The htread for Lorica to produce a fact that he claims I refuse

Quote Originally Posted by Lorca View Post

No, facts that are not absorbed have no impact, no power.

And your delivery has the OPPOSITE affect. You have no credibilty also have no ability to absorb information that does not conform to your beliefs.

You may be the first liberal that I've seen online that behaves just like the fundie hyper-conservative religious nutters.

this is what you said to me

Yup. And it is still my opinion based completely on what I have read here on this forum.

It gives me no pleasure to say so, and I was trying to be constructive (mostly) when I wrote it.
evince...seriously? I know I've been here all of a few days now, and I don't really know anyone here terribly well, but you kind of seemed at least vaguely rational and willing to debate -- unlike basically everyone here who identifies with the right wing -- but this is literal insanity.

Someone said something not nice about you on the Internet. It's not worth getting personally invested in, especially not in a place like this one. It seems to me that you're extra upset because you have some respect for Lorca, so it caught you off-guard, but still -- this level of personal investiture on any kind of Internet interaction isn't healthy. Go blow off some steam doing something else for a while. If you come back tomorrow and it still seems like it's worth spamming 2-sentence posts at the rate of several per minute, go for it. But do take the time to sleep on it, for your own health.
You mistake personal investment with a love of facts.

If this poster has been convinced that I have denied facts then that person has been lied to.

I was proving to all readers that it was untrue and I do not refuse facts.

Now why would you think it was crazy to insist that people tell the truth?
Well, again, it's the Internet. Insisting on other people doing anything at all is only going to cause them to smirk at their monitors while you blow a fuse. None of these people give a rat's ass about you. To them, you're their entertainment during commercials while they sit and watch the Real Housewives of Niggerhead Ranch and suck down their lukewarm Cheny-Os. (Or, you know, The Daily Show and single-tall-fat-flat Caramel Macchiatos, if you lean the other way.)

So someone called you out for something that's not true. Why is it any different in this case than it was the last time that Truth Detector the Giant Member called you a stupid stupid stupid stupid dimwit stupid dimwitted stupid stupid stupid? Or Bowel Movement called you (and I have to admit, this still baffles me) a racist slumlord?

It's just not worth it. This place isn't worth it. Have fun, like they're clearly doing, and maybe educate some of the hundreds of lurkers along the way -- but don't invest your ego in a place like this.
Well, again, it's the Internet. Insisting on other people doing anything at all is only going to cause them to smirk at their monitors while you blow a fuse. None of these people give a rat's ass about you. To them, you're their entertainment during commercials while they sit and watch the Real Housewives of Niggerhead Ranch and suck down their lukewarm Cheny-Os. (Or, you know, The Daily Show and single-tall-fat-flat Caramel Macchiatos, if you lean the other way.)

So someone called you out for something that's not true. Why is it any different in this case than it was the last time that Truth Detector the Giant Member called you a stupid stupid stupid stupid dimwit stupid dimwitted stupid stupid stupid? Or Bowel Movement called you (and I have to admit, this still baffles me) a racist slumlord?

It's just not worth it. This place isn't worth it. Have fun, like they're clearly doing, and maybe educate some of the hundreds of lurkers along the way -- but don't invest your ego in a place like this.

You offer some good advice but it's going to fall on deaf ears. Let's just say Desh is unique and you can interpret that anyway you would like. It also has nothing to do with partisanship. Yes I am on the right but that doesn't mean I can't speak to those on the left and share ideas and respect their opinions even if I may disagree. It also doesn't mean I agree with everything people on the right say or do because I definitely don't.

Desh's "uniqueness" transcends partisanship.

What you bring up is the same rule I hear on football boards and that is Rule #1: Take nothing personal. Of course at times that can be easier said than done but it's what needs to be followed.
Are you insane Evince?

I have no idea what you are talking about. I never even participated in whatever subject you are spewing about.

Please post the quote of mine that you are using to base this little insane rant off of. Because I have no idea what you are talking about and never even discussed that subject.

And stop pm'ing me. Your need for attention is pathetic.

You are truly deranged. Again: post a quote where I even discussed this subject with you, much less questioned the so-called facts.

Trust me, stay off pm's with her. She'll flood, then lie about the conversations, only speak with her on board.