The htread for Lorica to produce a fact that he claims I refuse

That's funny -- seems like y'all are doing the same thing to her that you did to me. She issued a simple challenge, and the lot of you (Lorica excluded) are too lazy and/or stupid to be bothered. It's like you don't actually want to have a discussion, much less a debate. I think there's not a right-winger on this site that can pass intellectual muster enough to have a genuine, rigorous discussion -- that would require effort, and it's so much easier to just type the same few insults over and over again without actually doing anything to even state, much less support, your points.
That's funny -- seems like y'all are doing the same thing to her that you did to me. She issued a simple challenge, and the lot of you (Lorica excluded) are too lazy and/or stupid to be bothered. It's like you don't actually want to have a discussion, much less a debate. I think there's not a right-winger on this site that can pass intellectual muster enough to have a genuine, rigorous discussion -- that would require effort, and it's so much easier to just type the same few insults over and over again without actually doing anything to even state, much less support, your points.

That's funny -- seems like y'all are doing the same thing to her that you did to me. She issued a simple challenge, and the lot of you (Lorica excluded) are too lazy and/or stupid to be bothered. It's like you don't actually want to have a discussion, much less a debate. I think there's not a right-winger on this site that can pass intellectual muster enough to have a genuine, rigorous discussion -- that would require effort, and it's so much easier to just type the same few insults over and over again without actually doing anything to even state, much less support, your points.

I dont even know what she's talking about. I have never engaged her on that subject.

And she cannot show where I have or where I called her a liar. Or lied about her.

I'm not sure she can even post rationally.

She sent me 3 pm's....none of which I even opened. lol
Are you insane Evince?

I have no idea what you are talking about. I never even participated in whatever subject you are spewing about.

Please post the quote of mine that you are using to base this little insane rant off of. Because I have no idea what you are talking about and never even discussed that subject.

And stop pm'ing me. Your need for attention is pathetic.

You are truly deranged. Again: post a quote where I even discussed this subject with you, much less questioned the so-called facts.

I will save you some time, yes she is insane certifiably so. I admire your perspicacity in seeing that so soon.
That's funny -- seems like y'all are doing the same thing to her that you did to me. She issued a simple challenge, and the lot of you (Lorica excluded) are too lazy and/or stupid to be bothered. It's like you don't actually want to have a discussion, much less a debate. I think there's not a right-winger on this site that can pass intellectual muster enough to have a genuine, rigorous discussion -- that would require effort, and it's so much easier to just type the same few insults over and over again without actually doing anything to even state, much less support, your points.

You may find out different in due course.
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Quote Originally Posted by evince View Post

In reality I only have the power that the FACTS give me.

they just have no power to face facts that make them feel all icky
No, facts that are not absorbed have no impact, no power.

And your delivery has the OPPOSITE affect. You have no credibilty also have no ability to absorb information that does not conform to your beliefs.

You may be the first liberal that I've seen online that behaves just like the fundie hyper-conservative religious nutters.

"Freedom doesn't mean safe, it means free."

Why are people surprised that folks on both sides can't be pigeon-holed according to some partisan agenda or inflammatory talking points?

"No, you'll be *a* judge of that, just like everyone else who reads it."

your words to me are in red.

above is a link to your words to me

NOW prove your claim with proof of me doing as you claim here.

Then I will discuss the FACT you claim I refused
your words to me are in red.

above is a link to your words to me

NOW prove your claim with proof of me doing as you claim here.

Then I will discuss the FACT you claim I refused you have an example of information that does not conform with your beliefs and can you prove that you understand it?

Cuz sure as Hell you do not understand the quote feature.

(Btw, I have zero interest in that article and its subject matter and have never discussed it with you.)
Your either correct or your wrong.

if your wrong your either lying or you made a mistake.

prove it was a mistake and then applogise
You cant.

Now face the fact that you BOUGHT the lies from the right here and JUST assumed I refuse facts.

You were had.

If you cant prove what you said then face the fact that you were had and appologise
Your the one who made the claim.

You have to prove it

I cant prove something I have never seen :-)

I have never seen an example where you view information you dont like or believe in and actually indicate that you rationally ealuated it. And while you may do so going forward in a new thread, I dont have to apologize for something I had never seen before.
Mods, am I going to give this woman a stroke? I dont want to be responsible for that but I find it hard to believe that I'm trying her more than many others here.

But if so, please feel free to delete the thread.