. But that aside, I have some "protocols" for you. Written without a doubt by jews themselves. If you tell me you will read them, I will post them. Got the guts?
One must wonder what jewish ass hurt him so.

And one must wonder why you enjoy kissing jew ass so much. Let me guess. The U.S. is a large country rich with natural resources and arable land. But you think all the bounty our economy provides (poor as it is) isn't due to our country, but to the jews who's ass you kiss. Are you really that delusional?
Anybody want to bet that you blow? I have never read the book. But from what I hear, everything in it must be true. But that aside, I have some "protocols" for you. Written without a doubt by jews themselves. If you tell me you will read them, I will post them. Got the guts?
Please post them, I'm sure it's the usual crap that is posted by mindless idiots.
From what I hear, there is controversy over whether or not ann frank wrote her diary. But I'm not interested in that. What I was going on about was who actually wrote the work that everything afterwards was based on. And you forced me to do some digging for what to me is old news. Which I was partially wrong about. The original work wasn't called, "The diary of a young girl." It was called "Ann Frank's Diary." And it was written by Meyer Levin. A court ordered ann frank's father to pay meyer levin no less than $50,000 over the work.

Nice try ,Meyer Levin was hired to write a play based on the already published ,Diary of a Young Girl.
The play was never made,he sued and was paid for his work writing the unmade play.
Nice try ,Meyer Levin was hired to write a play based on the already published ,Diary of a Young Girl.
The play was never made,he sued and was paid for his work writing the unmade play.

Not according to anything I read. But who knows. Maybe there is a teeny tiny possibility that you are right. (Very teeny, very tiny) Would that mean that the holocaust happened? Because that is what this thread is all about. Not about some little jew whore who richly deserved to die.
Not according to anything I read. But who knows. Maybe there is a teeny tiny possibility that you are right. (Very teeny, very tiny) Would that mean that the holocaust happened? Because that is what this thread is all about. Not about some little jew whore who richly deserved to die.

Glad you didn't take it so bad.
Never heard of a virgin, "whore"?