The Holocaust LIE!

I think you have to be Anglo Saxon Christian to be white according to this crew. If this is the same as Coolzone who kept pushing people to download his book, I did look at the material. The conclusion is that if all non-whites do not leave the U. S. voluntarily they will all be shot.

Ah, so like they "settled" the place then.
No one takes you seriously shoog, ya that daft?

If that is true, it is because nobody has tried to refute anything I said. Except maybe one person. Though I'm not too sure if it was at this forum. That person said that under The Haavara Agreement, Germany deported 60,000 wealthy jews to Palestine. I say it was 60 to 70% of the German jews. And not just the wealthy ones. Though I do remember running across some jewish website that said the number was around 100,000. It is hard to know the real facts when those who want to lie have such incredible power to spread those lies around. Now if anybody want's to take me seriously, they should try to refute something I said or showed. Otherwise, it is they not taking themselves seriously. And that is just sad.
If you aren't White, you aren't my own kind. And you would do well to do any pissing on yourself. And it's interesting that you bring up the arm band thing. Unfortunately I don't know how to upload videos here. Because there is an interesting one at this website. It is called, "Black taxi driver defends wearing swastika armband in public."

something to think about, your kind will literally be gone soon

If that is true, it is because nobody has tried to refute anything I said. Except maybe one person. Though I'm not too sure if it was at this forum. That person said that under The Haavara Agreement, Germany deported 60,000 wealthy jews to Palestine. I say it was 60 to 70% of the German jews. And not just the wealthy ones. Though I do remember running across some jewish website that said the number was around 100,000. It is hard to know the real facts when those who want to lie have such incredible power to spread those lies around. Now if anybody want's to take me seriously, they should try to refute something I said or showed. Otherwise, it is they not taking themselves seriously. And that is just sad.

You're not to sure about anything pard.
Why were they in interment camps?

Your few pictures do not outweigh all the films of the camps, piles of dead bodies, and stories of survivors. Saying Jews are liars is not a decent argument. Read some of the books by Germans in charge of the camps.

Why were jews in internment camps? Because the allies declared war on Germany. Putting an end to The Haavara Agreement. Under which 60 to 70% of German jews were deported to Palestine. Next, you want to talk about films? How many films (movies) were made by MGM, Warner Brothers, Columbia, Paramount, 20th Century Fox, Universal, etc. All of which were owned or ran by jews. Would you say tens of thousands? That would probably be close. How many were made by me. A White guy. NONE!

Next, I have said over and over that near the end of the war, conditions in the jewish internment camps had gotten pretty bad. That was from the German infrastructure that maintained those camps getting the shit bombed out of it. So proving that the camps were pretty bad by then means absolutely nothing. As for the piles of dead bodies, around 280,000 jews died. From a combination of a lack of food and disease outbreaks like typhus. They could have taken enough movies of dead bodies that it would take a solid week of watching 8 hours a day so see them all. And they could have taken much more besides. It would prove nothing. How long do you think it would take to see pictures of even 150,000 dead bodies.

As for books by supposed Germans, don't you know that history is written by the victors? That includes the books you mentioned. Even if they were made by actual Germans, it is interesting how some people will betray their own kind for money. Or what torture might make them say. I heard of one Nazi officer who was quoted as saying that after a while, the ground above the pits where they buried dead jews bubbled from the decomposition. But as a kid, did you ever go to the beach and have part of your body buried under a couple feet of sand? You probably found it pretty hard to move. If you could do so at all. Those masses of dead jews were buried under 15 to 20 feet of earth. Then had a bulldozer run over it to compact it. They could have buried whales under that much dirt. It wouldn't have bubbled.

As for the "liars" thing, check this out.
holocaut deniers.jpg
I am white and trust me, I'm definitely not your kind.
I profoundly disrespect your kind.
I profoundly disrespect every mother who gave birth to rather than aborting a Trumpanzee like you.

And if I were alone, you'd have no problem; but anybody possibly definable as a human being of any value feels exactly the same way.

How about you disrespect me in a meaningful way. Scour the internet and try to find refute any particular thing I said or showed. Otherwise, piss off. Go haunt somebody else's thread.
I think you have to be Anglo Saxon Christian to be white according to this crew. If this is the same as Coolzone who kept pushing people to download his book, I did look at the material. The conclusion is that if all non-whites do not leave the U. S. voluntarily they will all be shot.

You must mean "The Truth: Unforbidden!" From what I remember, it said that if it came to a last resort, non whites should be loaded onto ships and driven out into the ocean. There they would cruse around and run the non-whites through a giant meat grinder. Feeding the fish and thereby replenishing the dwindling fish stocks on the oceans. I also seem to remember something like making a wide forest of impaled mexican bodies along the U.S. mexico border. You may not like these ideas. But try to deny that they wouldn't work. Apart from that, is there anything else from the book that you think is wrong? Such as the pictures of some of the TENS OF THOUSANDS of murdered or tortured, raped and murdered White children here in the U.S. at the hands of negroes? Come on. Lay it on me!
Ha ha ha ha, do listen to more Tim Wise pard, please. Bennie Yahoo? Of course, straight up genocidal thug, look what he's doing to Palestinians. But the Jews didn't do anything to you shoog, your white supremacist Christiofascists did that to you. Your "own kind".

You asked for an explanation to why the aristocrats do what they do here. I gave you part of an explanation with pictures with quotes. Want to see more? Go to your google browser and enter "The Truth: Unforbidden!" You will find this free ebook. Read it.
You're not to sure about anything pard.

Sure enough for you. It's like debating with a denier about the reality of human caused global warming. Any graph you show them is wrong. All the scientists are lying to fulfill some evil plot that would have to include themselves. The information you give isn't in depth enough. Etc. etc. etc. Do you enjoy being a joke?
For those who believe in the holocaust fantasy, it's time to stop being suckers and accept the TRUTH! Just about everything you have heard and continue to hear about Hitler and WW II in general is a complete lie. Consider these truisms. "In war, truth is the first casualty." (For the winning side, it remains a casualty) "History is written by the victors." Also, Napoleon knew what was going on. He said, "History is just a bunch of lies agreed upon."

If you think 6 million jews were killed in the "holocaust," consider this plaque that used to be at the holocaust memorial museum in Auschwitz that went along with that fantasy.
View attachment 7000

It says 4 million jews were murdered at Auschwitz. But after Poland got its freedom from Russia, they changed the plaque at the holocaust memorial museum to this.
View attachment 7001

It says that 1.5 million jews died there. So what does that do to your "6 million" lie. But even that number was vastly overstated. Probably because after Russia left, Poland wanted to ally itself more with the U.S. And didn't want to stray TOO far from the allied version of events. But I will show you a couple documents that tell you what the real death toll was at various jewish internment camps. And one of these documents is from The International Red Cross.
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View attachment 7003

Also, I have some old newspaper clippings to show you that appeared in various newspapers well before WW II even happened. They all speak of something bad happening to 6 million jews. Which shows that the whole 6 million thing in relation to the "holocaust" is just as much BS.
View attachment 7004

Seig heil!