The insanity of the drug war and the tough on crime goons

Feminism was invented to turn men and women against each other and destabilize families, thus, ruining the society.

Well, obviously, that goes without saying. How are women ever going to manage a house and look after their husbands when they're exhausting themselves with a bout of arduous thinking?
Well, obviously, that goes without saying. How are women ever going to manage a house and look after their husbands when they're exhausting themselves with a bout of arduous thinking?
It's not about thinking. I'm pro thought. I'm anti hate. Im talking about the "all sex is rape" crowd, or the deluded "there would be no war if women ran things" crowd. Women, for the most, cry and get bitchy when confronted with problems.
Women, for the most, cry and get bitchy when confronted with problems.

Do you actually believe that?

Looking at the persona you adopt on this board i could imagine women having that response to even a brief conversation with you. However, usually people are much more affable in the real world and i'd again assume that would apply to you.

If you really have the view that women are such emotionally fragile creatures, my only advice would be to go and meet some more of them.
Do you actually believe that?

Looking at the persona you adopt on this board i could imagine women having that response to even a brief conversation with you. However, usually people are much more affable in the real world and i'd again assume that would apply to you.

If you really have the view that women are such emotionally fragile creatures, my only advice would be to go and meet some more of them.

Not fragile. Emotional, tempermental, and generally selfish and shortsighted.

Stick your advice far up it. Please. It may feel nice.
Oh Geez, looks like AHZ was spurned again. This happens about once a month, about as often as he asks a woman for a date. She answers no, or sometimes, just laughs, and we are lucky enough to get to experience the backlash.
It's not about thinking. I'm pro thought. I'm anti hate. Im talking about the "all sex is rape" crowd, or the deluded "there would be no war if women ran things" crowd. Women, for the most, cry and get bitchy when confronted with problems.

First thing that came to my mind was "stupid" .. but that doesn't quite capture the essence .. make that stench .. of how mindless your post really is.

I thought, I wonder if this neanderthal realizes just how many women are, and have been, in positions of power he will never achieve, or could possibly operate in. I wonder if he realizes how many women are way beyond his intellectual capacity. But I realized that kind of rational thinking in itself is far beyond his own intellectual capacity. He's operating on the decidely "me man" moron level. Does he have any proof that women break down and cry when confronted with problems? After all, there are COUNTLESS women doctors, lawyers, Senators, military commanders, police officers, and a litany of professionals that would certainly provide lots of evidence to back up his claim.

But evidence is not something those operating on the moron level require.

"Pro-thought?" .. oh hell no.

Pro-moron .. that captures his post much better than a simple "stupid."

"Cheese" .. a "hip hop" term?

"Cheese" as a term for money has been around since the sixties, long before hip hop's existence. Perhaps that's what he paid the "ho's" .. be they male or female, in his own life.

Certainly someone who exhibits such disdain for women must have a fascination/love for men.

AssHatZombie .. how appropriate.
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First thing that came to my mind was "stupid" .. but that doesn't quite capture the essence .. make that stench .. of how mindless your post really is.

I thought, I wonder if this neanderthal realizes just how many women are, and have been, in positions of power he will never achieve, or could possibly operate in. I wonder if he realizes how many women are way beyond his intellectual capacity. But I realized that kind of rational thinking in itself is far beyond his own intellectual capacity. He's operating on the decidely "me man" moron level. Does he have any proof that women break down and cry when confronted with problems? After all, there are COUNTLESS women doctors, lawyers, Senators, military commanders, police officers, and a litany of professionals that would certainly provide lots of evidence to back up his claim.

But evidence is not something those operating on the moron level require.

"Pro-thought?" .. oh hell no.

Pro-moron .. that captures his post much better than a simple "stupid."

"Cheese" .. a "hip hop" term?

"Cheese" as a term for money has been around since the sixties, long before hip hop's existence. Perhaps that's what he paid the "ho's" .. be they male or female, in his own life.

Certainly someone who exhibits such disdain for women must have a fascination/love for men.

AssHatZombie .. how appropriate.

He's quite out of his mind. Great post!
First thing that came to my mind was "stupid" .. but that doesn't quite capture the essence .. make that stench .. of how mindless your post really is.

I thought, I wonder if this neanderthal realizes just how many women are, and have been, in positions of power he will never achieve, or could possibly operate in. I wonder if he realizes how many women are way beyond his intellectual capacity. But I realized that kind of rational thinking in itself is far beyond his own intellectual capacity. He's operating on the decidely "me man" moron level. Does he have any proof that women break down and cry when confronted with problems? After all, there are COUNTLESS women doctors, lawyers, Senators, military commanders, police officers, and a litany of professionals that would certainly provide lots of evidence to back up his claim.

But evidence is not something those operating on the moron level require.

"Pro-thought?" .. oh hell no.

Pro-moron .. that captures his post much better than a simple "stupid."

"Cheese" .. a "hip hop" term?

"Cheese" as a term for money has been around since the sixties, long before hip hop's existence. Perhaps that's what he paid the "ho's" .. be they male or female, in his own life.

Certainly someone who exhibits such disdain for women must have a fascination/love for men.

AssHatZombie .. how appropriate.

Well said, sir.

It's what i would have said were i not so childish.
Well said, sir.

It's what i would have said were i not so childish.

I don't find your post childish at all.

When confronted with an unwanted sexual advance one must be clear that they are not interested.

Had he tried to proposition me, I would have responded just as you did.

I just had the luxury of posting without him trying to impose his .. ahh .. maleness on me. :)
I don't find your post childish at all.

When confronted with an unwanted sexual advance one must be clear that they are not interested.

Had he tried to proposition me, I would have responded just as you did.

I just had the luxury of posting without him trying to impose his .. ahh .. maleness on me. :)

I'll assume this is further flirtation, to whit i must, with regret, let you down gently.

You'll meet the right chap one day or perhaps, who knows, a lady. Chin up old chap.

Again, you must be high on crack, or your reading comprehension is poor. Mine was a solo suggestion, for you, alone. Im not part of it. Quit fantasizing.