The Importance of Social Conservatism as it Relates to the GOP

This confirms what I have stated all along. Alienate Social Conservatives like me and you lose almost half the base.

This is so adorable. It's like watching an infant mind learn to do something very basic. "Polls suggest we are losing because we have insulted nearly every class in America.........I think we should pander them now to win votes because we are losing." ............Not you Boris, the concept......good post. I gained respect for you. Your next step is to accept that Capitalism CAN, and has proven to, get out of control and needs regulation. But baby steps. :good4u:
Well don't need to "eliminate" social conservatism. You only need to teach them how to think for themselves and social conservatism will disappear completely on its own.


People hate politics because they are hard to think about. But not thinking about them and accepting a single source is the worst thing that can happen to America.
I have just never bought into this "less government/less taxes" mantra.

You're telling what you don't believe in.....not what you believe in. No one wants more government....nor do they want to pay more taxes. Who does?

Oh come on Mott. I watch Fox News. I know that the Left wants everyone to be poor so they get more votes . I know that the Left wants more illegals to get more votes. I also know that everyone in America is a good person and should be trusted with a firearm, but not all should be trusted to vote.
On the one hand the conservatives crow about wanting smaller gov't, less gov't, and less intrusive gov't. And then the same conservatives want the gov't to get involved in social issues where it has absolutely no business.

The social issues are where conservatives get slammed every time. This country is tired of having some uptight old white guys try to tell us how we should live, how we should act, and who we should share our beds with. It is bullshit.

If you want to put conservatives in power, go with the less gov't and actually mean it. Get out of the business of being the neighborhood gossips and go with less taxation, cutting spending, and the other true conservative basics.

And just as an FYI, I am not for either party we have now, and I am not going to Cuba.

The so-called “social conservatives” aren’t “conservatives” they’re fucking anti-Constitution BIG fucking government neo-cons.

True conservatives are the true classical liberals that preserve, protect and defend and conserve the very, very “liberal” principles of individual liberty guaranteed in the Bill Of Rights.

Don’t let the bastard neo-con so-called social conservatives off of the hook when they claim loyalty to limited government principles just by exposing their BIG government ideology socially, but let’s also expose the lying bastards about their phony fiscal conservatism also. Their Military Industrial ,Complex. Their support for putting American troops in over 120 countries worldwide. Their promotion of the American Imperial World Police Force. Their billions and billions spent nation building. “Fiscal conservatives in a fucking pig’s ass! They’re BIG fucking government liars just like the fucking Democrats.

This confirms what I have stated all along. Alienate Social Conservatives like me and you lose almost half the base.

well you guys are idiots. you are the ones obliterating the party to begin with. you are kamikazes. A majority of americans support gay marriage now. Good luck with winning an election by trying to ban that. A majority of americans support the legalization of weed - keep putting people in jail with mandatory minimums over it. The vast majority of americans think repubs are fucking stupid talking about creationism, denying global warming, or talking about "legitimate rapes"

Republicans can still win on class issues, on tax stuff, business-y things, job creation. They can try and swoop up some (as of now) untouched issues like the war on drugs. But social conservatism is dead in the water.

And don't pretend you care, we all know you think you'll just get raptured soon anyway.
It is? When. Was the last battle you won? Can you show me some polling data, hell any data that supports your assinine assertion?

bush turned out the evangelicals in 2004.
Repubs took liberals to school in 2010.

Compared to the leftist ideals of the 40's and 60's conservatives were pretty successful in pulling a lot of left wing politicians to the center-left. Like bill clinton. etc.
Social conservatism is entirely incompatible with the idea of liberty and freedom. Those who champion such a cause simply champion fascism by a more acceptable name.
I was actually doing a big article on this for my website earlier. Basically social conservatism is rooted the idea of trading freedom for societal normalcy, under the guise of progress.

Don’t forget how the neo-cons also strongly promote the trading of freedoms for the Military Industrial ,Complex, unconstitutional wars, a lost absurd Drug War, foreign political meddling, the American World Police Force, and the Idiocy of Nation Building.

Trillions of taxpayer’s dollars in stupid commitment and the idiocy of outrageous debt is theft of our citizens freedom to secure their own individual economic condition.
Don’t forget how the neo-cons also strongly promote the trading of freedoms for the Military Industrial ,Complex, unconstitutional wars, a lost absurd Drug War, foreign political meddling, the American World Police Force, and the Idiocy of Nation Building.

Trillions of taxpayer’s dollars in stupid commitment and the idiocy of outrageous debt is theft of our citizens freedom to secure their own individual economic condition.
OK, Isolationist drivel aside, who else is going to keep the animals around the world in line?
bush turned out the evangelicals in 2004.
Repubs took liberals to school in 2010.

Compared to the leftist ideals of the 40's and 60's conservatives were pretty successful in pulling a lot of left wing politicians to the center-left. Like bill clinton. etc.

No, no..........2010? How about the presidential elections in 2008, 2012? And social issues, when was the last time one moved right?
Social conservatism is entirely incompatible with the idea of liberty and freedom. Those who champion such a cause simply champion fascism by a more acceptable name.
What wisdom. This most be Cap't Billy. The only person I know from Detroit.