The Insanity of deregulation.

I am rather fond of someone knowing what they are doing before they stick a drill in my mouth. Call me old fashioned like that.

It's not to say we should have zero licensing. I'd like to know my denist is certified as well. But since you brought up denists, in North Carolina denists tried to prevent people from doing teeth whitening who weren't licensed. Essentially they wanted all revenue to come to them. It went to the Supreme Court and the dentists lost.
It's not to say we should have zero licensing. I'd like to know my denist is certified as well. But since you brought up denists, in North Carolina denists tried to prevent people from doing teeth whitening who weren't licensed. Essentially they wanted all revenue to come to them. It went to the Supreme Court and the dentists lost.

They lost because the legislature never gave the dental board the power to regulate teeth whitening though. They exceeded their authority to act. It wasn't as if the state legislature couldn't add teeth whitening to their laws still if they so desired.

Regardless, I think a lot of regulation could be cut back, but more importantly the biggest problem is the actual decision process being so damned long for a lot of stuff. Things need to be streamlined even if they need to be delegated and even if sometimes the lower rungs get it wrong. It shouldn't take builders the better part of a decade to get approval from the EPA for a subdivision plan for instance.
Sure because my work is just chomping at the bit to rip out those pesky handrails for disabled people for spite!!!!

Even if the feds remove regulations, the states can put a lot of them into effect at the state level. Most businesses are going to be running face first into regulations at the state and local levels anyway. It isn't like there are a ton of federal regulation enforcers sneaking about. They have instead a ton of paper pushers.
Ya we can do the state rights thing and hate party states wont have any regulation and the poor, like now, are trapped there and they are less educated less protected by their government
The hate party says we don't need regulations we can trust big b, they will always look out for you. They just assume people as stupid,
Without regulations big b would eat our children alive for the bottom line,
Sure because my work is just chomping at the bit to rip out those pesky handrails for disabled people for spite!!!!

Even if the feds remove regulations, the states can put a lot of them into effect at the state level. Most businesses are going to be running face first into regulations at the state and local levels anyway. It isn't like there are a ton of federal regulation enforcers sneaking about. They have instead a ton of paper pushers.
Shit I have zero sympathy for you and your company. I don't trust you with the health of my family for a minute.
Capitalism unfettered will eat its self too

well fettered capitalism paired with Democracy is the answer

Actually unfettered capitalism will morph into oligopoly, like it almost has now. Then it will end up in monopoly. Corporations mission is to max profits. That is best achieved by eliminating competition. Competition is good for customers. It results in lower prices, more product improvement and better service. Regulating is good for the citizen, bad for a company. They don't like being forced to do the right thing.
Actually unfettered capitalism will morph into oligopoly, like it almost has now. Then it will end up in monopoly. Corporations mission is to max profits. That is best achieved by eliminating competition. Competition is good for customers. It results in lower prices, more product improvement and better service. Regulating is good for the citizen, bad for a company. They don't like being forced to do the right thing.

Not true. Many companies/industries like regulation because it can restrict competition.
I'm not going to trust any business person or any person or any business with the health of my family and if you would your nuts, I want them hammered if they do something to harm my family and there is no way in hell I want to have to guess at the qualifications of 2/3 of the services that I use. I want regulations and I want licences to protect my family from a corporation who's only duty and responcibilaty is to make profit at any cost for their stockholders or their money hungry owner.
Regulation is for the benefit of the people. They have no power in the face of corporations. It is corporations who want to end regulations. They want no restraint on poisoning the environment. The do not want their products to have to meet standards of safety. Now they will get their way.

Actually you are extremely misinformed

What power does a corporation have over you in a free market? None. Can Bill Gates make me buy his products? Not a chance.

You he dirty secret is corporations love regulations because they create barriers to entry. True story bro
Thank god for regulations, without them business would eat our children alive. I have zero sympathy for anyone's paid taxes , they life in the strongest most wealthy and powerful country in the world and that takes moola. I don't want to play a guessing game on whether someone qualifies to put the electricity into a new house that I built. That's gambling with my families lives. I demand that they have a licence to prove they can do the job the right way.
When the facts are put in front of people like I just put in front of you then People don't want to live in your nonsense world.

then the ONLY thing you've accomplished is to ensure that the lower income people of this country REMAIN lower income people. congrats to you.
The whole post was sarcasm. It's essentially what the guy is arguing with his no deregulation stance
Sorry buddy your lie just won't fit, there's tons of regulations to get rid of , it's just that you and your hate party shouldn't ever be the ones to pick which one come or goes because the hate party of 2018 has no conscience, cares nothing about the people and or controlled by big b and without big b's ideas the
hate party members would have none. They are one string puppets
Sorry buddy your lie just won't fit, there's tons of regulations to get rid of , it's just that you and your hate party shouldn't ever be the ones to pick which one come or goes because the hate party of 2018 has no conscience, cares nothing about the people and or controlled by big b and without big b's ideas the
hate party members would have none. They are one string puppets

You just completely contradicted your OP and the whole premise of the thread
I support regulations 100% but also know that there are many that the hate party keeps on pointing out that are nonsense, just like laws that are ridiculous that haven't been dumped. They point them out until the time they get to change a regulation, then they protect the stupid ones with their lives and only deregulate ones that have the most to do with the corporate bottom line, The need the stupid ones and they love the stupid ones.. They don't give a dam about who dies , their concern is only dollars and cents.