Minister of Truth
Practically Perfect
Traitor to whom? To White people. That is if you are one. Next, what do you have against Germany. That they have universal health care? Also, Germany is a much smaller country than the U.S. They have far fewer natural resources and arable land. As for population, the U.S. has around 319 million people. Germany has around 81.9 million people. But for some particular year in recent times, the value of U.S. exports for that year was 1 trillion 612 billion dollars. The value of German exports for that year was 1 trillion 492 billion. So when it comes to exports, Germany smokes our ass given their size. And the same probably goes for their economy in general. We are basically a third world country compared to them. You tell me. Does that make them a "model" nation? Also, it's no wonder that the U.S. does so bad. With idiots here like you who say that Germany doesn't represent you or your values.
Next, how many White Americans around the time of the revolutionary war were denied employment by other Whites because they were White. If they had a Wolworths lunch counter back then, how many White people would have been told that they couldn't sit at the counter because they were White. If they had busses back then, how many White people would have been told that they had to sit in the back of the bus. I could go on and on. But I think you get my drift. The revolutionary war had it's reasons. But a lack of civil liberties due to specism (racism) wasn't one of them.
Those reasons are spelled-out in our founding documents, and it boils down to civil liberties. But, you like Doucheland, and its 0-2 record in wars against the US, plus the battles that German armies lost to us during the Revolution.