The Horror Of Slavery.

Since negro lovers won the Civil War and the civil rights struggle, I'm curious to know why you consider losing to be such a virtue. Do you love the Nazis more for losing WWII?

If you are White, Homo aryanus, why do you consider it a virtue to have lost to the species Homo negrosis. (Or those that love them) To do so, there isn't any clearer definition of traitor. Next, White people lost WW II. For zillions of reasons. But I can give you a picture with a quote of somebody who was most likely not only far more knowledgeable than you, but was somebody who was something you could never be. THERE at the time.
General Patton.jpg
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If you are White, Homo aryanus, why do you consider it a virtue to have lost to the species Homo negrosis. (Or those that love them) To do so, there isn't any cleared definition of traitor. Next, White people lost WW II. For zillions of reasons. But I can give you a picture with a quote of somebody who was most likely not only far more knowledgeable than you, but was somebody who was something you could never be. THERE at the time.
View attachment 6497

Krauts lost WWII. And I'm not sure when you imagine whites to have lost to blacks. White Confederates lost a war to white Americans... :dunno:
Krauts lost WWII. And I'm not sure when you imagine whites to have lost to blacks. White Confederates lost a war to white Americans... :dunno:

Krauts? Are you jewish? Or what did the German people ever do to you. Next, you yourself said that Whites lost to negroes. After all, if negro lovers won, wouldn't that mean that negreos won too? You also say that Whites won the civil right struggle. That's strange. I have never heard that Whites lacked civil rights that they had to struggle to get.
If you are White, Homo aryanus, why do you consider it a virtue to have lost to the species Homo negrosis. (Or those that love them) To do so, there isn't any clearer definition of traitor. Next, White people lost WW II. For zillions of reasons. But I can give you a picture with a quote of somebody who was most likely not only far more knowledgeable than you, but was somebody who was something you could never be. THERE at the time.
View attachment 6497

No, dunce, the actual quote is, "We've defeated the wrong enemy"
No, dunce, the actual quote is, "We've defeated the wrong enemy"

If he said the one thing, chances are he said the other thing as well. Seeing how in both instances he was basically saying the same thing. Any more hair splitting you would care to do? Or how about this you dumbass. Admit that somebody better than you and who also had first hand knowledge was right in what he said. However you wish to think that he said it.
If he said the one thing, chances are he said the other thing as well. Seeing how in both instances he was basically saying the same thing. Any more hair splitting you would care to do? Or how about this you dumbass. Admit that somebody better than you and who also had first hand knowledge was right in what he said. However you wish to think that he said it.

"Chances are?" So now you're substituting your imagination for reality.

And no, dipshit, they don't even remotely mean the same thing.

Have you considered English lessons? Might embarrass yourself less that way.
Krauts? Are you jewish? Or what did the German people ever do to you. Next, you yourself said that Whites lost to negroes. After all, if negro lovers won, wouldn't that mean that negreos won too? You also say that Whites won the civil right struggle. That's strange. I have never heard that Whites lacked civil rights that they had to struggle to get.

1) I am not Jewish, but, I am part German.
2) The German people have historically attacked the things I value most. Rome/Europe (Western Civ), liberalism (Nazism), conservativism (postmodernism), capitalism (Marxism), and Catholicism (Protestantism). In addition, from Trenton to Normandy, America has had to fight against the Krauts many times.
3) When you threaten the civil liberties of some, you endanger them for all.
Let me guess. You believe the holocaust was real too. As for any breeding done, I'm sure the negroes themselves took care of that. Also, throughout history it has been known that you don't treat your working animals badly. Because if you do so, you won't get as much work out of them. Another thing is who gave them clothing, food or a place to live. (Keep in mind that Abraham Lincoln was raised in a log cabin) The tooth fairy? Santa Claus? Also, keep in mind that if they had been allowed to do so, many slaves would have fought for the South. Does all of this sound "revisionist" to you or does it just make sense.

you are not well. Must be from Georgia, or Alabama. it takes a lifetime of training to believe what you do and hate like you do. What are your KKK den meetings like?
The Confederate states were never involved in the slave trade. They did have some people from those states who bought slaves from other negroes in Africa. So it was more of a slave buy rather than a slave trade. And I would have to doubt that the Confederate states ever made it illegal to bring more slaves in. Though even if they did, it was largely meaningless. Because as long as slavery was legal there and there was a market for new slaves, somebody would have brought them in.

As for who started the Civil war, I have heard people claim it was the North. Not the south. Likely because the Southern states had every right as states to do what they did. It may not have been moral. But they had the right to do it. Another person in Yahoo answers said that to end slavery, the North would have needed a 3/4 majority in the senate. They didn't have that until the southern states seceded. So if the Southern states had stayed in the Union, slavery would have been much harder to end. With that being the case, there must have been something that goaded the Southern states into rebellion. You would need an unbiased historian to give you the real answer. I myself am no expert in the Civil war. All I have ever heard on TV or in school about it is history as presented by the winning side.

Sorry but when you buy slaves, you are involved in the slave trade. If they did not buy them, slavery would have existed.

Rewriting history again. The civil war was over slavery. It was mostly a south creation.
"Chances are?" So now you're substituting your imagination for reality.

And no, dipshit, they don't even remotely mean the same thing.

Have you considered English lessons? Might embarrass yourself less that way.

More dumbassery I see. Have you ever told other people at other times something about some subject? If you did, did you always use exactly the same words? I think not. Also General Patton was of course speaking about WW II. In Europe most likely. So how would we have "defeated the wrong enemy." I will tell you. By "fighting for the wrong side." I know you don't want clarification. But I gave it to you anyway.
1) I am not Jewish, but, I am part German.
2) The German people have historically attacked the things I value most. Rome/Europe (Western Civ), liberalism (Nazism), conservativism (postmodernism), capitalism (Marxism), and Catholicism (Protestantism). In addition, from Trenton to Normandy, America has had to fight against the Krauts many times.
3) When you threaten the civil liberties of some, you endanger them for all.

In saying that you are part German, I take that to mean you are part traitor. But don't worry. I consider you to be all traitor. As for Rome, they did a lot more attacking themselves. The lowlife scum. Then you go into some bullshit that I will just skip over. As for warfare over the ages, what country is clean enough to point a finger of blame. Take one of the in betweens you mentioned. WW I. That was a war that Germany just got sucked into like everybody else. They didn't start the war.
As for the last point, Whites have never threatened the civil liberties of other Whites. At least, not for the most part. If tomorrow all negroes just vanished into a puff of smoke, Whites still wouldn't be threatening the civil liberties of Whites. Also, as things now stand, a lot of Central American lowlife scum seem to think that they have a "civil liberty" to come into this country. They don't. And it is your bullshit ideas that are basically rolling out the red carpet for them. The U.S. making a big stink and making it difficult for them to cross the border is just for show. In the end, I expect them to get in. Either legally or illegally. Just like millions of lowlife mexican spicks before them.
you are not well. Must be from Georgia, or Alabama. it takes a lifetime of training to believe what you do and hate like you do. What are your KKK den meetings like?

Ah. Another brainwashed fago I see. How about instead you tell me what particular point I made here, or anywhere, is wrong and why. Also, I am not a member of the KKK or National Socialist party. Neither have I ever been to one of their meetings or even talked to one of them. Everything I say is the result of pure logic. Would you like to know more? I didn't think so. But should you ever want to, I will provide you with a link to There you can download a free book called "The Truth: Unforbidden!" And neither the KKK or National Socialist party has anything to do with it. It is only about one hundred pages long with quite a few pictures. So in that regard, it shouldn't be too much for you. Here is the link. TRUTH, UNFORBIDDEN!.pdf
More dumbassery I see. Have you ever told other people at other times something about some subject? If you did, did you always use exactly the same words? I think not. Also General Patton was of course speaking about WW II. In Europe most likely. So how would we have "defeated the wrong enemy." I will tell you. By "fighting for the wrong side." I know you don't want clarification. But I gave it to you anyway.

LOL! You poor, illegal alien simpleton. Had he said what you claimed he said, that means he thought we should have fought WITH the Nazis, which he clearly didn't think.

Please stop smoking so much meth, Senora.
Sorry but when you buy slaves, you are involved in the slave trade. If they did not buy them, slavery would have existed.

Rewriting history again. The civil war was over slavery. It was mostly a south creation.

I buy many goods made in China. But not by choice. I don't support so many of our goods being made over there. Which is to say that I don't support most of the trade with China. So to say that by buying Chinese goods I am involved with trade with China is stretching it to the breaking point. Next, I never said that the Civil War was about anything but slavery. From what I have heard, much of the South's bitching was about states rights. As in the rights of southern states to have slavery.
LOL! You poor, illegal alien simpleton. Had he said what you claimed he said, that means he thought we should have fought WITH the Nazis, which he clearly didn't think.

Please stop smoking so much meth, Senora.

That is basically what he was saying. We had either two choices. To fight with the Nazis or to fight with the Russian communists. According to him, we fought for the wrong side. Put whatever delusional meaning on it that you want.
Also, I know it came from a movie and was likely bullshit. But maybe not. In the movie the actor playing general Patton said that we should rearm the Nazis and use them to help fight the Russians. But U.S. forces took a different rout. After the war, the U.S, Britain and France took many ex-Nazi soldiers and held them prisoner of ex-war. Eisenhower justified this by calling them unarmed enemy combatants. While in the care of these allied forces in Europe, 1.5 to 1.7 million German prisoners were murdered! Don't believe it? Enter into your browser "Eisenhower's Holocaust."
If he said the one thing, chances are he said the other thing as well. Seeing how in both instances he was basically saying the same thing. Any more hair splitting you would care to do? Or how about this you dumbass. Admit that somebody better than you and who also had first hand knowledge was right in what he said. However you wish to think that he said it.

"Hairsplitting"? That's another one you stole from me. I guess I'm just going to have to get a jewish lawyer and sue your diapers off of you.
That is basically what he was saying. We had either two choices. To fight with the Nazis or to fight with the Russian communists. According to him, we fought for the wrong side. Put whatever delusional meaning on it that you want.

No, that wasn't what he was saying, Senora.
Also, I know it came from a movie and was likely bullshit. But maybe not. In the movie the actor playing general Patton said that we should rearm the Nazis and use them to help fight the Russians. But U.S. forces took a different rout. After the war, the U.S, Britain and France took many ex-Nazi soldiers and held them prisoner of ex-war. Eisenhower justified this by calling them unarmed enemy combatants. While in the care of these allied forces in Europe, 1.5 to 1.7 million German prisoners were murdered! Don't believe it? Enter into your browser "Eisenhower's Holocaust."

Did you huff a lot of paint as a kid?
In saying that you are part German, I take that to mean you are part traitor. But don't worry. I consider you to be all traitor. As for Rome, they did a lot more attacking themselves. The lowlife scum. Then you go into some bullshit that I will just skip over. As for warfare over the ages, what country is clean enough to point a finger of blame. Take one of the in betweens you mentioned. WW I. That was a war that Germany just got sucked into like everybody else. They didn't start the war.
As for the last point, Whites have never threatened the civil liberties of other Whites. At least, not for the most part. If tomorrow all negroes just vanished into a puff of smoke, Whites still wouldn't be threatening the civil liberties of Whites. Also, as things now stand, a lot of Central American lowlife scum seem to think that they have a "civil liberty" to come into this country. They don't. And it is your bullshit ideas that are basically rolling out the red carpet for them. The U.S. making a big stink and making it difficult for them to cross the border is just for show. In the end, I expect them to get in. Either legally or illegally. Just like millions of lowlife mexican spicks before them.

1) Traitor to whom? Is Doucheland your model nation?
2) I'm not asking for nations to be clean. I am asking for them to represent me and my values. Germany does not do this.
3) So, there was this thing called the American Revolution, where the white colonists claimed that their civil liberties were being trampled upon by the white British. You may have read about it someplace...
1) Traitor to whom? Is Doucheland your model nation?
2) I'm not asking for nations to be clean. I am asking for them to represent me and my values. Germany does not do this.
3) So, there was this thing called the American Revolution, where the white colonists claimed that their civil liberties were being trampled upon by the white British. You may have read about it someplace...

Traitor to whom? To White people. That is if you are one. Next, what do you have against Germany. That they have universal health care? Also, Germany is a much smaller country than the U.S. They have far fewer natural resources and arable land. As for population, the U.S. has around 319 million people. Germany has around 81.9 million people. But for some particular year in recent times, the value of U.S. exports for that year was 1 trillion 612 billion dollars. The value of German exports for that year was 1 trillion 492 billion. So when it comes to exports, Germany smokes our ass given their size. And the same probably goes for their economy in general. We are basically a third world country compared to them. You tell me. Does that make them a "model" nation? Also, it's no wonder that the U.S. does so bad. With idiots here like you who say that Germany doesn't represent you or your values.
Next, how many White Americans around the time of the revolutionary war were denied employment by other Whites because they were White. If they had a Wolworths lunch counter back then, how many White people would have been told that they couldn't sit at the counter because they were White. If they had busses back then, how many White people would have been told that they had to sit in the back of the bus. I could go on and on. But I think you get my drift. The revolutionary war had it's reasons. But a lack of civil liberties due to specism (racism) wasn't one of them.