The Importance of Social Conservatism as it Relates to the GOP

I was actually doing a big article on this for my website earlier. Basically social conservatism is rooted the idea of trading freedom for societal normalcy, under the guise of progress.

All true! All True!!!

I call it, "trading liberty for security".
Don’t forget how the neo-cons also strongly promote the trading of freedoms for the Military Industrial ,Complex, unconstitutional wars, a lost absurd Drug War, foreign political meddling, the American World Police Force, and the Idiocy of Nation Building.

Trillions of taxpayer’s dollars in stupid commitment and the idiocy of outrageous debt is theft of our citizens freedom to secure their own individual economic condition.

That's not really an element of social conservatism, though I go in depth about that as well.
So we are less liberal than European nations but liberal nonetheless.

well liberal and conservative are subjective terms, and only relevant when comparing them to something else. If you have a category of 20 nations, and we are the "least liberal" then what you are really saying is we are a "conservative" nation.

Ask norway or sweden or the UK if they consider our nation "liberal"

Our democrats are often to the right of these countries conservatives.
well liberal and conservative are subjective terms, and only relevant when comparing them to something else. If you have a category of 20 nations, and we are the "least liberal" then what you are really saying is we are a "conservative" nation.

Ask norway or sweden or the UK if they consider our nation "liberal"

Our democrats are often to the right of these countries conservatives.

On a local level your post reminds me of San Francisco. SF is obviously a liberal city and there are no elected Republicans here nor do Republicans run for office. Yet within the city there is talk of city legislators who are conservative or liberal (progressive is actually the word used more often). You often hear reference to the 'conservative west side' of the city. Again, anywhere else in the country these people would be considered liberal. In SF it's different.
OK, Isolationist drivel aside, who else is going to keep the animals around the world in line?

Well Horse’s Ass if you weren’t such a horse’s ass you’d realize that the status-quo duopoly D’s& R’s are actually the fucking ”isolationist.” They’re the assholes that sanction and attempt to isolate other nations. We sane folk endorse “commerce with all, entangling alliances with none.” How about we just let the rest of the world do whatever the fuck they want without mother America meddling in their affaires, handing their foreign dictators billions of $ in American taxpayers money and perpetrating the fucking folly of building their stupid little religious fanatical nations for them?

I’m pretty sure the fucking British Imperialist Idiots will fill the “stupidity void” should we ever get smart and mind our own fucking business, whatdathink?
Well Horse’s Ass if you weren’t such a horse’s ass you’d realize that the status-quo duopoly D’s& R’s are actually the fucking ”isolationist.” They’re the assholes that sanction and attempt to isolate other nations. We sane folk endorse “commerce with all, entangling alliances with none.” How about we just let the rest of the world do whatever the fuck they want without mother America meddling in their affaires, handing their foreign dictators billions of $ in American taxpayers money and perpetrating the fucking folly of building their stupid little religious fanatical nations for them?

I’m pretty sure the fucking British Imperialist Idiots will fill the “stupidity void” should we ever get smart and mind our own fucking business, whatdathink?
I bet you isolationist whackjobs would change your tune whenever one of these maniacs decide to lob a nuke our way and level NYC, for example.
Repubs and conservatives haven't won on a social issue in 50 yrs, this country is a liberal country. Until you understand that you will continue to lose election after election and get pushed even farther into obscurity than you already are.

This country is NOT a liberal nation by any stretch. I seriously doubt you could find any credible statistics to support that.
Social conservative?

Just that, no matter your other opinions, you maintain the idea that traditional social ideals are best.
Social conservatism is a political ideology that focuses on the preservation of what are seen as traditional values. The accepted goals and ideologies related to preserving traditions and morality often varies from group to group within social conservatism. Thus, there are really no policies or positions that could be considered universal among social conservatives. There are however a number of general principles to which at least a majority of social conservatives adhere, such as support for morality and traditional family values.

It isn't a party or complete set of ideals, just a point of opinion.
I bet you isolationist whackjobs would change your tune whenever one of these maniacs decide to lob a nuke our way and level NYC, for example.

Just to prove y’all fucking dickhead neo-cons haven’t a clue about the definition of “isolationism.” According to the Encarta English Dictionary isolationism is,

“a government policy based on the belief that national interests are best served by avoiding economic and political alliances with other countries.”

Libertarian minded Republicans promote commerce and diplomatic relationships with all, while y’all fucking neo-cons are joined at the hip with BIG government Democrats sanctioning every nation who’s politics y’all disagree with. If you want to see an isolationist, just look in the fucking mirror numb-nuts.

Can you name a country you believe is about to ” lob a nuke our way and level NYC? “ The problem with y’all fucking BIG government neo-cons is you have to keep inventing boogiemen so you can keep promoting your BIG fucking government Military Industrial Complex, World Police Force and fucking idiotic Nation Building operations. Y’all bemoan BIG government out of one side of your fucking hypocrite mouths then institute BIG government out of the other side of your hypocrite mouths. Your so called “social conservatism” is all about instituting BIG government that institutes government control over women’s bodies, mandates who can have marriage contracts with who and creating and promoting prohibitions as to what “supposed” free citizens can and cannot put into their OWN bodies.

Why should anybody truly opposed to BIG intrusive government vote for BIG government neo-con Republicans? One fucking BIG government party is enough and the fucking BIG government Democrats were there first!
Unless you are referring to gross generalities, what specifically could/would Democrats pass that would infringe on your right to handle your personal social and religious beliefs as you see fit? It's when Republicans try to FORCE their socially conservative *beliefs* on others that I see a problem.
Unless you are referring to gross generalities, what specifically could/would Democrats pass that would infringe on your right to handle your personal social and religious beliefs as you see fit? It's when Republicans try to FORCE their socially conservative *beliefs* on others that I see a problem.
How about prohibiting preachers from telling the truth about abortion and homosexual perversion from the pulpit, for example. Like they do in Canuckistan??
How about prohibiting preachers from telling the truth about abortion and homosexual perversion from the pulpit, for example. Like they do in Canuckistan??

What churches are prevented from preaching on any subject? I've never heard of that. Why are you comparing us to Canada?
Unless you are referring to gross generalities, what specifically could/would Democrats pass that would infringe on your right to handle your personal social and religious beliefs as you see fit? It's when Republicans try to FORCE their socially conservative *beliefs* on others that I see a problem.

What socially conservative beliefs are being forced on others by Conservatives? Roe versus Wade? No; that would be Supreme Court activism. Obamacare? No; that too would be Supreme Court activism. How about gay marriage? Nope; again more Supreme Court activism.

What exactly is being forced on people other than abortion on demand and gay marriage supported by an activist Government against the will of the people?
What socially conservative beliefs are being forced on others by Conservatives? Roe versus Wade? No; that would be Supreme Court activism. Obamacare? No; that too would be Supreme Court activism. How about gay marriage? Nope; again more Supreme Court activism.

What exactly is being forced on people other than abortion on demand and gay marriage supported by an activist Government against the will of the people?

??? What? You are completely free to NOT marry someone gay. Free not to have an abortion. You are free to live your life as you see fit. (They are personal choices. No one's forcing *their* choices on you.)

And Obamacare has nothing to do with social or religious cultural beliefs. It's the same as other taxes or having to pay for public schools if you dont have kids, for ex.

??? What? You are completely free to NOT marry someone gay.

I don’t have to marry someone gay, but I am forced to change an age old definition of what constitutes marriage. Which I also believe is one of the wedge issues destroying this nation’s children and our moral compass which will lead to the decay and rot of a decadent immoral society.

And for what; so that a tiny minority of odd people can feel normal? Why and how is being gay a normal act?

Free not to have an abortion.

Yes, I don’t have to have an abortion; but I am forced to pay for certain abortions and accept them as legal by an activist Federal Government outside of its Constitutional authority. Abortion is not a Federal issue; it is a States rights issue and States have the right to accept it or reject it without interference from the Feds.

This one issue that was forced unconstitutionally on our citizens by an activist Judiciary is the single most divisive issue in the nation; our forefathers knew of the consequences of such activism and sought to ensure that it would not occur.

You are free to live your life as you see fit. (They are personal choices. No one's forcing *their* choices on you.)

Yes, but you deflect and avoid my question and your strawman claim that Republicans are FORCING their beliefs on others; where do they do this?

And Obamacare has nothing to do with social or religious cultural beliefs. It's the same as other taxes or having to pay for public schools if you dont have kids, for ex.

Wrong again; Obamacare forces Americans to buy something they would choose NOT to buy otherwise; thus the unconstitutionality of it. It is not a tax and before it was declared a tax, the idiots who semi-wrote this train wreck legislation claimed it was NOT an additional tax.

I know, you are confused and are merely attempting to play devil’s advocate and have it both ways; but your arguments are weak and ineffectual.