The Holocaust LIE!

The balance of probability is that this anti-Semitic, racist swine is a Trump-supporter, not a Hillary Clinton supporter.

It is really weird how bigots and racists are actually drawn to the Republican flies are to pig shit.
For those who believe in the holocaust fantasy, it's time to stop being suckers and accept the TRUTH! Just about everything you have heard and continue to hear about Hitler and WW II in general is a complete lie. Consider these truisms. "In war, truth is the first casualty." (For the winning side, it remains a casualty) "History is written by the victors." Also, Napoleon knew what was going on. He said, "History is just a bunch of lies agreed upon."

If you think 6 million jews were killed in the "holocaust," consider this plaque that used to be at the holocaust memorial museum in Auschwitz that went along with that fantasy.
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It says 4 million jews were murdered at Auschwitz. But after Poland got its freedom from Russia, they changed the plaque at the holocaust memorial museum to this.
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It says that 1.5 million jews died there. So what does that do to your "6 million" lie. But even that number was vastly overstated. Probably because after Russia left, Poland wanted to ally itself more with the U.S. And didn't want to stray TOO far from the allied version of events. But I will show you a couple documents that tell you what the real death toll was at various jewish internment camps. And one of these documents is from The International Red Cross.
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Also, I have some old newspaper clippings to show you that appeared in various newspapers well before WW II even happened. They all speak of something bad happening to 6 million jews. Which shows that the whole 6 million thing in relation to the "holocaust" is just as much BS.
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Antisemitism thread
If just these two beautiful intelligent
Young Women died at the hands of the nazis,that's two to many
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It might also interest you to know that there was never any "gas chamber" at Auschwitz. As far as I have ever been able to find out, there were no gas chambers anywhere. The one at Auschwitz was made to look like one after the war. Also, Auschwitz was said to have been the worst of the worst "death camp." I will show you a couple pictures of a swimming pool they had for inmates there. Maybe the Nazis were planning on genociding them with recreational activities.
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A self professed Antisemitic Nazi!
Did you vote for Trump?
When the truth insults people, it means that they deserve to be insulted.

I traveled to Germany a lot in the 1950 and 1960s and have been to Dachau.

Why would you be trying to prove there was no Holocaust? There is ample evidence from thousands of sources that there was a Holocaust... so what do you get out of your posturing?
The balance of probability is that this anti-Semitic, racist swine is a Trump-supporter, not a Hillary Clinton supporter.

It is really weird how bigots and racists are actually drawn to the Republican flies are to pig shit.

You might like being spit on. But I don't. And will say so.
Fight back 12.jpg
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Antisemitism thread
If just these two beautiful intelligent
Young Women died at the hands of the nazis,that's two to many

Oh. So now you're going to tell me that the whole ann frank thing was true? The story that was supposedly based on her diary was written by a jew. And like any author, he included a lot of dramatization that was fictional. The story was originally called "The diary of a young girl." There came a time when a legal dispute came about between the author of the diary of ann frank and ann frank's father over the use of the work. Ann franks father lost and had to settle out of court. That probably wouldn't have happened if most of it was true and actually came from ann frank's diary. Also, how do you think ann frank died. The jew controlled media would like people to think she was shoved into a gas chamber. But she actually died from typhus. Which wouldn't have happened if the German infrastructure that ran those camps didn't have the shit bombed out of it by the allies. So put the blame where it belongs. On the allies! I could also tell you how much BS "Schindler's List" is too.

Also, I wonder how surprised you would be to find out that to get REAL justice, most jews on earth would have to be killed more than once. Do you want to go there? Because I can PROVE as much! Far FAR beyond any possible ability you may have to disagree.
I traveled to Germany a lot in the 1950 and 1960s and have been to Dachau.

Why would you be trying to prove there was no Holocaust? There is ample evidence from thousands of sources that there was a Holocaust... so what do you get out of your posturing?

Your "evidence" is manufactured bullshit by the allies and Russia. LOOK at my thread! LOOK at the pictures! Read the documents and newspaper clippings I added! What's next. You going to try to sell me on the proven bullshit that there was a lampshade made out of jew skin or that some jews were turned into soap?

Face it. You have been suckered. And apparently you still are a sucker. You have also probably been rendered INCAPABLE of knowing the truth. How does that make you feel. And as I was telling somebody else, you are probably incapable of believing anybody but a jew. Well I will tell you of a section of a documentary that was done by a real live JEW! It is around a half hour long. Do you think you could handle that? If so, enter into your browser, "Adolf Hitler: The greatest story NEVER told." Click on the first website then scroll down the page. You will find all the parts of that documentary. Go to part 21, called "The Leuchter Findings." See what a real JEW has to say! It might make what the picture of another Jew I will include had to say make a little more sense.
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