In 1919 the federal government decided to institute the prohibition of alcohol. At least in those days a little more respect for the Constitution was still in order and alcohol prohibition was legally instituted by the 18’th amendment to our Constitution. The end result of course of that prohibition of rights of the people being added to a Constitution that for the most part protected and guaranteed rights for the people turned out predictably adding violence in our streets, establishing a very high profit and tax free products market for criminals, corrupted law enforcement and politicians, clogged up our judicial and penal system, started a new back room speak-easy industry throughout America, moonshine in the country backwaters and was never proven to cure a single alcoholic or prevent any new ones, but lots of folks died and went to jail, went blind from “bathtub” gin and we had lots criminal/cop shootouts in the streets.
The only thing learned from that folly was that politicians need not bother with constitutional amendments to bully and attempt to socially engineer the minions, all they needed to do was create the DEA and repeat the very same folly all over again with Richard (Tricky Dick) Nixon’s unconstitutional Drug War.
Now that’s beyond bizarre!!!!