The Importance of Social Conservatism as it Relates to the GOP

that is precisely what they want

the GOP elites basically want to treat us like the democrat party treats blacks. Show up to vote every four years, then go back and let them run the show.
that is precisely what they want

the GOP elites basically want to treat us like the democrat party treats blacks. Show up to vote every four years, then go back and let them run the show.
So what has to happen is to throw the current leadership out. Period! End of story! Now, before we hear all the meme about "demographics" let us clue you clueless Liberal waifs in on something. Historically, Republicans didn't play to identity politics like the Democrat party did. Reagan knew that, knew that very well.
Repubs and conservatives haven't won on a social issue in 50 yrs, this country is a liberal country. Until you understand that you will continue to lose election after election and get pushed even farther into obscurity than you already are.
Repubs and conservatives haven't won on a social issue in 50 yrs, this country is a liberal country. Until you understand that you will continue to lose election after election and get pushed even farther into obscurity than you already are.
So the "final solution" in your twisted world is to eliminate Social Conservatism and allow one party leftist rule? Move to Cuba, your diseased ideology is welcome there. this country is far more Conservative than you think asshole.
So the "final solution" in your twisted world is to eliminate Social Conservatism and allow one party leftist rule? Move to Cuba, your diseased ideology is welcome there. this country is far more Conservative than you think asshole.
It is? When. Was the last battle you won? Can you show me some polling data, hell any data that supports your assinine assertion?
that is precisely what they want

the GOP elites basically want to treat us like the democrat party treats blacks. Show up to vote every four years, then go back and let them run the show.

You mean place one of you in the top spot and have you help design the entire party platform?

dude you must be exstatic
What should be alarming to Republicans is that only 17% of millenials identify as religious conservatives. That is a drop from 47% among the silent generation. It is also less than every other group as, religious progressives take 23%, non religious 22% and religious moderates 38%.

Republicans that don't recognize that the social conservatives are deadweight are delusional. Even the Christian Post acknowledges their harm on immigration.

Now show us where support of free markets is dropping as fast? 54% in the survey said capitalism is working well and that is in the middle of one of our worst slumps ever. Further, religious conservatives are very often NOT economic conservatives. There is no correlation of the two positions except in the minds of knee jerk morons. Supporters of free markets are stupid to hitch their wagons to the falling ideas of religious wackos and or the homophobic, racists and misogynists of social conservatives.
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This confirms what I have stated all along. Alienate Social Conservatives like me and you lose almost half the base.

So what in hell is “social conservatism?” Where’s the Republican’s list of so-called “social conservative issues?” From where I stand and what I notice to be Republican’s so-called “social conservative issues,” it’s mostly abortion, the absurd and unconstitutional Drug War, unconstitutional anti-gay marriage contracts and infiltrating government with Christianity.

I won’t speak for the rest of the country but those are some of the very things that cause me to reject the fucking BIG government Republican Party. Of course the Republican’s BIG GOVERNMENT militarist imperialist foreign policy is the other half of why I reject the Republican “NEO”- Conservative agenda.

If you’d ask me, I’d suggest it’s high time y’all BIG GOVERNMENT Republicans got rid of the fucking neocons in your pathetic party like McCain, Graham and Christy and adopted more and more constitutionalist “limited government” libertarian types the likes of Rand Paul.
On the one hand the conservatives crow about wanting smaller gov't, less gov't, and less intrusive gov't. And then the same conservatives want the gov't to get involved in social issues where it has absolutely no business.

The social issues are where conservatives get slammed every time. This country is tired of having some uptight old white guys try to tell us how we should live, how we should act, and who we should share our beds with. It is bullshit.

If you want to put conservatives in power, go with the less gov't and actually mean it. Get out of the business of being the neighborhood gossips and go with less taxation, cutting spending, and the other true conservative basics.

And just as an FYI, I am not for either party we have now, and I am not going to Cuba.
On the one hand the conservatives crow about wanting smaller gov't, less gov't, and less intrusive gov't. And then the same conservatives want the gov't to get involved in social issues where it has absolutely no business.

The social issues are where conservatives get slammed every time. This country is tired of having some uptight old white guys try to tell us how we should live, how we should act, and who we should share our beds with. It is bullshit.

If you want to put conservatives in power, go with the less gov't and actually mean it. Get out of the business of being the neighborhood gossips and go with less taxation, cutting spending, and the other true conservative basics.

And just as an FYI, I am not for either party we have now, and I am not going to Cuba.

You aren't much better than Desh with your phony memes.

Nobody cares if you want Triple Fs bukakke all over your face
So the "final solution" in your twisted world is to eliminate Social Conservatism and allow one party leftist rule? Move to Cuba, your diseased ideology is welcome there. this country is far more Conservative than you think asshole.
Well don't need to "eliminate" social conservatism. You only need to teach them how to think for themselves and social conservatism will disappear completely on its own.

This confirms what I have stated all along. Alienate Social Conservatives like me and you lose almost half the base.

One of the problems, though, is that the more vocal and prevalent social conservatives are on the Republican side, the more they invigorate social liberals on the other side.

We saw this in Minnesota last November when an amendment to prevent gay marriage brought more Democrats and socially liberal independents to the polls than Republicans.

The net result of the anti-gay marriage agenda? Both legislative houses and the Governor's office fell into Democratic hands.

So please, by all means, make yourselves the indespensible core of the Republican Party -- it's the best possible thing you can do to mobilize the Democratic base.